The history of psychiatry is a history of the difference between normality and madness. However, this difference is becoming increasingly fragile. On the one hand, with the unlocking of psychiatric institutions and the social integration of inmates, madness is becoming everyday normality; on the other hand, behavioural and reaction patterns such as rush, stress or attention deficit are pathologised. Thus, established historiographies, based on the traditional dichotomy, loose purchase on this phenomenon. This is the ground assumption of our project: it takes the erosion of the difference between normal and pathological as the central development in dealing with psychic alterity. This phenomenon lacks adequate historical consideration. Our aim is to historicize the interdependent relationship between the history of psychiatry and historiography, and thus to turn it into an instrument of analysis of the perceived erosion.
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
14.00 - 15.00
Hybrid event: C²DH Open Space and online
If you want to participate online, please send an e-mail to vanessa.napolitano@uni.lu to receive the link or participate in person by simply coming to the C²DH.