WWII: Discussant at the Study day on population movements in borderlands throughout Europe in the early years after the Second World War

WWII: Discussant at the Study day on population movements in borderlands throughout Europe in the early years after the Second World War

13 May 2020

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Lecture by Julianne Nyhan "New findings and new questions about the origins of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

Lecture by Julianne Nyhan "New findings and new questions about the origins of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

Lecture "New findings and new questions about the origins of Digital Humanities: on the state of the art of histories of the Index Thomisticus project of Fr Roberto Busa S.J." by Dr. Julianne Nyhan, UCL (London), and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.

12 May 2020

Noëlle Schon
  • Digital history & historiography
De la déclaration du 9 mai 1950 vers l’Union européenne

De la déclaration du 9 mai 1950 vers l’Union européenne

Destiné à un large public de tous horisons, cette publications originale traite de la signification historique de la Déclaration prononcée le 9 mai 1950 par Robert Schuman, de ses échos dans le présent, ainsi que des liens de Robert Schuman avec le Luxembourg et du rôle du Grand-Duché dans la construction européenne. Une section distincte est consacrée à la Maison de Robert Schuman située à Clausen sur laquelle l'Université du Luxembourg veille depuis 2016, le Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH).

9 May 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
La signification historique de la Déclaration de Robert Schuman (9 mai 1950)

La signification historique de la Déclaration de Robert Schuman (9 mai 1950)

Le 9 mai 1950, Robert Schuman (1886-1963), ministre français des Affaires étrangères, propose la création de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l’acier (CECA), jetant ainsi les bases d’une Europe unie, fondée sur la liberté, la démocratie et le partage. S’en suivent sept décennies durant lesquels le projet européen progresse de 6 à 27 membres et évolue au gré des succès et des crises, en apportant au continent la plus longue période de paix dans son histoire.

8 May 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
"Un texte qui a changé le monde"

"Un texte qui a changé le monde"

L’Union européenne plonge ses racines dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1939-1945), le conflit le plus meurtrier de l’histoire de l’humanité. Alors que l’Europe tente de se reconstruire, des tensions politiques fracturent le continent entre l’Est et l’Ouest et la guerre froide naissante fait resurgir le spectre d’une nouvelle confrontation. Mais comment forger une paix durable entre les adversaires d’hier ? Le problème principal réside dans la relation entre la France et l'Allemagne, ennemies héréditaires, qui se sont fait par trois fois la guerre (1870, 1914 et 1939).

8 May 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Studying Events: Feedback on a Pedagogical Experiment

Studying Events: Feedback on a Pedagogical Experiment

Based on the experience of the Winter School I conducted for 2 years on Web archives at the university of Luxembourg and which involved research on European events and Europan history by Master’s students, I will draw some methodological conclusions (interesting topics, difficulties in grasping participation, typology of transnational events with regard to Web archives, issues of visual studies and transmedia studies...).

5 May 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Contextualising and engaging with Web domains

Contextualising and engaging with Web domains

This presentation suggests concrete avenues both to contextualize research on web domains and domain names (e.g. collaboration with the Afnic in France and use of its web archives to retrieve the price of a domain name, its policy for allocating domain names, the number of domain names it allocated with regards to the domain names retrieved in web archives, etc.) but also to create public engagement with this topic (identifying the first web page in each country, the most represented twitter accounts in web archives, etc.).

5 May 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
C2DH annual report 2019

C²DH Annual Report 2019

or its third edition, the C²DH's Annual Report focuses on highly innovative research projects in the field of digital humanities.

4 May 2020

Isabelle Voegeli
Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Report "Autocratization Surges - Resistance Grows" (2020)

Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Report "Autocratization Surges - Resistance Grows" (2020)

Main findings 2020. Autocratization – the decline of democratic traits – accelerates in the world: for the first time since 2001, autocracies are in the majority: 92 countries – home to 54% of the global population. Almost 35% of the world’s population live in autocratizing nations – 2.6 billion people. EU has its first non-democracy as a member: Hungary is now classed as an electoral authoritarian regime.

2 May 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Book review: Die Geschichte einer atomisierten Diaspora

Book review: Die Geschichte einer atomisierten Diaspora

„Die auf Quellen aufbauende, flott und allgemeinverständlich geschriebene Monographie geht den verschiedenen Migrationsströmen und den Umwegen nach, auf denen Bürger und Bürgerinnen Russlands nach Luxemburg gekommen sind. Sie scheut auch nicht den kritischen Blick auf das Russentum. Sie analysiert einfühlsam und überzeugend.“

1 May 2020

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Transitivity and degree assortativity explained: The bipartite structure of social networks.

