Presentation of the Draft Project Proposal: Children of Annexation. A Comparative and Entangled History, 1939-1960

Presentation of the Draft Project Proposal: Children of Annexation. A Comparative and Entangled History, 1939-1960

1 January 2013

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
M. A. Larsen: The Making and Shaping of the Victorian Teacher.

M. A. Larsen: The Making and Shaping of the Victorian Teacher.

1 January 2013

Karin Priem
  • Public history
L'Escher Tageblatt et le "coup de tonnerre" d'août 1914

L'Escher Tageblatt et le "coup de tonnerre" d'août 1914

1 January 2013

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Historische Netzwerkforschung. Ein neuer Ansatz in den Geschichtswissenschaften

Historische Netzwerkforschung. Ein neuer Ansatz in den Geschichtswissenschaften

1 January 2013

Marten Düring
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Arheoloogilised kaevamised Eestis 1799 – 1999. Võrguteavik.

Arheoloogilised kaevamised Eestis 1799 – 1999. Võrguteavik.

1 January 2013

Kaarel Sikk
  • Digital history & historiography
Listening to the Sounding Objects of the Past : The Case of the Car

Listening to the Sounding Objects of the Past : The Case of the Car

This chapter will provide historical context for sonic interaction design by writing a history of sounding objects with a particular focus on the 20th century, the West, and the history of the car as a sounding object. The chapter’s introduction will clarify why it is useful to have historical knowledge of the everyday sounding objects of the past and the auditory cultures in which they functioned. Such historical knowledge will help to enhance the designers’ awareness of the changing

1 January 2013

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
'A rereading of the Werner Report of 8 October 1970 in the light of the Pierre Werner family archives'

'A rereading of the Werner Report of 8 October 1970 in the light of the Pierre Werner family archives'

The digital research corpus ‘A rereading of the Werner Report of 8 October 1970 in the light of the Pierre Werner family archives’ showcases the results of the first stage of the ‘Pierre Werner and Europe’ research project (2011-2013).

1 January 2013

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Von der Polarisierung zur Meinungsvielfalt. Die ostbelgischen Medien als Akteur der Autonomiedebatte

Von der Polarisierung zur Meinungsvielfalt. Die ostbelgischen Medien als Akteur der Autonomiedebatte

1 January 2013

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Puppets on a String in a Theatre of Display? Interactions of Image, Text, Material, Space and Motion in The Family of Man (ca. 1950s-1960s)

Puppets on a String in a Theatre of Display? Interactions of Image, Text, Material, Space and Motion in The Family of Man (ca. 1950s-1960s)

1 January 2013

Karin Priem
  • Public history
L'Escher Tageblatt: une fenêtre ouverte sur l'espace frontalier

L'Escher Tageblatt: une fenêtre ouverte sur l'espace frontalier

1 January 2013

Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Biermans-Lapôtre: Histoire d'un mécène et de sa fondation

Biermans-Lapôtre: Histoire d'un mécène et de sa fondation

1 January 2013

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les années 1930 du Escher Tageblatt. Entre mémoire et histoire

Les années 1930 du Escher Tageblatt. Entre mémoire et histoire

1 January 2013

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Tele-Saar. Europe's first commercial television station as a transnational experiment

Tele-Saar. Europe's first commercial television station as a transnational experiment

1 January 2013

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography


The Orangerie: a unit in Luxembourg's neuropsychiatric hospital, its nursing staff, doctors and patients. A place where daily life is divided between trying to manage illness and learning to live with other people, a place that many have turned to for refuge yet can't wait to leave. We meet unique and desperate people, resourceful and powerless, talkative and silent, carers and cared-for, and are granted an insight into the unit's clinical approach. Mental illness has changed, along with its treatment and perception.

1 January 2013

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Rezension: Joy Parr (2010). Sensing Changes. Technologies, Environments, and the Everyday, 1953–2003. Vancouver und Toronto: UBC Press

Rezension: Joy Parr (2010). Sensing Changes. Technologies, Environments, and the Everyday, 1953–2003. Vancouver und Toronto: UBC Press

1 January 2013

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Sounds Familiar: Intermediality and Remediation in the Written, Sonic and Audiovisual Narratives of Berlin Alexanderplatz

Sounds Familiar: Intermediality and Remediation in the Written, Sonic and Audiovisual Narratives of Berlin Alexanderplatz

1 January 2013

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Dutch Journalism in the Digital Age

Dutch Journalism in the Digital Age

With an ever-growing supply of online sources, information to produce news sto- ries seems to be one mouse click away. But in what way do Dutch journalists actual- ly use computer-aided research tools? This article provides an inventory of the ways journalists use digital (re)sources and explores the differences between experts and novices. We applied a combined methodological approach by conducting an ethno- graphic study as well as a survey. Results show that Dutch journalists use relatively few digital tools to find online information.

1 January 2013

Max Kemman
  • Digital history & historiography
Zwangsarbeitserfahrungen polnischer Kinder in Ego-Dokumenten und Selbstzeugnissen

Zwangsarbeitserfahrungen polnischer Kinder in Ego-Dokumenten und Selbstzeugnissen

1 January 2013

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Unordentliche Verhältnisse. Familie als Argument in Suppliken und Bittbriefen

Unordentliche Verhältnisse. Familie als Argument in Suppliken und Bittbriefen

1 January 2013

Juliane Tatarinov
  • Digital history & historiography
European Television

European Television

European television has a double connotation: it characterizes both the history and current existence of multiple television institutions and channels across Europe as well as the phenomenon of transnational, European television. Reaffirming the concept of Europe as “unity in diversity” and acknowledging the contested nature of Europe as a discursive character, both television and Europe can best be defined as projects that need to be continuously renegotiated and reinvented.

1 January 2013

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
