During their presentation, Enrico Bergamini and Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol will focus on the content of the newspapers, namely the presence of reports on Europe in the main newspapers of several European countries.
They have published already first results of their quantification of European news in three studies:
Le Monde: https://bruegel.org/2019/03/talking-about-europe-le-monde-1944-2018/
La Stampa : https://bruegel.org/2019/03/talking-about-europe-le-monde-1944-2018/
Die Zeit and Der Spiegel: https://bruegel.org/2019/07/talking-about-europe-die-zeit-and-der-spiegel-1940s-2010s/
Tuesday, 10 december 2019
12.00 - 13.00
DHLab, 1st Floor
Maison des Sciences humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette