Nuit de la Culture - Brutalité

5 April 2022

HistorEsch at Nuit de la Culture - Brutalité

C²DH public historians will be hosting another public engagement event at the upcoming Nuit de la Culture in Belval.
ArtistEsch inauguration fresque

31 März 2022

ArtistESCH: Deng Geschicht Op Denger Mauer | Ton Histoire Sur Ton Mur

Joint initiative with Portuguese artist Mariana Duarte Santos to create a new artwork in the district Lallange of the city Esch-sur-Alzette. | Zesummenaarbecht mat der portugisescher Kënschtlerin Mariana Duarte Santos fir ee neit Konschtwierk am Lallenger Quartier zu Esch ze kreéieren.
75 ans CFL

18 März 2022

verfasst von :
Isabelle Voegeli

Le C²DH publie un livre pour le 75e anniversaire des CFL

Présentation du livre "Les CFL en mouvement depuis 75 ans. Histoire des chemins de fer luxembourgeois" le 17 mars 2022.
Open Day 2022 University of Luxembourg

14 März 2022

Open Day 2022

The Open Day will give you the chance to explore courses, campus facilities, student accommodation offer, and student support services at the University of Luxembourg.
A colonia luxemburguesa Grand-Duc et Dominique Santana

11 März 2022

verfasst von :
Dominique Santana

Lancement de "A Colônia Luxemburguesa"

La première luxembourgeoise du documentaire interactif «A Colônia Luxemburguesa» de Dominique Santana et l'inauguration du "[L]aço à Belval ont eu lieu le 4 mars en présence de S.A.R. le Grand-Duc.
Laço Belval

8 März 2022

[L]AÇO: des liens de fer entre le Brésil et le Luxembourg

Des kiosques participatifs connectés à Belval et à Minas Gerais (Brésil).
REPAIR fanzine No 1

1 März 2022

verfasst von :
Thomas Hoppenheit, Rebecca Mossop

First issue of the REPAIR fanzine out now

The first issue of the REPAIR fanzine which explores the topic of repair practices and opportunities in Esch-sur-Alzette, is now available.
A Colônia Luxemburguesa film première

22 Februar 2022

Première officielle luxembourgeoise du documentaire transmédia «A Colônia Luxemburguesa»

Ce documentaire transmédia vous emmène dans un voyage inédit à travers un siècle d’histoires de migrations entre le Luxembourg et le Brésil, dans le contexte de l’industrie sidérurgique.
Minett stories rallye

22 Februar 2022

verfasst von :
Sandra Camarda

The Minett Stories Rallye

A new treasure hunt takes you on a journey through the former ironworks of Belval. Discover secret locations, solve riddles and maybe win a prize.
Out now: New issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research (Vol 6 No 1)

18 Februar 2022

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

Out now: New issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research (Vol 6 No 1)

JHNR publishes outstanding and original contributions which apply the theories and methodologies of social network analysis to historical research, helps advance the epistemological and theoretical understanding of social network analysis in the historical, social and political sciences, and promotes empirical research on historical social interactions.
REMIX exhibition Massenoire

11 Februar 2022

Remixing Industrial Pasts: Constructing the Identity of the Minett

The multimedia exhibition “Remixing Industrial Pasts: Constructing the Identity of the Minett” is part of the European Capital of Culture Esch2022 programme.
Popkult 60 online exhibition

16 Dezember 2021

verfasst von :
Richard Legay

Popkult60 online exhibition

Transnational popular culture – Europe in the long 1960s.
Histoire de la justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours)

6 Dezember 2021

verfasst von :
Denis Scuto, Vera Fritz, Elisabeth Wingerter

Nouvelle publication: Histoire de la justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours)

Parue dans la série « Studien zur transnationalen Zeitgeschichte Luxemburg“ de De Gruyter Oldenburg.
Podcast Machteld Venken

22 November 2021

verfasst von :
Machteld Venken

‘Peripheries at the Centre’ on Podcast

On 27 October, Machteld Venken was interviewed about her newest monograph ‘Peripheries at the Centre. Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe’ on the New Books Review
Geschichte und Architektur Stadtführer Esch/Alzette

22 November 2021

verfasst von :
Denis Scuto

Der „Geschichte und Architektur Stadtführer Esch/Alzette“ jetzt auf Deutsch erhältlich

Dieses Buch lädt Sie ein, die Geschichte und das architektonische Erbe von Esch/Alzette zu entdecken, der außergewöhnlichen Hauptstadt des luxemburgischen Erzbeckens.

12 November 2021

verfasst von :
Daniel Richter, Aida Horaniet Ibanez, Suzana Cascao

LUX:PLORATIONS VOL 2 is out with a contribution from the C²DH

LUX:PLORATIONS is one of the activities promoted by DESCOM (Doctoral Education in Science Communication), an educational project in science communication that aims at supporting interactions between academia and the public. A first volume had been released in Autumn 2020.
Medical histories of Belgium

27 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Benoît Majerus

New publication: Medical histories of Belgium. New narratives on health, care and citizenship in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Book edited by Joris Vandendriessche and Benoît Majerus and published by Manchester University Press.
FNR Awards 2021

21 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Stefan Krebs

C²DH honoured at the FNR Awards 2021

Andreas Fickers wins the Outstanding Mentor Award and the Award for Outstanding Promotion of Science to the Public goes to the C²DH REMIX team.
Popkult 60 online exhibition

20 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Richard Legay

Popkult60 online exhibition

Transnational popular culture – Europe in the long 1960s
Mandelbrotset part

5 Oktober 2021

verfasst von :
Florentina Armaselu, Andreas Fickers

Zoomland. Exploring Scale in Digital History and Humanities

Call for papers / Workshop & book project. The book will explore the epistemological dimensions, hermeneutic methods, empirical tools and aesthetic logic pertaining to the notion of scale in digital history and humanities, and will be published in open access with De Gruyter as part of the 'Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics' series.
