Minett Stories: Telling the history of an industrial region to the public

Minett Stories: Telling the history of an industrial region to the public

1 Januar 2023

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
1870 ou l’invention de l’Alsace contemporaine. Généalogie d’un territoire singulier

1870 ou l’invention de l’Alsace contemporaine. Généalogie d’un territoire singulier

Cert article retrace la « généalogie des lieux » de l’Alsace contemporaine, dans laquelle la cartographie a joué un rôle essentiel, et s’efforce de restituer les conséquences démographiques qui la bouleversèrent durablement. Il revient ainsi sur les opérations de démarcation de l’Alsace au début des années 1870, et sur l’option de nationalité offerte à ses habitants, qui est à l’origine de la plus grande émigration de l’histoire de la région aux XIXe et XXe siècles.

1 Januar 2023

Benoit Vaillot
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Yiddish Periodicals in Germany - Dataset V1

Yiddish Periodicals in Germany - Dataset V1

This repository contains a dataset of known Yiddish newspapers and periodicals published in Germany. The list is based upon cataloguing and holding information from the libraries and book listed on the Github page. The list is provided as an Excel sheet and is a work in progress.

1 Januar 2023

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Im Griff des Nationalsozialismus : Fallstudien zu NS-Organisationen in Luxemburg und der Ortschaft Schifflingen

Im Griff des Nationalsozialismus : Fallstudien zu NS-Organisationen in Luxemburg und der Ortschaft Schifflingen

1 Januar 2023

Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Entangled Media Ecologies: The Nexus of Education and Mass Communication from the Perspective of UNESCO (1945-1989)

Entangled Media Ecologies: The Nexus of Education and Mass Communication from the Perspective of UNESCO (1945-1989)

Numerous studies and handbooks in the history of education are devoted to the history of educational media and the evolution of educational technologies. This chapter puts an explicit focus on the implications and conceptual background of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization´s (UNESCO) technology-driven idea of education, which already took shape before the 1957 Sputnik shock.

1 Januar 2023

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Shifting the historical narrative of the Banda Islands From colonial violence to local resilience

Shifting the historical narrative of the Banda Islands From colonial violence to local resilience

History is a representation of the past based on (written) knowledge which has been passed on from one generation to the next, with a preference given to written sources from a Eurocentric tradition. However, written sources about (former) colonial territories are a product of the colonial system in which they were produced. Acknowledging the biases in these archives, therefore, opens the way for acceptance of other forms of knowledge which were previously deemed "not objective"in Eurocentric historical disciplines.

1 Januar 2023

Joella van Donkersgoed
  • Public history
A history of psychiatry from below: the challenge of the archives

A history of psychiatry from below: the challenge of the archives

Until the 1970s, mentally ill patients were largely absent from the history of psychiatry. The field was dominated by triumphant narratives from doctors and critical perspectives from anti-psychiatrists. However, from the 1980s onwards, new historiographical approaches emerged to construct a history of psychiatry from the patient's viewpoint. A new generation of historians, led by British historian Roy

1 Januar 2023

Samuel Dal Zilio
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The Future of History in the Digital Age

The Future of History in the Digital Age

We have entered the “age of abundance”: a huge number of historical sources – books, documents, pamphlets and media of all sorts – have by now been digitised, and the amount of digital-born material is growing at an even faster pace. This boom is paired with new forms of access: in principle, digital sources that are made available online can be studied from anywhere in the world, and powerful digital tools allow us to study the big data of the past in a new fashion.

1 Januar 2023

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Robert Schuman - De Clausen à l'Europe. Sur les traces d'un Européen convaincu

Robert Schuman - De Clausen à l'Europe. Sur les traces d'un Européen convaincu

1 Januar 2023

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
Panne unterwegs! Die Entwicklung des Kfz-Reparaturgewerbes von den Anfängen bis in die 1970er Jahre

Panne unterwegs! Die Entwicklung des Kfz-Reparaturgewerbes von den Anfängen bis in die 1970er Jahre

Bei der Einführung des Automobils im späten 19. Jahrhundert war die Technik zunächst sehr unzuverlässig und reparaturbedürftig, gleichzeitig gab es nur wenige spezialisierte Kfz-Werkstätten. Erst in der Zwischenkriegszeit entstand in Deutschland allmählich eine eigenständige Reparaturinfrastruktur mit gewerblichen Werkstätten, Tankstellen und Pannenhilfsdiensten.

