Creating a Pindh: Place-Making within a Sikh Diasporic Community in Malaya

Creating a Pindh: Place-Making within a Sikh Diasporic Community in Malaya

This paper examines a diaspora group's claiming and contesting of physical space and actively engaging in host country multiracial spaces, I co-opted the Pindh, a Sikh concept incorporating relationships with the landscape and social structure, re-defining its original meaning to encompass this unique consolidation of identity, home and belonging. Addressing the use and meaning of space and the transformation of Peraktown, the geographical location, I explore this transformation to a place of meaning through the practices of everyday life within the Sikh community.

1 Januar 2016

  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Using modern technology to support museum activities. Case study: Estonians Deported to Siberia: Soviet Red Terror 1940-1960

Using modern technology to support museum activities. Case study: Estonians Deported to Siberia: Soviet Red Terror 1940-1960

1 Januar 2016

Kaarel Sikk
  • Digital history & historiography
Contemporary History of Russia: Poetik der Politik und Politik der Poetik - Bykow versus Putin

Contemporary History of Russia: Poetik der Politik und Politik der Poetik - Bykow versus Putin

Die folgende Analyse geht auf die Wirkung von der Gegenwartsdichtung ein, die als Teil eines Kommunikationsprozesses gesehen wird, der zwischen der russischen Opposition, die der Dichter Dmitrij Bykov verkörpert, und dem Regime, das Wladimir Putin repräsentiert, in den Medien stattfindet.

1 Januar 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Elites, Networks and Interactions in Luxembourg European Integration Process. Novel Approaches to Studying Elites.

Elites, Networks and Interactions in Luxembourg European Integration Process. Novel Approaches to Studying Elites.

1 Januar 2016

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The “Web of pros” in the 1990s: The professional acclimation of the World Wide Web in France

The “Web of pros” in the 1990s: The professional acclimation of the World Wide Web in France

This article, focusing on France, explores the notion of a “Web of professionals” and seeks to establish its factual, epistemological, and methodological implications for the history of the World Wide Web in the 1990s. This research reflects on the promises of the New Economy and the roles of the various controversies, cultures, imaginaries, and forms of mediation affecting the business world in its appropriation of the Web.

1 Januar 2016

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Negotiating the Web of the Past

Negotiating the Web of the Past

The material, practical, theoretical elements of Web archiving as an ensemble of practices and a terrain of inquiry are inextricably entwined. Thus, its processes and infrastructures – often discreet and invisible – are increasingly relevant. Approaches inspired by Science and Technology Studies (STS) can contribute to shed light on the shaping of Web archives.

1 Januar 2016

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The New Interactive: Reimagining Visual Collections as Immersive Environments

The New Interactive: Reimagining Visual Collections as Immersive Environments

Emerging technologies and shared standards have opened up new avenues for the curation and presentation of data in archives and published research. Among their many benefits, these developments have made collections across archives more accessible, and have vastly improved the visual experience for users. This paper focuses on the next step in applying technical development and standards to digital collections: improving discoverability and providing a visual product that is simultaneously informative and experiential.

1 Januar 2016

Christopher Morse
  • Digital history & historiography
Ostbelgien hört Ostbelgien. Les débats autour de l’autonomie culturelle des Belges germanophones sur les ondes du Belgischer Hörfunk (1965-1974)

Ostbelgien hört Ostbelgien. Les débats autour de l’autonomie culturelle des Belges germanophones sur les ondes du Belgischer Hörfunk (1965-1974)

1 Januar 2016

Vitus Sproten
  • Contemporary history of Europe
100 Joer fräi Gewerkschaften (1916-2016): contributions à l'histoire du mouvement syndical luxembourgeois

100 Joer fräi Gewerkschaften (1916-2016): contributions à l'histoire du mouvement syndical luxembourgeois

1 Januar 2016

Denis Scuto, Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Visualisation of the prosopography of Polish and German experts on Eastern Europe: Are non-computed data useable for visualisation?

Visualisation of the prosopography of Polish and German experts on Eastern Europe: Are non-computed data useable for visualisation?

What qualifies an expert? In the area of Eastern European history, how does this expert's own experience of his (more rarely her) area of expertise affect that qualification? Taking into account the historical context, what is the connection in his or her life between Eastern Europe and violence: was it a place where he or she suffered from violence, or did he or she exert violence there? Is the experience of violence reflected in his or her expertise? If so, how — and, more importantly, when?

1 Januar 2016

Estelle Bunout
  • Digital history & historiography
"Zesummen d'Zukunft sécheren." Le rôle et l'action de l'OGBL de 1979 à 2016

"Zesummen d'Zukunft sécheren." Le rôle et l'action de l'OGBL de 1979 à 2016

1 Januar 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Gagner sa vie au volant au risque de la perdre: Les pilotes automobiles européens (années 1920-1930)

Gagner sa vie au volant au risque de la perdre: Les pilotes automobiles européens (années 1920-1930)

This article deals with the emergence of a group of professional automobile pilots in Europe during the Interwar period. During the time, automobile racing was institutionalised and commercialised to a previously unknown extent, under the supervision of European automobile clubs, industrial groups and journalists. In this context, by following the trajectories of pilots, we study the conditions for exercising this practice – part sport, part social activity.

1 Januar 2016

Sebastien Moreau
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Review to Thede Kahl / Peter Mario Kreuter / Christina Vogel (Ed.): Culinaria balcanica, Berlin: Frank & Timme (2015)

Review to Thede Kahl / Peter Mario Kreuter / Christina Vogel (Ed.): Culinaria balcanica, Berlin: Frank & Timme (2015)

1 Januar 2016

Sam Mersch
‘Quel pays plus que la Grèce?’ La place de la Grèce dans la construction de l’Europe : une mise en perspective historique

‘Quel pays plus que la Grèce?’ La place de la Grèce dans la construction de l’Europe : une mise en perspective historique

In a speech delivered on the occasion of the signing of an association agreement between Greece and the EEC in July 1961, the Vice President of the European Commission, Jean Rey, asked “What country more than Greece, which people more than the Greek people were worthy of becoming the Community’s first associate?” This article offers an overview of Greece’s participation in the European construction process.

1 Januar 2016

Victor Fernandez Soriano
Brazil, Racism and Resistance, Colonial Area

Brazil, Racism and Resistance, Colonial Area

1 Januar 2016

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Cabral, Amílcar

Cabral, Amílcar

1 Januar 2016

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
An 'architecture of bureaucracy': Technocratic planning of government architecture in Belgium in the 1930s

An 'architecture of bureaucracy': Technocratic planning of government architecture in Belgium in the 1930s

1 Januar 2016

Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Stai scherzando? Are you kidding? Investigating the influence of dubbing on the Italian progressive

Stai scherzando? Are you kidding? Investigating the influence of dubbing on the Italian progressive

1 Januar 2016

Lorella Viola
  • Digital history & historiography
Lies A Schreif Dech Fräi!

Lies A Schreif Dech Fräi!

1 Januar 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Public History: A Textbook of Practice

Public History: A Textbook of Practice

Public History: A Textbook of Practice is a guide to the many challenges historians face while teaching, learning, and practicing public history. Historians can play a dynamic and essential role in contributing to public understanding of the past, and those who work in historic preservation, in museums and archives, in government agencies, as consultants, as oral historians, or who manage crowdsourcing projects need very specific skills. This book links theory and practice and provides students and practitioners with the tools to do public history in a wide range of settings.

1 Januar 2016

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
