Histoire numérique et l’historiographie

Visualization for newspapers corpus exploration across time and space

29 Octobre 2019

Visualization for newspapers corpus exploration across time and space
'Impresso Talk' with Jana Keck (Institute of Literary Studies, University of Stuttgart) and Moritz Knabben (Institut für Visualisierung und interaktive Systeme, University of Stuttgart).

Jana Keck, from the Institute of Literary Studies, and Moritz Knabben, from the Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme (VIS) both participate in the Oceanic Exchange project, for which they develop visualisations that help explore transcontinental digitised newspapers collections.

During their presentation, they will share with us a few prototypes of their visualisations, their strategies to navigate between close and distant reading, the exploration of multilingual collections, over time, space, topics.


Tuesday, 29 October 2019

12.00 - 13.00

DHLab, 1st Floor

Maison des Sciences humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette