The Contribution of History to study Cross-Border Cooperation in Western Europe

The Contribution of History to study Cross-Border Cooperation in Western Europe

15 Mai 2024

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Die Transformation der A.R.B.E.D. 1974-2001. Zwischen westeuropäischer und postsozialistischer Deindustrialisierung

Die Transformation der A.R.B.E.D. 1974-2001. Zwischen westeuropäischer und postsozialistischer Deindustrialisierung

15 Mai 2024

Nicolas Arendt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le rôle de l’Union européenne dans la situation géopolitique actuelle

Le rôle de l’Union européenne dans la situation géopolitique actuelle

Conférence-débat: « Le rôle de l’Union européenne dans la situation géopolitique actuelle », avec Charles Goerens, membre du Parlement européen

14 Mai 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Que restera-t-il demain pour écrire l’histoire des marginalités et subalternités ? Les dossiers personnels entre droit à l’information et protection de la vie privée

Que restera-t-il demain pour écrire l’histoire des marginalités et subalternités ? Les dossiers personnels entre droit à l’information et protection de la vie privée

13 Mai 2024

Samuel Dal Zilio
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Les enjeux futurs de l'Union européenne

Les enjeux futurs de l'Union européenne

Conférence-débat « Les enjeux futurs de l'Union européenne », avec Tilly METZ et Isabel WISELER- LIMA

13 Mai 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Die Personenstandsaufnahme vom 10. Oktober 1941. Teil 1: Seit über 80 Jahren incognita im Archiv

Die Personenstandsaufnahme vom 10. Oktober 1941. Teil 1: Seit über 80 Jahren incognita im Archiv

The "Personenstandsaufnahme" of 10 October 1941, a census conducted by the German occupier in Luxembourg with additional questions on nationality, mother tongue and ethnicity, is one of the best-known historical events in Luxembourg's contemporary history. Together with the strike against forced recruitment in August/September 1942, it remains an integral part of the culture of remembrance and historiography to this day.

11 Mai 2024

Denis Scuto, Philippe Blasen
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
An intellectual history of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) - new sources, unconventional approaches

An intellectual history of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) - new sources, unconventional approaches

"An intellectual history of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) - new sources, unconventional approaches’' - Interdisciplinary seminar, Bucharest University for Economic Studies (BUES), 10 May 2024. This seminar is part of the "Interdisciplinary Research Seminars Series" organised by the Bucharest University for Economic Studies (BUES) for PhD-, Post-Doc students, researchers and teachers in the framework of the Research Programme "European Governance" (EUGov). (Bucharest, 8-10 May 2024)

10 Mai 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Thinking Europe - historical and interdisciplinary overview of European ideas

Thinking Europe - historical and interdisciplinary overview of European ideas

Despite its historical divisions, Europe was built on a shared set of ideas, ranging from Greco-Latin humanism to the principles of the French Revolution. Over the centuries, many emperors, princes and conquerors, but also philosophers, writers and legal experts developed theories on the rapprochement of the peoples of Europe.

9 Mai 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Theories, principles and institutions of European integration

Theories, principles and institutions of European integration

"Theories, principles and institutions of European integration" - Interdisciplinary seminar, Bucharest University for Economic Studies (BUES), 9 May 2024. This seminar is part of the "Interdisciplinary Research Seminars Series" organised by the Bucharest University for Economic Studies (BUES) for PhD-, Post-Doc students, researchers and teachers in the framework of the Research Programme "European Governance" (EUGov). (Bucharest, 8-10 May 2024)

9 Mai 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The European Union in historical perspective – challenges, opportunities and strategies

The European Union in historical perspective – challenges, opportunities and strategies

8 Mai 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Writing the History of Telecommunications and Data Networks

Writing the History of Telecommunications and Data Networks

This chapter is not intended to offer an exhaustive state of the art, but rather to reflect on the evolving trends in the history of data networks. It highlights prominent topics within this history. It starts with the narratives surrounding ARPANET and explores government support, competition among companies, governance, and regulation. It looks at how the history of the Internet is linked with the history of pre-networking technologies and alternative developments in networking technologies in countries outside the United States.

