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Digital history

Digital History. Konzepte, Methoden und Kritiken Digitaler Geschichtswissenschaft

Volume 6 in the C2DH series 'Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics' published by De Gruyter Oldenburg.

Research and teaching in history have undergone profound changes within the scope of digitalization. This volume asks questions such as: What changes is digitalization making possible in the way that historical research is carried out and communicated today? What new objects, methods, and tools are available to researchers today and what research findings do they produce?

Authors: K. Döring (LMU Munich), S. Haas (Univ. Göttingen), J. Wettlaufer (Acad. of Sciences and Humanities, Göttingen), M. König (DHI Paris).
Published by
De Gruyter Oldenburg, 2022
Hardcover ISBN:

Doing experimental media archaeology: Theory

"Doing experimental media archaeology - Theory" by Andreas Fickers, Director of the C2DH Luxembourg; Annie van den Oever, Faculty of Arts, Arts Culture and Media, University Groningen. 

This book offers a plea to take the materiality of media technologies and the sensorial and tacit dimensions of media use into account in the writing of the histories of media and technology. In short, it is a bold attempt to question media history from the perspective of an experimental media archaeology approach. It offers a systematic reflection on the value and function of hands-on experimentation in research and teaching.

Authors: Andreas Fickers (Director of the C2DH Luxembourg), Annie van den Oever ( Arts, Arts Culture and Media, University Groningen).
Published by
De Gruyter Oldenburg, 2022
Hardcover ISBN:

Doing experimental media archaeology: Practice

"Doing experimental media archaeology - Practice" by Tim van der Heijden, Open University of the Netherlands; Aleksander Kolkowski, Science Museum, London. 

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of experimental approaches to the study of media histories and their cultures. Doing media archaeological experiments, such as historical re-enactments and hands-on simulations with media historical objects, helps us to explore and better understand the workings of past media technologies and their practices of use. By systematically refl ecting on the methodological underpinnings of experimental media archaeology as a relatively new approach in media historical research and teaching, this book aims to serve as a practical handbook for doing media archaeological experiments.

Authors: Tim Van Der Heijden (Open University of the Netherlands), Aleksander Kolkowski (Science Museum, London).
Published by
De Gruyter Oldenburg, 2022
Hardcover ISBN:
Jewish studies

Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

Jewish Studies in the Digital Age is the fifth volume to appear in the C²DH book series Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics. 

The book contains an elaborate introduction that discusses the intersection of Jewish Studies and Digital Humanities within its broader historical context. In four different sections (Collections, Spatiality, Text and Computational) 16 chapters subsequently analyse a broad range of topical, methological and epistemological issues. 

Edited by: Gerben Zaagsma (C²DH, University of Luxembourg), Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, Miriam Rürup, Michelle Margolis (Columbia University Libraries / Association for Jewish Libraries (AJL)), Amalia S. Levi.
Published by
De Gruyter Oldenburg, 2022
Hardcover ISBN:

Histoire des Chemins de fer luxembourgeois

À l’occasion du 75e anniversaire de la Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois, le Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) de l’Université du Luxembourg a publié un livre qui retrace l’histoire des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois, combinant récits personnels, analyses sociologiques et rappels de grands événements. Sur 264 pages, l'ouvrage présente l’évolution du Groupe CFL dont le développement est, depuis sa création le 17 avril 1946, étroitement lié à l’histoire économique, sociale et politique du Luxembourg. 

Une publication des CFL et du C²DH.

Supervision scientifique: Denis Scuto (C²DH, University of Luxembourg); Auteur: Sebastien Moreau (C²DH, University of Luxembourg); Assistant de recherche: Thomas Wołoszyn (C²DH, University of Luxembourg).
Published by
Cahier&Co (Paris), 2022
Hardcover ISBN:

