Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

8 Januar 2020

Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

Premiere of the interactive documentary produced on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.
Talking about Europe: in La Stampa, Le Monde, Die Zeit and Der Spiegel, 1940s - 2010s

4 Dezember 2019

Talking about Europe: in La Stampa, Le Monde, Die Zeit and Der Spiegel, 1940s - 2010s

'Impresso Talk' with Enrico Bergamini and Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (Bruegel Institute).
Third Issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research published

3 Dezember 2019

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

Third Issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research published

JHNR publishes outstanding and original contributions which apply the theories and methodologies of social network analysis to historical research whilst respecting best practices in historical research.
Visualization for newspapers corpus exploration across time and space

21 Oktober 2019

Visualization for newspapers corpus exploration across time and space

'Impresso Talk' with Jana Keck (Institute of Literary Studies, University of Stuttgart) and Moritz Knabben (Institut für Visualisierung und interaktive Systeme, University of Stuttgart).
1919 Vive d'Republik!

21 Oktober 2019

1919 Vive d'Republik!

Lecture publique par le théâtre des Casemates, en coopération avec le C²DH.
Cinema, human rights and advocacy in Venice

27 September 2019

verfasst von :
Stefanie Kesteloot

Cinema, human rights and advocacy in Venice

Report of the summer school run by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation – Global Campus of Human Rights.
Forum Z
The multiple facets of visualising history

31 Mai 2019

verfasst von :
Lars Wieneke

The multiple facets of visualising history

The Forum Z on Visualising History in the 1535 Creative Hub in Differdange opened up different perspectives to the challenges of visualising history in accessible, entertaining and interesting ways. With the musical support of C²DHs Douglas Lambert and a live translation into English and German the Forum Z covered a lot of ground, from history paintings to different forms of virtual reconstructions up to building a time machine.
Agent-based modelling and network science for the study of the human past

27 Mai 2019

Agent-based modelling and network science for the study of the human past

Lecture by Iza Romanowska (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) and Tom Brughmans (University of Oxford)
Forum Z
Visualising history

17 April 2019

verfasst von :
Lars Wieneke

Visualising history

A Forum Z on history paintings, 3D reconstructions, virtual worlds and time machines.
Experimenting with the use of interactive digital storytelling in academia

12 April 2019

verfasst von :
Dominique Santana

Experimenting with the use of interactive digital storytelling in academia

On 19 and 20 March, the C²DH hosted a two-day hands-on workshop on the use of interactive digital storytelling for academic historians with Sandra Gaudenzi, one of the leading experts in interactive storytelling and a senior lecturer at the University of Westminster.
Hands on History logo

28 Februar 2019

The MNHA at your fingertips. Challenges and possibilities of a museum’s 3D model

Hands-on History session with Gilles Zeimet, National Museum of History and Art (MNHA)
Call for Papers: DH Benelux 2019

8 Februar 2019

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Call for Papers: DH Benelux 2019

The 6th DH Benelux Conference will take place on 11-13 September 2019 at the University of Liège (ULiège) in Belgium. DH Benelux is an initiative that aims to further the collaboration between Digital Humanities activities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Mapping Urban History in the Digital Age

23 Januar 2019

Mapping Urban History in the Digital Age

Interdisciplinary workshop on digital urban history organised by the C²DH.
Digital Histor(iograph)y and Scale (DhScale)

9 Januar 2019

Digital Histor(iograph)y and Scale (DhScale)

Research seminar with Florentina Armaselu, research scientist at C²DH
On creating a research poster for an academic conference

22 November 2018

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

On creating a research poster for an academic conference

Historians like to write, and they write a lot. Throughout my studies in history, I was taught how to analyse sources and how to write a scientific work. But I have never been taught how to present my research in a poster format – which requires a minimum amount of creativity.
Le C²DH et la réalité virtuelle s’invitent aux Rendez-vous de l'Histoire 2018

29 Oktober 2018

verfasst von :
Marco Gabellini, Laurence Maufort, Cécile Duval, François Klein

Le C²DH et la réalité virtuelle s’invitent aux Rendez-vous de l'Histoire 2018

Le C²DH a participé à la 21e édition des Rendez-vous de l'Histoire qui s’est déroulée à Blois du 10 au 14 octobre 2018. Point de rencontre de nombreux historiens, chercheurs et de passionnés d'histoire, l’édition de cette année, avec plus de 600 tables rondes, ateliers, conférences, débats et projections de films, portait sur le thème de «la puissance des images».
Constructing a virtual laboratory for simulating patterns of settlement and migration: integrating Agent-based models and history

5 Juli 2018

Constructing a virtual laboratory for simulating patterns of settlement and migration: integrating Agent-based models and history

Research seminar with Kaarel Sikk, PhD student at C²DH.
Data visualisation workshop

3 April 2018

Data visualisation workshop

Workshop about data visualisation organised jointly by the Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) and the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH).
Call for Papers for Issue #2 of the Journal of Historical Network Research

18 Januar 2018

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

Call for Papers for Issue #2 of the Journal of Historical Network Research

We are inviting submissions of papers to be considered for publication in the second issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research, which will appear in the autumn of 2018.

8 November 2017

Social Networks and Entrepreneurship. Evidence from a Historical Episode of Industrialization

Javier Mejia Cubillos (Los Andes University) presents his paper on the relationship between social networks and entrepreneurship.
