Les 40 + 1 ans de la Kufa: Quelques réflexions d'historien et de témoin

Les 40 + 1 ans de la Kufa: Quelques réflexions d'historien et de témoin

2 Novembre 2024

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Vorsicht, Fake News!

Vorsicht, Fake News!

2 Novembre 2024

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Building a Digital Platform for Traceable Historical Research

Building a Digital Platform for Traceable Historical Research

The proliferation of digital tools, methods, and sources available to historians over the last few decades has jeopardized our shared understanding of the provenance and traceability of historical research. The rise of generative AI poses still further risks, not just in the fear of faked sources, but also in the naïve misuse of LLM-based co-pilots in the hands of researchers seeking assistance with datafication and analysis.

1 Novembre 2024

Sean Takats
The female face of Europe – hidden histories, transnational dynamics, new approaches - Research project

The female face of Europe – hidden histories, transnational dynamics, new approaches - Research project

In the field of European integration history and Europeanisation, the master narrative was built for a long time on the “founding fathers” syntagma, overlooking the role of women.

29 Octobre 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
"Project Eastern Waltz." ARBED's takeover of the former VEB Maxhütte Unterwellenborn 1992-2001

"Project Eastern Waltz." ARBED's takeover of the former VEB Maxhütte Unterwellenborn 1992-2001

25 Octobre 2024

Nicolas Arendt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Facing the History Machine: Towards Histories of Digital History

Facing the History Machine: Towards Histories of Digital History

This programma?c paper departs from the premise that new technologies, whether analog, digital, or both, have long been applied to the various steps that make up the historical research process. It argues that the ques?on of how to frame a history of digital history can thus not be reduced to the ques?on of when digital electronic compu?ng entered historical research, an oGen implicitly assumed star?ng point.

24 Octobre 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
’Vous aussi, offrez-vous le plaisir de rouler en musique’. Populariser l’Autoradio en France (1958-1974)

’Vous aussi, offrez-vous le plaisir de rouler en musique’. Populariser l’Autoradio en France (1958-1974)

Avoir « le plaisir de rouler en musique » en utilisant un autoradio est encore peu courant en France lorsque Philips lance ce slogan publicitaire en 1958. La plupart des Français n’ont même pas encore « le plaisir de rouler », car seul un faible pourcentage de ménages possède une voiture. Mais au cours des deux décennies suivantes, cette situation change de manière significative tandis que le taux de possession d’autoradios augmente également. Cette présentation vise à examiner l’introduction de l’autoradio dans la société française

24 Octobre 2024

Matthias Höfer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Comment écrire / faire l‘histoire de la radio comme objet sonore ?

Comment écrire / faire l‘histoire de la radio comme objet sonore ?

24 Octobre 2024

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Teaching Historians “the ways of the machine”: Proto-debates, Actors, and Practices on Code Literacy in the Humanities, 1966 -1987

Teaching Historians “the ways of the machine”: Proto-debates, Actors, and Practices on Code Literacy in the Humanities, 1966 -1987

24 Octobre 2024

Sofia Papastamkou
Ostarbeiters, Diplaced Persons and Repatriants. Transnational view on the Soviet forced laborers in Luxembourg during WWII

Ostarbeiters, Diplaced Persons and Repatriants. Transnational view on the Soviet forced laborers in Luxembourg during WWII

Dr. Inna Ganschow’s presentation is a nuanced reconstruction of the historical events concerning Soviet forced laborers in Luxembourg during World War II.

23 Octobre 2024

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Luxembourg Economy : What Structural Changes at a Time of Polycrisis?

Luxembourg Economy : What Structural Changes at a Time of Polycrisis?

This chapter analyses the historical development of Luxembourg's economy from a comparative perspective (with other EU Member States) and from a geopolitical outlook (with regard to the world's smaller States), and then highlights its strengths and weaknesses in the dual context of globalisation and polycrisis. The conclusions take a forward-looking approach at the main challenges facing Luxembourg's economy.

17 Octobre 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Luxembourg 1867: Gaming Communities, Co-Production, and Engagement with the Imagined Past

Luxembourg 1867: Gaming Communities, Co-Production, and Engagement with the Imagined Past

17 Octobre 2024

Sandra Camarda
  • Public history
Rezension zu: Mathias Häußler / Mechthild Roos (Hgg.): Europäische Einigung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

Rezension zu: Mathias Häußler / Mechthild Roos (Hgg.): Europäische Einigung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

15 Octobre 2024

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Digitally Reconstructing Mental Maps from L'viv during the Transformation, 1989–1995

Digitally Reconstructing Mental Maps from L'viv during the Transformation, 1989–1995

With Ukraine’s independence in 1991, mental maps about Ukraine have re-emerged with the processes of post-communist nation-building and state-building. In the post-Cold War period, these mental maps have been shaped by a variety of foreign and national actors, propagating simplistic narratives that imply spatial fragmentations of Ukraine based on history, political orientation, ethnicity, language, and socio-economic differences – unfolding in spatial terms such as Malorossiya, Novorossiya, Galicia, Transcarpathia, Bukovina, and the East-West divide.

14 Octobre 2024

Johanna Jaschik
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Framing Histories of Digital History

Framing Histories of Digital History

This talk was part of a special panel entitled "Histories of Digital History: An Integral Part of the History of the Humanities?". See the abstract below: This panel seeks to engage the manifold histories of digital history set within the broader context of how new technologies have shaped historical research practices and knowledge production since at least the late 19th century. It aims to frame this investigation as an integral part of the history of the humanities and historiography, as well as the history of knowledge more generally.

11 Octobre 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
The Luxembourg financial ecosystem and the European monetary innovation. Case study on KBL, LuxSE and EIB (1957-1990) (improved version of the paper)

The Luxembourg financial ecosystem and the European monetary innovation. Case study on KBL, LuxSE and EIB (1957-1990) (improved version of the paper)

The Luxembourg international financial centre developed considerably during the 1960s, propelled by several factors including concerted government policy, flexible regulation and a willingness to harness opportunities at international level. The decision to establish various Community institutions (the ECSC High Authority) and European funding institutions (EIB) in the country also had a decisive impact. The currency union with Belgium and the absence of a Luxembourg Central Bank made these developments all the more significant.

10 Octobre 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Analyse critique: les images à la loupe

Analyse critique: les images à la loupe

7 Octobre 2024

Victoria Mouton, Cécile Duval, Marco Gabellini
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Remigration to Luxembourg. Examining a New Research Question by Means of Digital Hermeneutics

Remigration to Luxembourg. Examining a New Research Question by Means of Digital Hermeneutics

7 Octobre 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Raus mit den ausländischen Predigern? Die Beziehungen zwischen der neuapostolischen Kirche und dem Luxemburger Staat (1935-1947)

Raus mit den ausländischen Predigern? Die Beziehungen zwischen der neuapostolischen Kirche und dem Luxemburger Staat (1935-1947)

6 Octobre 2024

Philippe Blasen
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Historicising the Ostbelgien media dispositive

Historicising the Ostbelgien media dispositive

4 Octobre 2024

Christoph Brüll, Andreas Fickers
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