Maladies mentales et sociétés - XIXe - XXIe siècle

Les sciences humaines et la psychiatrie ont longtemps donné des maladies mentales une image de radicale altérité. Celles-ci ont pourtant joué un rôle constitutif dans les sociétés européennes contemporaines, à la fois expression d’une série de vulnérabilités médicales et sociales et représentation associée au génie et au crime, part honteuse de la famille bourgeoise et révélateur des désordres et des grands bouleversements sociaux. Cet ouvrage est à la fois une introduction à l’histoire des rapports de nos sociétés aux maladies mentales au cours des XIXe et XXe siècles et une synthèse des acquis historiographiques des quarante dernières années sur cette question, de l’histoire sociale et culturelle aux science and technology studies, en passant par l’histoire d’en bas et l’histoire matérielle. Organisé autour de quatre dimensions – espaces, savoirs, pratiques et expériences –, il montre comment les maladies mentales et leur traitement social ont été à la fois un reflet et un moteur de certaines des transformations de nos sociétés.

Auteurs: Benoît Majerus (C²DH, University of Luxembourg), Nicolas Henckes (CNRS).
Published by
La Découverte, Collection "Repères" Histoire, 2022
Hardcover ISBN:

Public History - A Textbook of Practice

The second edition of Public History: A Textbook of Practice offers an updated guide to the many opportunities and challenges that public history practitioners can encounter in the field. Split into four sections this textbook provides approaches, methodologies and tools for historians and other public history practitioners to play a bigger role in public debates and public productions of historical interpretations. Part I focuses on the past present and future of public history. Part II explores public history sources and offers an overview of the creation, collection, management, and preservation of materials. Part III deals with the different ways in which public history practitioners can produce historical narratives through different media. Part for discusses the opportunities and challenges public history practitioners encounter when working with different collaborators.

Editor: Thomas Cauvin (C²DH, University of Luxembourg).
Published by
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, 2022
Hardcover ISBN:
Repair Fanzine

Repairing Technology - Fixing Society?

The first issue of the REPAIR fanzine explores the topic of repair practices and opportunities in Esch-sur-Alzette. The fanzine is based on interviews, archival research, hands-on experience, fieldwork and more. Anaïs Bloch contributed to the research and was responsible for the design. Anaïs has extensive experience in producing fanzines, having previously produced a series of fanzines on mobile phone repair shops in Switzerland. Although a fanzine typically refers to a non-professional, non-official publication, Anaïs’ work offers a more academic perspective. Yet with a mix of fieldwork and brief impressions, she maintains the ideal of the fanzine as a rapidly produced research output. With a combination of pictures, illustrations and textual elements, the final product reaches out to a broader audience interested in repair at large.


Bruce Springsteen, ein “Minetter” der USA

„This Hard Minett Land“ – Das Buch

2022 haben das C²DH, das Tageblatt, und capybarabooks jeden Freitag zu einer besonderen Entdeckungsreise durch Luxemburgs Süden eingeladen: Rund vierzig SchriftstellerInnen und HistorikerInnen ließen sich von Bruce Springsteens Songs inspirieren und schrieben Texte über das luxemburgisch-lothringische Eisenerzbecken, „de Minett“, sowie über diejenigen, die dort leben und gelebt haben. Begleitet wurden die Texte in deutscher, englischer, französischer und luxemburgischer Sprache von Illustrationen des Luxemburger Künstlers Dan Altmann. 

Mit Texten von: Jean Back, Ulrike Bail, Serge Basso de March, Romain Butti, Michel Clees, Anja Di Bartolomeo, Andreas Fickers, Tullio Forgiarini, Claude Frisoni, Piero Galloro, Gast Groeber, Julia Harnoncourt, Guy Helminger, Nico Helminger, Tom Hengen, Jhemp Hoscheit, Susanne Jaspers, Jean-Marc Lantz, Marc Limpach, Charel Meder, Roland Meyer, Claudine Muno, Gérard Noiriel, Gilles Ortlieb, Luciano Pagliarini, Antoine Pohu, Jean Portante, Irene Portas, Jérôme Quiqueret, Anne-Marie Reuter, Daniel Richter, Nathalie Ronvaux, Fatima Rougi, Jeff Schinker, Denis Scuto, Jens van de Maele, Nora Wagener

Herausgeber: Susanne Jaspers (Capybarabooks), Denis Scuto (C²DH, University of Luxembourg).
Published by
capybarabooks, 2022
Hardcover ISBN: