I Congreso International Historia Publicay Divulgacion , Festival la Historia un bien publico

I Congreso International Historia Publicay Divulgacion , Festival la Historia un bien publico

22 Mai 2023

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Discussant: Research Colloquium 'The Memories of Pride in Lithuania's Post-Communist Transformation' by Jogile Ulinskaite

Discussant: Research Colloquium 'The Memories of Pride in Lithuania's Post-Communist Transformation' by Jogile Ulinskaite

16 Mai 2023

Johanna Jaschik
L’Union européenne face à la situation des Droits de l’Homme dans le monde actuel

L’Union européenne face à la situation des Droits de l’Homme dans le monde actuel

15 Mai 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe


This presentation will discuss the WARLUX project, a crowdsourcing campaign aimed at collecting and preserving personal war letters and documents from Luxembourg during WWII. The presentation will cover the goals of the project, the participatory aspect of working with volunteers and participants, as well as the post-processing and implementation of the collected data. The presentation will also highlight the challenges and ethical considerations.

13 Mai 2023

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Presenter: Le problème de la Silésie

Presenter: Le problème de la Silésie

12 Mai 2023

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le rattachement d'Eupen-Malmedy à la Belgique et la question de l'indépendance du Luxembourg

Le rattachement d'Eupen-Malmedy à la Belgique et la question de l'indépendance du Luxembourg

12 Mai 2023

Christoph Brüll
impresso. Media Monitoring of the Past

impresso. Media Monitoring of the Past

11 Mai 2023

Marten Düring
  • Digital history & historiography
Surprising Sources

Surprising Sources

Do the historians gathered in the Tensions of Europe network have a particular relationship to archives, to sources, and to their research materials? What does being a historian of technologies, infrastructures, or networks imply, and is there a singularity regarding sources and archives? It is this relationship to the archives, to the sources, to the historical material at large, to the spatialities, and materialities as well, that this conference invites us to question.

11 Mai 2023

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Can Social Media help reconnect with the past? The case of

Can Social Media help reconnect with the past? The case of

11 Mai 2023

Carmen Noguera
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Jumping into unexpected venues of advertisement research

Jumping into unexpected venues of advertisement research

11 Mai 2023

Matthias Höfer
Presentation & discussion meeting Dutch Association for Information Professionals (KNVI)

Presentation & discussion meeting Dutch Association for Information Professionals (KNVI)

Short introductiory presentation at a meeting of the Dutch Assocation for Information Professionals (KNVI) special interest group Education & Research which will discuss my article "Digital History and the Politics of Digitization".

10 Mai 2023

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Data Management Plan - Title: WARLUX - Soldiers and their communities in WWII. The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg

Data Management Plan - Title: WARLUX - Soldiers and their communities in WWII. The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg

8 Mai 2023

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Die Zwangsrekrutierung und deren gesellschaftliche Folgen während der NS-Besatzungszeit in Luxemburg : Eine Analyse zur Ortschaft Schifflingen

Die Zwangsrekrutierung und deren gesellschaftliche Folgen während der NS-Besatzungszeit in Luxemburg : Eine Analyse zur Ortschaft Schifflingen

8 Mai 2023

Nina Janz, Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Completing Economic and Monetary Union: Challenges and Prospects

Completing Economic and Monetary Union: Challenges and Prospects

Such as introduced by the Maastricht Treaty (1992), Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the single currenti (euro) (implemened in 1999) aimed at securing stability and prosperity for EU citizens. However, the international financial and economic crisis (2008) uncovered systematic flaws in EMU’s design (absence of a common economic, fiscal and social policy, no common budget, etc). To achieve convergence, the Member States should to make profound economic adjustments.

8 Mai 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
La révolution copernicienne de la nationalité luxembourgeoise - L'impact des lois de 2008 et 2017 (II)

La révolution copernicienne de la nationalité luxembourgeoise - L'impact des lois de 2008 et 2017 (II)

5 Mai 2023

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
History as 'retrospective prediction'? On the limits of predicting the future by learning from the past

History as 'retrospective prediction'? On the limits of predicting the future by learning from the past

“If you don’t know about your past, you don’t know about your future” is probably one of the most repeated phrases in Sunday-speeches of politicians at official commemorations or historical anniversa- ries. Alas, the reality looks different. While history has a lot of lessons to offer, people don’t learn from it. This intervention will reflect on the reasons of this ignorance or oblivious of history and ask the question, whether the abundance of historical sources in the age of “big data of the past” will help to cure this

4 Mai 2023

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Robert Schuman et sa déclaration pour l’Europe (9 mai 1950): Histoire, actualité et perspectives

Robert Schuman et sa déclaration pour l’Europe (9 mai 1950): Histoire, actualité et perspectives

Le 9 mai 1950, Robert Schuman (1886-1963), ministre français des Affaires étrangères, propose la création de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier (CECA), jetant ainsi les bases d’une Europe unie, fondée sur la liberté, la démocratie et le partage. S’en suivent sept décennies durant lesquels le projet européen progresse de 6 à 27 membres et évolue au gré des succès et des crises, en apportant au continent la plus longue période de paix dans son histoire.

4 Mai 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
« Ni meubles, ni effets, ni aucunes rentes ». L’impact de la suppression des métiers dans un bourg rural : Virton (1795-1814)

« Ni meubles, ni effets, ni aucunes rentes ». L’impact de la suppression des métiers dans un bourg rural : Virton (1795-1814)

This article describes the process of abolishing the guilds in Virton, outlining the motivations and, above all, the modus operandi of the French authorities. It then looks at the reactions to the abolition of the guilds among some craftsmen, and presents the consequences of entrepreneurial freedom as a substitute for the corporate economic system.

1 Mai 2023

Luca Federico Cerra
  • Digital history & historiography
Creating the Urban Citizen in Hamburg and Marseille (1945-1973): A Trans-Urban History of Public Urban Green Spaces during the Postwar Period

Creating the Urban Citizen in Hamburg and Marseille (1945-1973): A Trans-Urban History of Public Urban Green Spaces during the Postwar Period

This research explores the ways in which public urban green spaces (PUGS) shaped an urban citizenry. Set in the aftermath of WWII and continuing until the First Oil Shock in 1973, this study encapsulates a time of socio-political and urban restructuring. With a focus specifically on public parks and playgrounds, these two spaces allow for an in-depth analysis of how urban citizens were meant to spend their free time and how their behavior was formed by the public spaces available to them. The interplay between commissioners and users of PUGS is at the center of this project.

1 Mai 2023

Eliane Schmid
  • Digital history & historiography
La révolution copernicienne de la nationalité luxembourgeoise - L'impact des lois de 2008 et 2017 (I)

La révolution copernicienne de la nationalité luxembourgeoise - L'impact des lois de 2008 et 2017 (I)

29 April 2023

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
