Publications and communications of the C2DH in 2023
DANESCU, E., & ANGHEL, S. (20 December 2023). Central and Eastern Europe and European security policy: Quo vadis? [Paper presentation]. WINTER (Online) LECTURE SERIES, Belval, Luxembourg.
DANESCU, E., & DESCHAMPS, É. (18 December 2023). The European Parliament, an institution in history – The echo of the archives [Paper presentation]. WINTER (Online) LECTURE SERIES, Belval, Luxembourg.
FICKERS, A., & ARMASELU, F. (2023). Introduction. In F. ARMASELU & A. FICKERS (Eds.), Zoomland: Exploring Scale in Digital History and Humanities (pp. 1-15). De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111317779-001
ARMASELU, F. (2023). Text, Fractal Dust and Informational Granularity: A Study of Scale. In F. ARMASELU & A. FICKERS (Eds.), Zoomland: Exploring Scale in Digital History and Humanities (pp. 287-333). De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111317779-012
Pailler, F., & SCHAFER, V. (2023). Keep Calm and Stay Focused: Historicising and Intertwining Scales and Temporalities of Online Virality. In Zoomland (pp. 119-150). De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111317779-006
CLAVERT, F., & Paci, D. (2023). “Le goût d’un jour de fête”? Commemorating the End of the Second World War on Twitter During the Lockdown: A Comparison Between France and Italy. In Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies(pp. 221-244). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-34597-5_11
ARMASELU, F., & FICKERS, A. (Eds.). (2023). Zoomland: Exploring Scale in Digital History and Humanities. De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111317779
DANESCU, E., & ROMMES, J.-J. (12 December 2023). A small economy in a large marketplace – The economic history of Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. WINTER (Online) LECTURE SERIES, Belval, Luxembourg.
DURING, M. (11 December 2023). Making sense of semantically enriched newspapers [Paper presentation]. C2DH Training Trading Zone, Belval, Luxembourg.
CLAVERT, F., & Paci, D. (2023). Traces et mémoires en devenir d’une pandémie (Italie et France). Passés Futurs, (14).
Balbi, G., Haydari, N., SCHAFER, V., Schwarzenegger, C., & Hagedoorn, B. (09 December 2023). Media persistence: Theories, approaches, categorization. Studies in Communication Sciences, 23 (3). doi:10.24434/j.scoms.2023.03.4620
SCHAFER, V. (07 December 2023). Roundtable "Representations of AI: AI Branding, Memes & Narratives" [Paper presentation]. Seminar Digital Humanities Research Hub.
DANESCU, E., & MASINI, F. (06 December 2023). European economic governance: Where have we come from… and where are we going [Paper presentation]. WINTER (Online) LECTURE SERIES, Belval, Luxembourg.
FICKERS, A. (2023). Ostbelgische Katharsis? Die Herrmann-Niermann-Affäre als Medienevent. In Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens (Bd.6): Föderalisierung, Strukturwandel, Erwartungshorizonte (1973-heute). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz-Echo Verlag.
BRÜLL, C. (28 November 2023). Entre inquiétudes des minorités et peurs de la désintégration. Représentations de l'avenir de la Belgique dans les débats relatifs à l'autonomie des Belges germanophones depuis les années 1980 [Paper presentation]. 50 ans d'autonomie de la Communauté germanophone, Bruxelles, Belgium.
CALABRESE, M. (2023). The Fund Code. A History of Investment Funds in Luxembourg from the Holding Act to the UCITS Legislation (1929-1989) [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
ARMASELU, F. (16 November 2023). L'IA au passé : Retours et prospectives autour de l’Intelligence Artificielle comme champs disciplinaire [Paper presentation]. La Semaine mondiale de la Francophonie scientifique, Québec, Canada.
CLAVERT, F. (2023). Commémorer les Guerres mondiales en 2023. Analyse. Opinion. Critique (AOC).
BRÜLL, C. (25 October 2023). Die Reihe "Grenzerfahrungen": Potenzial beim Einsatz im Geschichtsunterricht[Paper presentation]. Tag des Geschichtsunterrichts.
Janz, N. (2023). Why do historians collect new sources? War Experiences in Luxembourg. The Second World War and Today [Paper presentation]. Voices from the War – Path to Peace : Ukrainian and international insights, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
JAGOS, A. (19 October 2023). Der lange Weg zur Villa Vauban [Paper presentation]. From plundering to restitution, Jewish assets in Luxembourg during and after World War II, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Zaagsma, G. (10 October 2023). Uncovering the Forgotten Roots of Digital History: the Association for History and Computing [Paper presentation]. Stockholm Digital History Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden.
