Proceedings of the Third Conference on Digital Humanities in Luxembourg with a Special Focus on Reading Historical Sources in the Digital Age

Proceedings of the Third Conference on Digital Humanities in Luxembourg with a Special Focus on Reading Historical Sources in the Digital Age

DHLU 2013 was co-organised by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE), together with the Jean Monnet Chair in History of European Integration (University of Luxembourg, FLSHASE) and its research programme ‘Digital Humanities Luxembourg’ — DIHULUX (research unit Identités-Politiques- Sociétés-Espaces (IPSE)) as well as the University of Luxembourg’s Master’s in Contemporary European History. Its aim was to bring together likeminded researchers with a vested interest in the topic of “Reading historical sources in the digital age”.

13 September 2016

Lars Wieneke, Florentina Armaselu, Marten Düring
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Pierre Werner, A visionary European and Consensus Builder

Pierre Werner, A visionary European and Consensus Builder

As prime minister and finance minister of Luxembourg over 30 years, Pierre Werner played a major role in the building of a united Europe. This Christian Democratic intellectual and committed federalist gained strong reputation as a consensus-builder between larger powers (Germany and France) and between diametrically opposed positions (‘economists’ and ‘monetarists’), as well as for his ideas on monetary integration. From early 1950s, Werner advocates a European monetary system based on a currency unit and on a clearing house for central banks.

1 September 2016

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Local History: Luxembourg, Gloves Factory in Grund. BESTE QUALITÄT FÜR DIE FEINE ENGLISCHE DAME

Local History: Luxembourg, Gloves Factory in Grund. BESTE QUALITÄT FÜR DIE FEINE ENGLISCHE DAME

The story of the glove factory Albert Reinhard´s.

1 September 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Reconciliation over the Graves? or the German-Russian Reconciliation of Sologubovka

Reconciliation over the Graves? or the German-Russian Reconciliation of Sologubovka

“Reconciliation over the graves” is the official slogan of the Volksbund, a non-government organization based in Kassel, in central Germany. The Volksbund builds resting places for German war dead, and commemorates and acts in educational youth work toward understanding and harmonization after World War II. This essay uses and follows the definition of reconciliation as intended in the meaning of the Volksbund’s activities in Russia. The idea of this slogan and the purpose of this term will be explained.

1 September 2016

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
La construction européenne dans les années 1970: Pierre Werner et le couple franco-allemand.

La construction européenne dans les années 1970: Pierre Werner et le couple franco-allemand.

Quel regard jettent les autres Etats européens sur 50 ans de coopération franco-allemande (traité de l'Elysée de 1963) ? Ne sont-ils pas les mieux placés pour jauger de l'intensité de leurs relations, de leurs dysfonctionnements, de leurs apports aux relations interétatiques et de la construction européenne ? Les autres Etats sont un excellent miroir pour la relation franco-allemande et nous apprennent autant sur la coopération entre les deux riverains du Rhin qu'une investigation centrée sur le seul tandem franco-allemand.

15 August 2016

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Transatlantic Iron Connections: Education, Emotion, and the Making of a Productive Workforce in Minas Gerais, Brazil (ca. 1910–1960)

Transatlantic Iron Connections: Education, Emotion, and the Making of a Productive Workforce in Minas Gerais, Brazil (ca. 1910–1960)

1 August 2016

Irma Hadžalić
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le monde d'hier

Le monde d'hier

9 Juli 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Europe divided and undivided

Europe divided and undivided

2 Juli 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
A Mosquito and An Elephant Union: Steel, social and political connections between Luxembourg and Brazil at the beginning of the 20th c.

A Mosquito and An Elephant Union: Steel, social and political connections between Luxembourg and Brazil at the beginning of the 20th c.