Transitivity and degree assortativity explained: The bipartite structure of social networks.

Dynamical processes, such as the diffusion of knowledge, opinions, pathogens, "fake news," innovation, and others, are highly dependent on the structure of the social network in which they occur. However, questions on why most social networks present some particular structural features, namely, high levels of transitivity and degree assortativity, when compared to other types of networks remain open.

1 May 2020

Demival Vasques
  • Digital history & historiography
Naissance et extension du réseau Internet

Naissance et extension du réseau Internet

Du réseau ARPANET né dans le contexte de la guerre froide aux réseaux socio-numériques d’aujourd’hui, le développement des communications numériques en réseau a entraîné en cinquante ans des changements majeurs, que ce soit en termes d’usages et de services mais aussi d’utilisateurs, passés d’un public plutôt restreint et universitaire au grand public.

1 May 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Taxing intangible assets: issues and challenges for a digital Europe

Taxing intangible assets: issues and challenges for a digital Europe

Value creation is increasingly based on knowledge and intangible assets. This trend has gained momentum with the development of the service sector, the rise in competition as a result of globalisation and deregulation, and the impact of the digital revolution.Innovation has proven to be a key factor in economic growth. In the aftermath of the global crisis; public authorities,

24 April 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Viviane Reding on her action in the field of the information society and media (2004-2010)

Viviane Reding on her action in the field of the information society and media (2004-2010)

The following pages are taken from a long interview (more than eight hours of footage in total) that Viviane Reding granted us in 2015 in connection with the “Pierre Werner and Europe” research project. Drawing on more than 40 years’ experience in politics, Viviane Reding spoke about her career, the role of Luxembourg and Luxembourgers in the European integration process, and various key events in which she played a part.

21 April 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien" Folge 4: "sorties de guerre"

Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien" Folge 4: "sorties de guerre"

Zuerst die Angliederung an Belgien im Jahr 1920. Dann die Annexion durch Deutschland im Mai 1940. Und letztlich die Rückkehr in den belgischen Staat im Jahr 1945. Auch für die Menschen brachten diese Jahre zahlreiche Veränderungen mit sich: Was richtig gewesen war, konnte nach dem nächsten Wendepunkt falsch sein. Wer davor zur Elite gehörte, konnte nach dem nächsten Systemwechsel ausgeschlossen sein.

15 April 2020

Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll
Olgierd Górka’s Polemics on the Contours of the Polish Nation (1933- 1955)

Olgierd Górka’s Polemics on the Contours of the Polish Nation (1933- 1955)

Olgierd Górka was a historian specialized in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe who took actively part in the political debate concerning the place of minorities in Poland. He occupied different roles in the public sphere and appeared to have insistently tried to embody the voice of politically marginalised citizens of Poland. Olgierd Górka argued for a strong link between the Polish state and its citizens as a precondition for their mutual survival.

15 April 2020

Estelle Bunout
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Mehr Mut zum Experimentieren. Digitale Lehre - Interview mit Andreas Fickers

Mehr Mut zum Experimentieren. Digitale Lehre - Interview mit Andreas Fickers

14 April 2020

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Le malade global. De l’aile de la chauve-souris à l’aile d’avion. Esquisse d’une anthropologie du coronavirus

Le malade global. De l’aile de la chauve-souris à l’aile d’avion. Esquisse d’une anthropologie du coronavirus

Le coronavirus a provoqué le confinement de la moitié de la population de la planète et bouscule drastiquement l’économie mondiale. En termes anthropologiques, deux caractéristiques l’ont aidé à avoir cette diffusion si fulgurante. La menace n’était initialement ni suffisamment visible ni suffisamment effrayante pour être stoppée net par l’instauration immédiate de politiques sanitaires adéquates dans tous les pays à la fois.

10 April 2020

Maxime Derian
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

Interactive documentary produced by students on the Bachelor course in Contemporary History of Luxembourg, in collaboration with the National Museum of Military History in Diekirch, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.

4 April 2020

Dominique Santana, Sandra Camarda, Denis Scuto, Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Virtual exhibition
Activism on and off the bench: Pierre Pescatore and the law of integration

Activism on and off the bench: Pierre Pescatore and the law of integration

This article examines the life and career of Pierre Pescatore, one of the most prominent, but also controversial, promoters of European Community law. Drawing on extensive archive material, as well as interviews with relatives, it aims at understanding how and why he left such a strong footprint on the development of Community, later EU, law, both as a judge at the European Court of Justice and as a law scholar. Going beyond a one-man story, the article situates him in the broader

1 April 2020

Vera Fritz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