DANESCU, E. (06 October 2023). Study Morning for the European Investment Bank - EIB Global [Paper presentation]. Study Morning for the European Investment Bank - EIB Global, Belval, Luxembourg.
BRÜLL, C. (05 October 2023). Werenfried van Straaten und die politische Situation in Flandern 1934-1944 [Paper presentation]. Symposium Werenfried van Straaten.
DANESCU, E., MAES, I., De LAROSIERE, J., GRAMEGNA, P., & SNOY, B. (2023). Towards EMU 2.0: Hindsight and Prospects [Paper presentation]. Towards EMU 2.0: Hindsight and Prospects, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
DANESCU, E. (2023). UNIVERSEH - Modern European History Course. (2023, UPS - University of Toulouse 3, Toulouse, France). European Space University for Earth and Humanity - UNIVERSEH.
AURICH, D.* , & HORANIET IBANEZ, A.*. (29 September 2023). How can data visualization support interdisciplinary research? LuxTIME: studying historical exposomics in Belval. Frontiers in Big Data, 6. doi:10.3389/fdata.2023.1164885
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.
Schafer, V. (21 September 2023). Don’t try to be original! Web archives as ‘reborn digital sources’ [Paper presentation]. 54th German Historians' Day, Leipzig, Germany.
DURING, M. (14 September 2023). impresso. Media Monitoring of the Past [Paper presentation]. DIFEM 2023 – Doctoriales internationales francophones en études des médias – A history of online virality, Belval, Luxembourg.
HÖFER, M. S. (14 September 2023). Comment analyser la réception ? Un enjeu pour les annonceurs, agences de publicité, médias et instituts d’étude de marché des décennies 1950-1970 [Paper presentation]. Doctoriales internationales francophones en études des médias, Esch/Belval, Luxembourg.
DURING, M. (09 September 2023). From text to data to networks [Paper presentation]. English Studies Conferences.
Schafer, V. (07 September 2023). What's digital about digital heritage ? [Paper presentation]. Defining Digitalities Workshop, online, Germany.
ARMASELU, F., Mcgillivray, B., Liebeskind, C., Valūnaitė-Oleškevičienė, G., Utka, A., Gifu, D., Fahad Khan, A., Apostol, E.-S., & Truică, C.-O. (2023). Workflow Reversal and Data Wrangling in Multilingual Diachronic Analysis and Linguistic Linked Open Data Modelling. In A. Salgado, S. Carvalho (Ed.), A. F. Khan (Ed.), A. Ostroški Anić (Ed.), B. Spahiu (Ed.), J. Gracia (Ed.), J. P. McCrae (Ed.), D. Gromann (Ed.), ... B. Heinisch (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (pp. 410–416). NOVA CLUNL.
ARMASELU, F., Chiarcos, C., Mcgillivray, B., Fahad Khan, A., Truică, C.-O., Valūnaitė-Oleškevičienė, G., Liebeskind, C., Apostol, E.-S., & Utka, A. (2023). Towards a Conversational Web? A Benchmark for Analysing Semantic Change with Conversational Bots and Linked Open Data. In S. Carvalho, A. F. Khan, A. Ostroški Anić, B. Spahiu, J. Gracia, J. P. McCrae, D. Gromann, B. Heinisch, ... A. Salgado (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (pp. 340–346). NOVA CLUNL.
Schafer, V. (24 August 2023). Archiving the Web during unforeseen events (terrorist attacks, war...) [Paper presentation]. ECREA Communication History Section Workshop: ‘War, Communication, and Media Resilience in Europe’, Lund, Sweden.
AURICH, D.* , HORANIET IBANEZ, A.* , HISSLER, C., Kreipl, S., PFISTER, L., SCHYMANSKI, E., & FICKERS, A. (18 August 2023). Historical exposomics: a manifesto. Exposome, 3 (1). doi:10.1093/exposome/osad007
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.
DANESCU, E. (2023). Activity Report Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg (1st May 2021-31 December 2022). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.
Janz, N., & Vercruysse, S. M. (2023). WARLUX nodegoat database, on recruits of Schifflange/Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History/University of Luxembourg. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8138202
DANESCU, E., & JUNCKER, J.-C. (2023). L’Europe à l’heure des défis : réalités et perspectives [Paper presentation]. Robert Schuman Lecture at the University of Luxembourg - Edition 2023, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Clavert, F., & Schafer, V. (06 July 2023). Applying distant reading to oral histories of the COVID crisis [Paper presentation]. International Oral History summer school, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
DANESCU, E. (05 July 2023). Pioneering Women in Luxembourg’s International Relations: New Oral History Insights [Paper presentation]. International Summer School “Oral History Meets European Studies. Sources, Tools and Methods in the Digital Age, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
GABELLINI, M. (2023). Exploring the European integration process: Oral History collections on [Paper presentation]. International Summer School “Oral History Meets European Studies. Sources, Tools and Methods in the Digital Age”, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Schafer, V. (July 2023). Arpenter et sillonner les archives du Web. Les cahiers de Framespa. e-storia, 42.
Schafer, V. (2023). Un passeur en contexte. In C&F Editions (collectif) (Ed.), Retour d'utopie. De l'influence du livre de Fred Turner. France: C&F editions.
Botev, J., Camarda, S., & Ohlhoff, C. (2023). The Rallye Platform: Mobile Location-Based Serious Games for Digital Cultural Heritage. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-34411-4_2
Brüll, C. (2023). Rezension zu: Lawrence Douglas, Späte Korrektur. Die Prozesse gegen John Demjanjuk. Neue Politische Literatur. doi:
Ganschow, I. (2023). Inna Ganschow: Prezedenzfall a Russland bleift net ouni Konsequenzen [Paper presentation]. Inna Ganschow: Prezedenzfall a Russland bleift net ouni Konsequenzen, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
DANESCU, E., & WERNER, H. (23 June 2023). Pierre Werner (1913-2002) – A life dedicated to Luxembourg and Europe [Paper presentation]. On the National Day of Luxembourg – Inauguration of the exhibition: ‘Pierre Werner (1913-2002) – A life dedicated to Luxembourg and Europe’, Iasi, Romania.
DANESCU, E. (22 June 2023). Historical Challenges and Crisis in building an Integrated Europe: Soft Power Lessons from Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Challenges and Dynamics of European Administrative Area, 2023 EU-PAIR Annual International Conference – 2nd edition.
Janz, N. (2023). The violent turn in soldier’s letters [Paper presentation]. VIOLENT TURNS: SOURCES, INTERPRETATIONS, RESPONSES, Paris, France. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8065856
Brüll, C. (19 June 2023). Input: Belgische und Luxemburgische Opfer der NS-Gewaltherrschaft [Paper presentation]. Schweizer Opfer der NS-Gewaltherrschaft, Fribourg, Switzerland.
DANESCU, E., & Metz, T. (2023). Faire de la santé une priorité européenne [Paper presentation]. Les Moins de l'Europe à Esch-sur-Alzette, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
DANESCU, E. (Ed.). (2023). Fostering Recovery Through Metaverse Business Modelling. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on an Emerging Paradigm Shift. (1st edition). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-28255-3
Brüll, C. (13 June 2023). Akteure und Strategien der Bekämpfung des rheinischen Separatismus in den 1920er Jahren [Paper presentation]. Forum Neuzeit "Krisenjahr 1923", Düsseldorf, Germany.
PAPASTAMKOU, S., LUCCHESI, A., & MacRae, D. (02 June 2023). Multilingualism and digital methods teaching: conceiving pedagogical materials in a multilingual-first approach [Paper presentation]. DH Benelux 2023, Brussels, Belgium.
VOEGELI, I., & Ganschow, I. (Other coll.). (2023). Standing for Ukraine. Support for the Ukrainian research community. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: C2DH.
DANESCU, E. (01 June 2023). Technical Sovereignty and Digital Democracy in the EU- A New Media Approach[Paper presentation]. The European Union in a Globalising World, Groningen, Netherlands.
DANESCU, E., & KLEIN, F. (June 2023). Women's narratives and European integration history [Paper presentation]. Women's narratives and European Integration History, Belval, Luxembourg.
DURING, M.* , Romanello, M., & Ehrmann, M. (2023). impresso Text Reuse at Scale Evaluation Form. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8009613
DANESCU, E., KLEIN, F., & Schmit, A. (27 May 2023). Mapping the Role of Women in Luxembourg Post-War Diplomacy through the Lens of Oral History [Paper presentation]. New Diplomatic History Network - 5th Conference, entitled Diplomacy Situated: Settings, Persons, Practices, Turku, Finland.
DANESCU, E., & Wiseler-Lima, I. (2023). L’Union européenne face à la situation des Droits de l’Homme dans le monde actuel [Paper presentation]. Les Moins de l'Europe à Esch-sur-Alzette, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Janz, N. (2023). CROWDSOURCING for PROJECT WARLUX [Paper presentation]. XpoNorth Digital: Shared Perspectives Conference (Virtual), Fort William,, United Kingdom.
Brüll, C. (12 May 2023). Le rattachement d'Eupen-Malmedy à la Belgique et la question de l'indépendance du Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. LA REDISTRIBUTION DES CARTES. Les nouvelles frontières en Europe et le droit des peuples (1917-1924). Histoire et mémoire, Liège, Belgium.
Schafer, V. (11 May 2023). Surprising Sources [Paper presentation]. Surprising Sources. A "Tensions of Europe" (ToE) remote conference.
Janz, N., Courtoy, J., Devé, S., & Vercruysse, S. M. (2023). Die Zwangsrekrutierung und deren gesellschaftliche Folgen während der NS-Besatzungszeit in Luxemburg : Eine Analyse zur Ortschaft Schifflingen. Portal Militärgeschichte.
Janz, N. (2023). Data Management Plan - Title: WARLUX - Soldiers and their communities in WWII. The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg. Belval, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History.
DANESCU, E. (08 May 2023). Completing Economic and Monetary Union: Challenges and Prospects [Paper presentation]. European Governance - Interdisciplinary Research Seminar. International week at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania.
FICKERS, A. (2023). History as 'retrospective prediction'? On the limits of predicting the future by learning from the past [Paper presentation]. Megatrends 2050 - Shaping the Future with Scientific Foresight, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
DANESCU, E. (2023). Robert Schuman et sa déclaration pour l’Europe (9 mai 1950): Histoire, actualité et perspectives [Paper presentation]. Robert Schuman et sa déclaration pour l’Europe (9 mai 1950): Histoire, actualité et perspectives, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Zaagsma, G. (28 April 2023). The Digital Archive and the Politics of Digitisation [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar, School of Information and Communication Studies, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
Schafer, V. (27 April 2023). Pourquoi les femmes ont quitté l'informatique et pourquoi ce n’est pas une fatalité…[Paper presentation]. International Girls in ICT Day, Luxembourg.
Fantin, E., Schafer, V., & Sécail, C. (Eds.). (2023). L'animal médiatique. Temps des Medias: Revue d'Histoire, (40).
Brüll, C. (2023). Das Lager Elsenborn im Versailler Vertrag.
DANESCU, E. (2023). Preserving memory, sharing history: Luxembourg and the Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950 [Paper presentation]. Preserving memory, sharing history: Luxembourg and the Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950 - Study Morning, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Janz, N. (2023). Bottom-up history. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Lëtzeburger Journal.
Fickers, A. (17 April 2023). Minett-Stories : A Transmedia Storytelling Project [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar of the Roy Rosenzweig Centre for History and New Media, Fairfax, United States.
Clavert, F. (13 April 2023). Prompting the past [Paper presentation]. Conference: "History in/and Digital Humanities", Montréal, Canada.
Pailler, F., Faye, A., Aubry, S., Silvestre De Sacy, & Schafer, V. (05 April 2023). Harlem Shake à la BnF … À la recherche d’un phénomène viral dans les archives du Web [Paper presentation]. Colloque international Le Web: sources et archives, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.
Clavert, F., & Muller, C. (04 April 2023). Le goût de l’archive numérique et les archives du web [Paper presentation]. RESPADON: Le web: source et archive, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.
Clavert, F. (03 April 2023). Une mémoire collective à haute fréquence ? Propositions méthodologiques et critiques pour l’étude des échos de mémoire collective sur les réseaux sociaux numériques [Paper presentation]. Colloque des étudiants du CRIHN: « la mémoire en humanités numériques », Montréal, Canada.
Schafer, V. (April 2023). Abstractions and Embodiments: New Histories of Computing and Society ed. by Janet Abbate and Stephanie Dick (review). Technology and Culture, 64 (2), 611-613. doi:10.1353/tech.2023.0082
Scuto, D. (2023). Quand Meloni réécrit l'histoire. Tageblatt, 6.
Schafer, V., Höfer, M. S., & Noguera, C. (Eds.). (2023). Women, Gender and Computing. Switzerland: infoclio. doi:10.13098/
Schafer, V., & Pailler, F. (30 March 2023). Conference Virality, platforms and influence [Paper presentation]. Virality, platforms and influence, Belval, Luxembourg.