21 Juni 2016

Irma Hadžalić
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Supporters, ultras, hooligans

Supporters, ultras, hooligans

18 Juni 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Une vie pour l'idéal européen

Une vie pour l'idéal européen

Pierre Werner (29 décembre 1913 – 24 juin 2002) fut une personnalité aux multiples talents qui a traversé le XXe siècle. Ministre d’État, Premier Ministre et ministre des Finances pendant de longues dé¬cennies, cet intellectuel chrétien et démocrate résolu fut l’un des rares hommes d’État à avoir pris part à l’unification européenne depuis l’après-guerre jusqu’au milieu des années 1980. Il fait de l’intégration européenne l’axe central de la politique luxembourgeoise. Sur le plan intérieur, il joue un rôle majeur dans la modernisation de la société.

17 Juni 2016

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Presentation: Children in 20th Century European Borderlands

Presentation: Children in 20th Century European Borderlands

13 Juni 2016

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Une auto, une autoroute et des trous (de mémoire)

Une auto, une autoroute et des trous (de mémoire)

11 Juni 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
A new reading of primary sources via the digital analysis of social networks. ‘The Werner Committee and the debates on European economic and monetary integration’

A new reading of primary sources via the digital analysis of social networks. ‘The Werner Committee and the debates on European economic and monetary integration’

This pilot project was carried out in connection with the CVCE’s strategy of combining humanities and social sciences research with digital tools and publishing the results via its digital research infrastructure on European integration, Methods borrowed from social network analysis and qualitative data analysis were applied to a specific section of the digital publication on the 1970 Werner Report, a publication which was compiled on the basis of the ‘traditional’ exploration and interpretation of a vast number of previously unpublished primary sources. 2

10 Juni 2016

Elena Danescu, Marten Düring, Daniele Guido
  • Contemporary history of Europe
"La langue ne ment pas"

"La langue ne ment pas"

4 Juni 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Filling the Frame: Photography in Luxembourg from 1969 to 2000

Filling the Frame: Photography in Luxembourg from 1969 to 2000

Filling the Frame looks at the history of photography in Luxembourg in the last decades of the 20th century, starting with an overview of cultural institutions developing in the bustling 1970s and 1980s, following for instance the creation and the evolution of the Centre national de l'audiovisuel (CNA), Galerie Nei Liicht (Dudelange) and Café Crème for contemporary art photography. The paper also gives insight into the work of the most important photographers and artists of the time.

1 Juni 2016

  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le Président et la Bombe

Le Président et la Bombe

28 Mai 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Russian Culture in Luxembourg: Literarische Gebrauchsanweisungen für Russland

Russian Culture in Luxembourg: Literarische Gebrauchsanweisungen für Russland

Die Quellen, aus denen sich die knapp 8 000 Bücher des russischen Bestands der BNL zusammensetzen, spiegeln den Enthusiasmus wider, mit dem Botschafter wie Rene Blum oder Paul Pütz, Politiker, Lehrer und Bibliothekare geglaubt haben, die Sowjetunion und später Russland hierzulande über seine Literatur verständlich zu machen.

26 Mai 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le Luxembourg et l’intégration européenne 1945-2016

Le Luxembourg et l’intégration européenne 1945-2016

Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Luxembourg abandonne sa politique de neutralité et se lance dans une politique de coopération internationale dans les domaines économique et militaire (OECE et pacte de Bruxelles en 1948, OTAN en 1949). Déjà en septembre 1944, les gouvernements en exil du Luxembourg, de la Belgique et des Pays-Bas avaient signé à Londres une convention douanière instituant le Benelux.

12 Mai 2016

Marco Gabellini, Elena Danescu
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
„Grow into a happy future“  The development of abortion law in the German Democratic Republic and its ideological and practical  implications (1945 - 1972)

„Grow into a happy future“ The development of abortion law in the German Democratic Republic and its ideological and practical implications (1945 - 1972)

The master's thesis aims at exploring the laws regulating abortion and reproduction in the GDR until its legalization in 1972. These laws, their impact and mediatization are put into a comparative perspective with the situation in the Soviet Union. The thesis further explores how ideologically charged explanations were used to legitimize abortion laws and the discrepancy between the USSR and the GDR in terms of legalization.

10 Mai 2016

Elisabeth Wingerter
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