1 Mai 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
"Indésirables“ aus Übersee - Migrant/innen in Luxemburg am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts (8) - „Warum soll ich jeden Tag Gendarmen in meinem Haus dulden?“

"Indésirables“ aus Übersee - Migrant/innen in Luxemburg am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts (8) - „Warum soll ich jeden Tag Gendarmen in meinem Haus dulden?“

26 April 2024

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Archiving Social Media in an Age of APIcalypse

Archiving Social Media in an Age of APIcalypse

Access to API is strategic for archiving and research. The recent European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) might be a decisive step forwards. But a recent report showed that the platforms’ policies set up to conform to the DSA are very diverse. And the efficiency of those APIs for researchers are yet to be evaluated. In other words, the DSA does not put an end to the APIcalypse: it is geographically limited, and the notion of “systemic risk” that is in the DSA remains ambiguous and this ambiguity allows those firms to restrict researchers’ access to their data.

26 April 2024

Frédéric Clavert
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
LLODIA (Linguistic Linked Open Data for Diachronic Analysis)

LLODIA (Linguistic Linked Open Data for Diachronic Analysis)

LLODIA is a linguistic linked open data model for diachronic analysis.

25 April 2024

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography


Diese Dissertation untersucht die historische Entwicklung und Bedeutung von Reparatur- und Wartungspraktiken innerhalb des luxemburgischen Telefonnetzwerks. Durch den Fokus auf soziotechnische Systeme (STS) und „broken-world thinking“ bietet die Arbeit einen neuen Blick auf die oft übersehenen Aspekte der Technikgeschichte. Die Studie untersucht einen Zeit-raum von mehr als hundert Jahren (1885–1992) und zielt darauf ab, Dysfunktionen als alltägli-che und essentielle Bestandteile technischer Systeme zu verstehen.

25 April 2024

Rebecca Mossop
  • Public history
Put it Back! Archived Memes in Context

Put it Back! Archived Memes in Context

Memes constitute a significant aspect of online digital cultures (see Shifman, 2014; Milner, 2018; Denisova, 2016). Their role in reactions to events like the Ukrainian war highlights their broad influence. However, preserving memes, especially in their original context, proves challenging (Pailler & Schafer, 2022).

25 April 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Roundtable “Vernacular web, personal pages, online communities”

Roundtable “Vernacular web, personal pages, online communities”

Main co-organiser of the Early Scholars Spring School on Web Archives At a glance… Dates: from April 23 at 9.00 am to April 24 at 5.30 pm Location: Centre Internet et Société, CNRS, 59-61 rue Pouchet, PARIS Expected attendance: 15 master’s and PhD students (also open to post-doctoral researchers who just started to work with web archives) Topics & activities: keynotes, roundtable discussions, site visits (at BnF Datalab and Ina THEQUE), tools and data exploration, Q&A sessions, and lightning talks by PhD students.

23 April 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
European Monetary Unification: History, Individuals, Networks

European Monetary Unification: History, Individuals, Networks

" European Monetary Unification: History, Individuals, Networks" - Presentation at the Interdisciplinary PhD Seminar organised by the Jean Monnet Chair for European Financial Regulation/ Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EUropean FInancial REsilience and REgulation, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania (Iasi, 23 April, 2024) European Project: ERASMUS-JMO-HEI-TCH-RSC-101085352

23 April 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Ranke.2 - Source Criticism in the Digital Age. Scholar-led Publishing of Multilingual Educational Resources for Historians

Ranke.2 - Source Criticism in the Digital Age. Scholar-led Publishing of Multilingual Educational Resources for Historians

Presentation of Ranke.2, a project of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), OPERAS 2024 Conference, Zadar, Croatia

23 April 2024

Sofia Papastamkou
  • Public history
„Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft - quo vadis?“

„Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft - quo vadis?“

VH:D_igital Public Lecture 1: „Wo stehen wir eigentlich? Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft und wie wir dahinkommen“ 18. April 2024, Frankfurt am Main sowie hybrid Von überall ist der Ruf nach (mehr) Digitalität und digitalen Kompetenzen in Forschung und Lehre zu hören. Für die einen sind es die Unworte der letzten Jahre, für andere sind es Versprechen von neuen Erkenntnismöglichkeiten. Aber: Wo stehen wir als Geschichtswissenschaft eigentlich wirklich? Erfinden wir das digitale Rad oder laufen wir ihm gerade hinterher?

18 April 2024

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