1 Januar 2023

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Franz Thedieck

Franz Thedieck

1 Januar 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
La BGL, l'architecture d'un siège dans une ville en mutation

La BGL, l'architecture d'un siège dans une ville en mutation

The Banque Générale du Luxembourg (BGL), established in 1919, is one of Luxembourg’s iconic financial institutions. Drawing on the bank’s private archives, this article explores the many architectural changes made to the BGL headquarters over the years, ranging from extensions and renovations to new building projects. Throughout the bank’s history – and especially from its establishment until the late 1980s –, the buildings that housed its head office in the centre of Luxembourg City went through multiple transformations.

1 Januar 2023

Cécile Duval, Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
Objet-totem, objet tabou: la camisole dans les institutions de soin et de coercition (France et Belgique, XIXe-XXe siècle)

Objet-totem, objet tabou: la camisole dans les institutions de soin et de coercition (France et Belgique, XIXe-XXe siècle)

1 Januar 2023

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
La découverte de l’immigration par la psychiatrie belge dans les « Trente Glorieuses »

La découverte de l’immigration par la psychiatrie belge dans les « Trente Glorieuses »

1 Januar 2023

Benoît Majerus
Looking ahead: after web (archives)?

Looking ahead: after web (archives)?

1 Januar 2023

Carmen Noguera
Analyse critique: les images à la loupe

Analyse critique: les images à la loupe

1 Januar 2023

Marco Gabellini, Cécile Duval, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
From the 19th to the 21st Century: Paradigmatic Shifts in the Luxembourgs Economy

From the 19th to the 21st Century: Paradigmatic Shifts in the Luxembourgs Economy

Beginning in the 20th century, Luxembourg experienced several periods of transition. The largely agriculture-based economy became industrialized, driven by a powerful steel industry which remained the dominant sector from the immediate post-Second World War years to the mid-1970s. In 1974 the steel industry began to decline, marking the end of the ‘Trente Glorieuses’. Luxembourg was forced to implement considerable structural changes and embarked on its second major transition, from an industrial economy to a service economy based on the financial sector.

1 Januar 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Ostbelgische Katharsis? Die Hermann-Niermann-Affäre als Medienevent

Ostbelgische Katharsis? Die Hermann-Niermann-Affäre als Medienevent

Im Sommer des Jahres 1987 ereignet sich eines der spektakulärsten Medienereignisse in der jüngeren Zeitgeschichte Ostbelgiens. Der überraschende Rücktritt von Lorenz Paasch als Sankt Vither Schöffe und sein beruflicher Wechsel als Geschäftsführer der in Düsseldorf angesiedelten Hermann-Niermann- Stiftung inspiriert BRF-Journalist Freddy Derwahl zu einer folgenschweren Spekulation über eine angebliche Nachbarschaft der Stiftung zu rechtsradikalen Kreisen. Die „Niermann-Affäre“

1 Januar 2023

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
L’Union européenne face à des multiples crises, conférence-débat avec Charles Goerens, députée européen

L’Union européenne face à des multiples crises, conférence-débat avec Charles Goerens, députée européen

1 Januar 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Ink and Paper in the Camp. Ego-Documents of Luxembourger Conscripts in the Soviet Captivity

Ink and Paper in the Camp. Ego-Documents of Luxembourger Conscripts in the Soviet Captivity

In the paper by Inna Ganschow, the camp experience in the Soviet Union as a result of forced conscription will be treated, specifically in its artistic processing: secretly written diaries and letters by Luxembourg Wehrmacht soldiers.

1 Januar 2023

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