Schafer, V. (2023). Médias sociaux en politique [Paper presentation]. Table ronde Médias sociaux en politique, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
DANESCU, E. (28 March 2023). European Idea and Democracy in forging Civil Society Participation Insight and Oversight [Paper presentation]. European Citizen's Initiative: A Tool for Engagement and Active Citizenship (ECI: From A to Z), Coimbra, Portugal.
Ganschow, I. (2023). LURN5: Luxembourg Ukrainian Researcher Network. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: C2DH.
Höfer, M. S. (28 March 2023). The challenges of working with statistics for media products in a transnational context[Paper presentation]. Internal Seminar of the European History Team of the C2DH.
HORANIET IBANEZ, A.* , RICHTER, D.* , & VAN DONKERSGOED, J. (2023). From The Historical Archive To The Citizens: Visualizing Census Data From Brill Street in 1922. Journal of the Data Visualization Society Nightingale. * These authors have contributed equally to this work.
Niemeyer, K., & Schafer, V. (20 March 2023). Stocker par, dans et pour les médias [Paper presentation]. Atelier Images-Sons-Mémoires du Larhra.
Scuto, D. (2023). Un débat parlementaire sur une politique "inhumaine" (Les Italiens dans le Luxembourg des migrations, 6e partie). Tageblatt, p. 6.
Ganschow, I. (15 March 2023). Ostarbeiters in Luxembourg during WWII [Paper presentation]. International Guest Lecture Series, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Venken, M. (2023). Native Borderland Children in the Belgian-German and Polish-German Borderlands. Comparing Verification and Nationalisation Narratives After the Second World War. In A. Wylegała, S. Rutar, ... M. Łukianow (Eds.), No Neighbors' Lands in Postwar Europe. Vanishing Others (pp. 101-125). Houndsmill, Unknown/unspecified: Palgrave Macmillan.
Schafer, V. (13 March 2023). Continuer à faire réseau : le regard d’une chercheuse sur le projet Respadon (conclusion de la journée) [Paper presentation]. Faire réseau autour des archives du web : Perspectives du projet ResPaDon, Paris, France
Clavert, F. (07 March 2023). History education in the digital age: a critical perspective [Paper presentation]. Second Forum on History Education of the Council of Europe, Brussels, Belgium.
Scuto, D. (2023). Les Italiens dans le Luxembourg des migrations (5e partie). Tageblatt.
Danescu, E. (2023). Regional heterogeneity and individual characteristics in the development of a European tax policy: historical insights from Luxembourg. In E. Danescu & A. M. Dima (Ed.), Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling - An interdisciplinary analysis of the new paradigm shift. Basel Swiss, Unknown/unspecified: Springer International Publishing.
Scuto, D. (2023). Les Italiens dans le Luxembourg des migrations (4e partie). Tageblatt, p. 5.
Ganschow, I., & Khomutova, M. (2023). Interview with Inna Ganschow - researcher at the University of Luxembourg, 22.02.2023. Radio Ara.
Ganschow, I., & Goerens, A. (2023). Krich huet kee kloert Zil a wäert dofir sou laang virugoen, wéi de Putin lieft[Paper presentation]. Invité vun der Redaktioun, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Zaagsma, G. (2023). Digitising History From a Global Context; And What This Tells Us About Access and Inequality. London, United Kingdom: Royal Historical Society. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7663512
Briamont, T., Brüll, C., & Sierens, V. (17 February 2023). Table ronde : L'historiographie de l'histoire des relations internationales en Belgique 1950-1970 [Paper presentation]. 9e journée du groupe de contact FRS-FNRS "Belgique et mondes contemporains", Liège, Belgium.
Zaagsma, G. (2023). Yiddish Periodicals in Germany - Dataset V1. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7640726
Venken, M. (13 February 2023). Chair: Social Policies and Welfare for Children and Women in European Borderlands [Paper presentation]. Third World Conference of the Association for Borderlands Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Scuto, D. (2023). Les Italiens dans le Luxembourg des migrations (3e partie). Tageblatt, p. 4.
Cauvin, T. (2023). Review: Public in Public History, edited by Joanna Wojdon and Dorota Wiśniewska. Public Historian.
Cauvin, T. (01 February 2023). Explorers presenter [Paper presentation]. Explorers.
Clavert, F. (01 February 2023). ChatGPT: a pedagogical use case [Paper presentation]. ChatGPT: AI & History, online, United States.
Ganschow, I., & Egberdien, V. D. P. (2023). The Ostarbeiters in Belval.
