Lav no taboo

Lav no taboo

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the essay of Claude Frisoni, director of cultural institute "Abbaye de Neumunster", "Lettre d'amour au peuple qui ne connaissait pas le verbe aimer"

21 March 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Abortion in the Third Reich: Ideology and the Penal System Concerning Women in the Penal Institution in Saarbrücken, Germany

Abortion in the Third Reich: Ideology and the Penal System Concerning Women in the Penal Institution in Saarbrücken, Germany

With the help of almost 200 dossiers of the Penal Institution in Saarbrücken (Germany) from the period from 1928 to 1944, I examine the situation of imprisoned German women during the Nazi Regime. I am focusing on the cases of illegal abortions by examining individual cases as well as common ideological and legal conceptions. The dossiers helped me to make conclusions about the gap between ideological ideas concerning the German woman and the complex and dark reality of life conditions for women. Insufficient medical and sexual

21 March 2015

Elisabeth Wingerter
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Comment l'Oncle Lex raconte l'histoire aux enfants

Comment l'Oncle Lex raconte l'histoire aux enfants

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the persisting myths about Luxembourg during Second World War told by promoter of Luxembourgish language Lex Roth

14 March 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Question nouvelle, discours ancien

Question nouvelle, discours ancien

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on nationalistic discourse of civil servants labor union CGFP

7 March 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L’ogre et la toile. Le rendez-vous de l’histoire et des archives du web

L’ogre et la toile. Le rendez-vous de l’histoire et des archives du web

In dialogue with the main theoretical foundations of historical epistemology, this article examines the issues, the expectations and the practices created by the sudden appearance of the archives of the web in the sphere of contemporary history. Between new materials, the heritage of the subject and the continuity of methods, it is a question of understanding the future redefinitions of the role of the historian.

4 March 2015

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
L'avocat et l'historien

L'avocat et l'historien

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on an open letter of lawyer Gaston Vogel about the Artuso Report on collaboration between Luxembourgish authorities and German occupying forces in antisemitic persecutions

28 February 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Un esprit ouvert et si tolérant...

Un esprit ouvert et si tolérant...

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on government official Louis Simmer who collaborated with German occupying forces in the persecution of jews

21 February 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Evaluation of Cell Line Suitability for Disease Specific Perturbation Experiments.

Evaluation of Cell Line Suitability for Disease Specific Perturbation Experiments.

Cell lines are widely used in translational biomedical research to study the genetic basis of diseases. A major approach for experimental disease modeling are genetic perturbation experiments that aim to trigger selected cellular disease states. In this type of experiments it is crucial to ensure that the targeted disease- related genes and pathways are intact in the used cell line. In this work we are developing a framework which integrates genetic sequence information and disease- specific network analysis for evaluating disease-specific cell line suitability.

20 February 2015

Maria Biryukov
  • Digital history & historiography
Votre passeport, s'il vous plaît!

Votre passeport, s'il vous plaît!

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on history of passport and identification

14 February 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
C'est quoi, ce mythe fondateur?

C'est quoi, ce mythe fondateur?

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the Second World War as founding myth for Luxembourg

7 February 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Contemporary Russia: Mensch Putin

Contemporary Russia: Mensch Putin

Die ZDF-Doku „Mensch, Putin“ vom 17.2.15 zeichnet anhand von Stasi-Akten und Geheimdienst-Dokumenten ein ganz neues, sehr detailliertes Bild von Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin (62). Schlug Putin wirklich seine Frau Ludmilla? Ließ er sich vom Schönheits-Chirurgen das Gesicht liften? Hat er im Wende-Herbst 1989 DDR-Demonstranten mit der Waffe bedroht?

1 February 2015

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Picturing the Nation: On Charles Bernhœft: photographe de la Belle Époque, Edmond Thill (ed.), MNHA, 2014

Picturing the Nation: On Charles Bernhœft: photographe de la Belle Époque, Edmond Thill (ed.), MNHA, 2014

1 February 2015

Sandra Camarda
  • Public history
Réfléchir sur Auschwitz, aujourd'hui

Réfléchir sur Auschwitz, aujourd'hui

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

31 January 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Avec le bonjour de Napoléon et de Jean-Théodore Laurent

Avec le bonjour de Napoléon et de Jean-Théodore Laurent

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on history of relations between Catholic Church and State in Luxembourg (19th-21st century)

24 January 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L'Iran et son retour historique sur la scène internationale

L'Iran et son retour historique sur la scène internationale

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the historical meaning of the end of sanctions against Iran

23 January 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Nous étions, nous sommes et nous serons Charlie!

Nous étions, nous sommes et nous serons Charlie!

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the terrorist attack against Charlie Hebdo

17 January 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
A propos des souvenirs de guerre de Jean Hamilius

A propos des souvenirs de guerre de Jean Hamilius

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on Mémoires of banker and liberal politician Jean Hamilius, "Luxemburg im Wandel der Zeiten"

10 January 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Towards an Archaeology of Television

Towards an Archaeology of Television

1 January 2015

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Connecting Women. Women, Gender and ICT in Europe (Nineteenth-Twentieth Century)

Connecting Women. Women, Gender and ICT in Europe (Nineteenth-Twentieth Century)

This volume examines European perspectives on the historical relations that women have maintained with information and communication technologies (ICTs), since the telegraph.

1 January 2015

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Wikipédia, objet scientifique non identifié, Nanterre, Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest

Wikipédia, objet scientifique non identifié, Nanterre, Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest

Parmi les dix premiers sites visités au monde, Wikipédia est désormais d’un usage courant dans le milieu éducatif et scientifique. Mais quelles sont exactement les relations que les chercheurs ont nouées avec la plus célèbre encyclopédie participative et collaborative en ligne ? Tel est l’objet de ce livre collectif et interdisciplinaire, où alternent études de cas et réflexions transversales.

1 January 2015

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
