Konsumgüterwerbung und Popkultur in den „langen“ 1960er Jahren: eine transnationale Perspektive

Konsumgüterwerbung und Popkultur in den „langen“ 1960er Jahren: eine transnationale Perspektive

27 Oktober 2022

Matthias Höfer
Native Borderland Children in the Belgian-German and Polish-German Borderlands. Comparing Verification and Nationalisation Narratives After the Second World War

Native Borderland Children in the Belgian-German and Polish-German Borderlands. Comparing Verification and Nationalisation Narratives After the Second World War

27 Oktober 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Paper and ink in the Soviet camp 188 in Tambov: capturing the camp life of Luxembourger conscripts

Paper and ink in the Soviet camp 188 in Tambov: capturing the camp life of Luxembourger conscripts

In the talk by Inna Ganschow, the camp experience in the Soviet Union will be treated as a consequence of the forced conscription, namely in its artistic processing. Secretly written diaries and letters of Luxembourg Wehrmacht soldiers or poems of deceased comrades learned by them by heart, they also reached their homeland.

27 Oktober 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Wie erzählt man Geschichte(n) für ein breites Publikum? als ein Versuch des Transmedia Storytellings

Wie erzählt man Geschichte(n) für ein breites Publikum? als ein Versuch des Transmedia Storytellings

26 Oktober 2022

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Memorial of the Shoah Luxembourg

Memorial of the Shoah Luxembourg

This Memorial is bridging stories and memories of victims and survivors of the Shoah.

24 Oktober 2022

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Virtual exhibition
Advertising media artifacts and their impact in the French youth magazine “Salut les Copains” (1960s)

Advertising media artifacts and their impact in the French youth magazine “Salut les Copains” (1960s)

21 Oktober 2022

Matthias Höfer
Impacting the computerization and Digitalization in Luxembourg: the case of teachers and education

Impacting the computerization and Digitalization in Luxembourg: the case of teachers and education

21 Oktober 2022

Carmen Noguera
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Introductory Words of Conference: Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and international insights

Introductory Words of Conference: Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and international insights

20 Oktober 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Transcription, Indexing and Analysis in Oral History

Transcription, Indexing and Analysis in Oral History

While TV-interviews are recorded for an already written documentary film script, interviews for the Ukrainian oral history archive of war testimonies are recorded without any expectations. When creating our archive, we do not know what research question of linguists, philosophers or historians will be later. We know that the archive is not going public, that´s the deal.

20 Oktober 2022

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Special ECREA panel : Rethinking digital sources — making web archives useful for future scholars

Special ECREA panel : Rethinking digital sources — making web archives useful for future scholars

The aim of this panel was to draw attention to the large number of archived web collections, and to rethink the challenges and possibilities that they constitute for studies of past and present mediated communication.

20 Oktober 2022

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
How do researchers collect new sources? Interviewees in Oral History. The Voices of the War.

How do researchers collect new sources? Interviewees in Oral History. The Voices of the War.

At the core of our data collection method in our project “Testimonies from the war” is collecting interviews with displaced population, forced to leave Ukraine because of the Russia’s invasion. Interviewing is a qualitative method of data collection whose results are based on intensive engagement with respondents. In our case, the topic is forced migration and the change of peoples’ lives from 24th February till today. Strategies for engaging interview participants.

20 Oktober 2022

Kateryna Zakharchuk
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Arrival Declaration Forms. A New Gateway for Mapping Migration to Luxembourg

Arrival Declaration Forms. A New Gateway for Mapping Migration to Luxembourg

20 Oktober 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
“Challenge accepted”. The many sources to catch the history of virality and memes

“Challenge accepted”. The many sources to catch the history of virality and memes

Gifs and memes (Kaplan and Nova, 2016), “buzz” on the Web and social networks are inherent to digital cultures since the very first steps of the Web (i.e., Godwin’s Law, Dancing babies, Hamster Dance, cf. McGrath, 2019).

20 Oktober 2022

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Co-Organiser: Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and International Insights

Co-Organiser: Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and International Insights

20 Oktober 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
“Small is impactful”. Memes and Politics

“Small is impactful”. Memes and Politics

From the Hampster Dance and the Dancing Baby in the second half of the 1990s to the hijacking meme of Bernie and his mittens at the US presidential inauguration or the images of the Evergreen blocked in the Suez Canal, memes have become in the last twenty years an important part of our digital cultures (Shifman, 2014), whose often absurd, playful, corrosive and viral character cannot hide also multiple political dimensions.

20 Oktober 2022

Fred Pailler, Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Presenter: Testimonies from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Presenter: Testimonies from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

20 Oktober 2022

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Retrieving traces of the Luxembourg WebSphere through its first websites

Retrieving traces of the Luxembourg WebSphere through its first websites

18 Oktober 2022

Carmen Noguera
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Keynote by panel on Looking ahead: after web (archives)?

Keynote by panel on Looking ahead: after web (archives)?

18 Oktober 2022

Carmen Noguera
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Retrieve me if you can... Women and COVID through Web archives

Retrieve me if you can... Women and COVID through Web archives

The COVID crisis has been a shared worldwide and collective experience from March 2020 and lot of voices have echoed each other, may it be related to grief, lockdown, masks and vaccines, homeschooling, etc. However, this unprecedented crisis has also deepened asymmetries and failures within societies, in terms of occupational fields, economic inequalities, health and sanitary access, and we could extend the inventory of these hidden and more visible gaps that were reinforced during the crisis.

18 Oktober 2022

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Let’s talk about web archiving … three institutions, many possibilities

Let’s talk about web archiving … three institutions, many possibilities

This presentation focused on three oral interviews I conducted during the COVID crisis, respectively with the BnL (Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg, Els, 2020) in Luxembourg and with INA (Institut national de l’audiovisuel, Schafer, 2020b) and BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Gebeil et al., 2020) in France, to document their web archiving practices and choices during the pandemic.

18 Oktober 2022

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