Ganschow, I. (2023). Скончалась Эмилия Пух. Website of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.
Clavert, F., & Muller, C. (09 January 2023). pratiques numériques discrètes et goût de l'archive [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Histoire numérique EHESS, Paris, France
Ganschow, I., & Hanna, S. (2023). Interview with Dr. Inna Ganschow (C2DH, Uni of Lux) [Paper presentation]. SciLux Podcast, Season 3, Episode 7, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
FICKERS, A., & Nicoll, N. (2023). Global denken, lokal handeln. Von den 'Grenzen des Wachtums' zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft? In Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens (Bd.6): Föderalisierung, Strukturwandel, Erwartungshorizonte (1973-heute) (pp. 158-175). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz-Echo Verlag.
Isasi, S. P., & FICKERS, A. (2023). Interview with Andreas Fickers (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History). Compendium : Journal of Comparative Studies = Revista de Estudos Comparatistas, (3), 114-118. doi:10.51427/com.jcs.2022.0035
Venken, M. (2023). De strijd om de onderwijstaal in de Oostkantons tijdens het interbellum. WT. Tijdschrift over de geschiedenis van de Vlaamse beweging, 1, 35-51.
FICKERS, A. (2023). The Future of History in the Digital Age. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
KREBS, S. (2023). Ethics of Sharing and Transmission: Learning from Covid19 Documentation [Paper presentation]. Workshop „Ethics of Papid Response in Research and Documentation: From Pandemic to Invasion“, Lwiw, Ukraine.
KREBS, S. (2023). About the Decline of Repair of Consumer Objects [Paper presentation]. 9th Conference on Aspects of European Consumer Law, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
KREBS, S. (2023). Zum vermeintlichen Verschwinden des Reparierens in Luxemburg, 1956–1987. Technikgeschichte, 90 (2), 93-110. doi:10.5771/0040-117x-2023-2-93
KREBS, S. (2023). Panne unterwegs! Die Entwicklung des Kfz-Reparaturgewerbes von den Anfängen bis in die 1970er Jahre. In J. Rüsewald, H. Weber, ... A. Venn (Eds.), Reparieren. Warten. Improvisieren. Technikgeschichten des Unfertigen (pp. 96-101). Berlin, Germany: Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin.
KREBS, S. (2023). Minett Stories: Telling the history of an industrial region to the public [Paper presentation]. ICOHTEC symposium, Tallinn, Estonia.
KREBS, S. (2023). Minett Stories: Wie erzählt man Industriegeschichte für ein breites Onlinepublikum? [Paper presentation]. Technik.Geschichte.Vermitteln. Museen und Orte der Technikgeschichte im Wandel, Völklingen, Germany.
Clavert, F., & Muller, C. (2023). Historian cultures – the epistemology and methodology of history in the digital age - CulturHist. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
KREBS, S. (2023). Review of: Finn Arne Jørgensen (2019). Recycling. MIT Press. Technikgeschichte, 90 (4), 345-346.
GANSCHOW, I., & MOREAU, S. (2023). Ida PRISANT (1900-1966), Nathan GODIN (1891-1949). University of Luxembourg.
DANESCU, E., Hansen, C., & Anglade, P.-A. (2023). L’UE en 2023, en quête de sa souveraineté [Paper presentation]. Les Moins de l'Europe à Esch-sur-Alzette, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
DANESCU, E. (2023). Connecting the welfare state to EMU: a Luxembourg perspective [Paper presentation]. Economic Thought and the Making of the Euro: Intellectual Patterns and Policymaking in European Integration (1950s-1990s), Florence, Italy.
BRÜLL, C. (2023). Franz Thedieck. In Aragorn Fuhrmann & Sarah Menu (Eds.), De digitale Encyclopledie van de Vlaamse Beweging. Antwerpen, Belgium: ADVN | archief voor nationale bewegingen.
Priem, K. (2023). Entangled Media Ecologies: The Nexus of Education and Mass Communication from the Perspective of UNESCO (1945-1989). In C. Flury & M. Geiss, How Computers Entered the Classroom (1960-2000): Historical Perspectives (pp. 173-189). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
van de Maele, J. (2023). Recensie van: Sieger Vreeling, Geen stijl: Een rijkere architectuurgeschiedenis. Bijdragen en Mededelingen Betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 138.
Schafer, V., Brügger, N., Goggin, G., & Milligan, I. (Eds.). (2023). Internet histories second early career researcher award. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, 6 (4). doi:10.1080/24701475.2022.2146569
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