Des psychiatres et des enfants :  Une histoire belge autour du congrès de 1937

Des psychiatres et des enfants : Une histoire belge autour du congrès de 1937

1 January 2016

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Review: Arbeitsrhythmus und Anstaltsalltag: Arbeit in der Psychiatrie Vom Frühen 19. Jahrhundert bis in die NS-Zeit

Review: Arbeitsrhythmus und Anstaltsalltag: Arbeit in der Psychiatrie Vom Frühen 19. Jahrhundert bis in die NS-Zeit

1 January 2016

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Modes and Meaning: Displays of Evidence in Education

Modes and Meaning: Displays of Evidence in Education

1 January 2016

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Historiografia escolar digital: dúvidas, possibilidades e experimentação

Historiografia escolar digital: dúvidas, possibilidades e experimentação

1 January 2016

Anita Lucchesi
  • Public history
  • Digital history & historiography
De l'enfant pauvre à une image de marque: Une histoire de la politique culturelle au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg de 1945 à 2015

De l'enfant pauvre à une image de marque: Une histoire de la politique culturelle au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg de 1945 à 2015

1 January 2016

Fabio Spirinelli
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The New Interactive: Reimagining Visual Collections as Immersive Environments

The New Interactive: Reimagining Visual Collections as Immersive Environments

Emerging technologies and shared standards have opened up new avenues for the curation and presentation of data in archives and published research. Among their many benefits, these developments have made collections across archives more accessible, and have vastly improved the visual experience for users. This paper focuses on the next step in applying technical development and standards to digital collections: improving discoverability and providing a visual product that is simultaneously informative and experiential.

1 January 2016

Christopher Morse
  • Digital history & historiography
Body_Machine? Encounters of the Human and the Mechanical in Education, Industry and Science

Body_Machine? Encounters of the Human and the Mechanical in Education, Industry and Science

This paper unveils the body-machine as a key element of dynamic mental maps that have come to shape both educational praxis and research. It traces and analyses instances in which the human and the mechanical encountered each other in metaphorical, material and visual forms, thereby blurring to some extent the boundaries between them while capturing and mobilising specific forms of knowing and acting.

1 January 2016

Frederik Herman, Karin Priem
  • Public history
Work in Progress! Negotiating Visual Politics at the Centre national de l'audiovisuel in Luxembourg

Work in Progress! Negotiating Visual Politics at the Centre national de l'audiovisuel in Luxembourg

1 January 2016

  • Public history
Cabral, Amílcar

Cabral, Amílcar

1 January 2016

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Trading Zones of Digital History

Trading Zones of Digital History

1 January 2016

Max Kemman
  • Digital history & historiography
Adding a Technological Device to my Birth Body Limb Agenesis, between Normality and Disability in France

Adding a Technological Device to my Birth Body Limb Agenesis, between Normality and Disability in France

1 January 2016

Maxime Derian
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Review " Marie-Claude Thifault et Henri Dorvil (dir.), Déinstitutionnalisation psychiatrique en Acadie, en Ontario francophone et au Québec, 1930–2013

Review " Marie-Claude Thifault et Henri Dorvil (dir.), Déinstitutionnalisation psychiatrique en Acadie, en Ontario francophone et au Québec, 1930–2013

1 January 2016

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The dynamics of helping behavior for Jewish refugees during the Second World War: The importance of brokerage

The dynamics of helping behavior for Jewish refugees during the Second World War: The importance of brokerage

1 January 2016

Marten Düring
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Gender differences in educational attainment

Gender differences in educational attainment

1 January 2016

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Audiovisual work- Interview with Michel Camdessus, Paris 8 october 2015 (Lenght 01:31:36)

Audiovisual work- Interview with Michel Camdessus, Paris 8 october 2015 (Lenght 01:31:36)

Interview de Michel Camdessus, directeur du Trésor en France de 1982 à 1984, gouverneur de la Banque de France de 1984 à 1987 et directeur général du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) de 1987 à 2000, réalisée par le Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE) dans le cadre du projet de recherche "Pierre Werner et l'Europe" le 8 octobre 2015 à Paris.

1 January 2016

Elena Danescu, François Klein
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Seeing, hearing, reading, writing, speaking, and things: On silences, senses and emotions during the ‘zero hour’ in Germany

Seeing, hearing, reading, writing, speaking, and things: On silences, senses and emotions during the ‘zero hour’ in Germany

1 January 2016

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Decolonisation: geopolitical issues and impact on the European integration process

Decolonisation: geopolitical issues and impact on the European integration process

The ePublication ‘Decolonisation: geopolitical issues and impact on the European integration process’ explores the key moments in the disintegration of the European colonial empires, with a particular emphasis on French and British decolonisation, and looks at how this process of decolonisation influenced the European integration process. The ePublication begins by outlining the main stages in decolonisation after 1945, illustrated by specific examples.

1 January 2016

Victoria Mouton, Marco Gabellini
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
100 Joer fräi Gewerkschaften (1916-2016): contributions à l'histoire du mouvement syndical luxembourgeois

100 Joer fräi Gewerkschaften (1916-2016): contributions à l'histoire du mouvement syndical luxembourgeois

1 January 2016

Denis Scuto, Arnaud Sauer
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Ostbelgien hört Ostbelgien. Les débats autour de l’autonomie culturelle des Belges germanophones sur les ondes du Belgischer Hörfunk (1965-1974)

Ostbelgien hört Ostbelgien. Les débats autour de l’autonomie culturelle des Belges germanophones sur les ondes du Belgischer Hörfunk (1965-1974)

1 January 2016

Vitus Sproten
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Looking East–Watching West? On the Asymmetrical Interdependencies of Cold War European Communication Spaces

Looking East–Watching West? On the Asymmetrical Interdependencies of Cold War European Communication Spaces

1 January 2016

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
