Major publications
The C²DH shares and promotes the results of its research via a wide range of publications. Its researchers produce scholarly publications aimed at their peers and a specialist readership. These publications provide a detailed description of the research or experiments conducted and the conclusions reached. In connection with its academic outreach efforts, the C²DH also develops digital exhibitions and publishes books for the general public as a means of popularising its academic research.
Appearances Matter - The Visual in Educational History
With education as its theme, this book seeks to present a body of reflections that questions a certain historicism and renovates historiographical debate about how to conceptualize and use images and artifacts in educational history, in the process presenting new themes and methods for researchers. Images are interrogated as part of regimes of the visible, of a history of visual technologies and visual practices. Considering the socio-material quality of the image, the analysis moves away from the use of images as mere illustrations of written arguments, and takes seriously the question of the life and death of artifacts – that is, their particular historicity. Questioning the visual and material evidence in this way means considering how, when, and in which régime of the visible it has come to be considered as a source, and what this means for the questions contemporary researchers might ask.
Edited by Karin Priem, C²DH, University of Luxembourg; Tim Allender, Sydney; Inés Dussel, Mexico City; Ian Grosvenor, Birmingham.
Published by De Gruyter Oldenburg, 2021.
ISBN: 978-3110631258.
Befreiung der Frau
Befreiung der Frau ist ein Sammelband aus Texten von Aktivistinnen und Theoretikerinnen. Von den Kämpferinnen der ArbeiterInnenbewegung, der afroamerikanischen Frauenbewegung bis zu den Vertreterinnen des Globalen Südens, von Olympe de Gouges bis zur Zweiten Frauenbewegung der 1970er Jahre kommen werden möglichst viele verschiedene Analyse- und Lösungsansätze vorgestellt. Zum Beispiel die Frage nach biologischem und sozialem Geschlecht oder nach gerechter Verteilung oder das Verhältnis von Frauen zur Arbeit, wobei Haus- und Pflegearbeit besonders kontrovers diskutiert wird. Der Slogan „Das Private ist politisch“ betrifft nicht nur die Hausarbeit, sondern auch den weiblichen Körper, Liebe und Sexualität. Im Kampf gegen die Ungleichheit stellt sich die Frage, mit wem überhaupt zusammen gekämpft werden kann. Können Männer die Interessen von Frauen vertreten? Und können von Rassismus oder globaler Ungleichheit betroffene Frauen mit weißen Frauen aus dem Norden gemeinsam um ihre Rechte kämpfen, wenn alle unterschiedliche Erfahrungen machen?
Edited by Julia Harnoncourt (C²DH).
Published by Promedia, 2021.
ISBN 978-3-85371-493-5
Digital Roots - Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age
As media environments and communication practices evolve over time, so do theoretical concepts. This book analyzes some of the most well-known and fiercely discussed concepts of the digital age from a historical perspective, showing how many of them have pre-digital roots and how they have changed and still are constantly changing in the digital era. Written by leading authors in media and communication studies, the chapters historicize 16 concepts that have become central in the digital media literature, focusing on three main areas. The first part, Technologies and Connections, historicises concepts like network, media convergence, multimedia, interactivity and artificial intelligence. The second one is related to Agency and Politics and explores global governance, datafication, fake news, echo chambers, digital media activism. The last one, Users and Practices, is finally devoted to telepresence, digital loneliness, amateurism, user generated content, fandom and authenticity. The book aims to shed light on how concepts emerge and are co-shaped, circulated, used and reappropriated in different contexts. It argues for the need for a conceptual media and communication history that will reveal new developments without concealing continuities and it demonstrates how the analogue/digital dichotomy is often a misleading one.
Volume 4 in the C²DH series Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics
Edited by Valerie Schafer (C²DH), Gabriele Balbi (Università della Svizzera italiana), Nelson Ribeiro (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon) and Christian Schwarzenegger (Germany).
ISBN: 978-3-11074-020-2 is a plurilingual platform on the history of military, industrial and educational television. Launched in May 2021 by Anne-Katrin Weber, visiting researcher at C²DH, investigates the visual, material, and epistemic dimensions of the televisual form defined in terms of audiovisual instrumentality and operability, and running in multiple spaces outside the home. It takes advantage of the blog format to publish short case studies based on archival sources, and to cartography so far uncharted territory of televisual operations.The project is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
Esch sur Alzette – Guide historique et architectural
In the Geschichte und Architecture Stadtführer Esch-sur-Alzette, the authors Georges Büchler, Jean Goedert, Antoinette Lorang, Antoinette Reuter and Denis Scuto look back at the development of the “iron metropolis” and its buildings in their historical context – not just in terms of the history of art, architecture and urban development, but in terms of the town’s social and industrial history. Houses and shops, administrative, political, industrial, religious and cultural buildings, cemeteries, parks and gardens are analysed with detailed texts and illustrated with historical images and contemporary photos by Christof Weber.
Edited by C²DH
Published by capybara books
ISBN: 978-99959-43-38-7
Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours)
Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours) dives into the origins of the judicial organization of Luxembourg by tracing its evolution from the establishment of contemporary jurisdictions under the “Directoire”, the “Consulate” and the “Empire”, to the constitutional reform of the 2000s. Illustrated with photographs and archival documents, it is intended for both specialist and non-specialist readers.
Volume 1 in the C²DH book series Studien zur transnationalen Zeitgeschichte Luxemburgs
Edited by Vera Fritz, Denis Scuto and Elisabeth Wingerter (C²DH).
ISBN: 978-3-11067-953-3
e-ISBN: 978-3-11067-965-6
Journal of Digital History
Issue 1 "Scalable historiography: Storytelling, Hermeneutics, Data"
In October 2021, the C²DH published the first issue of the Journal of Digital History, entitled "Scalable historiography: Storytelling, Hermeneutics, Data".
Editorial "On pyramids, prisms, and scalable reading", Andreas Fickers and Frédéric Clavert (C²DH).
Inscriptions as data: digital epigraphy in macro-historical perspective, Petra Heřmánková, Vojtěch Kaše and Adéla Sobotková (Aarhus University) .
Twitter and feminist commemoration of the 1916 Easter Rising, Hannah Smyth and Diego Ramirez Echavarria (University College London).
The Nameless Crowds: Using Quantitative Data and Digital Tools to Study the Ancient Vocabulary of the Crowd in Tacitus, Louis Autin (Sorbonne-Université).
Topic-specific corpus building: A step towards a representative newspaper corpus on the topic of return migration using text mining methods, Sarah Oberbichler and Eva Pfanzelter (Universität Innsbruck).
Digital history of representations: analysing identity and nationalism in the Capuchin Annual periodical (1930-1977), Maëlle Le Roux (University of Limerick).
Edited by Frédéric Clavert and Andreas Fickers (C²DH).
Published by De Gruyter in cooperation with the C²DH, 2021.
ISSN: 2747-5271.
Légionnaires - Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France
Who were the Luxembourgers who signed up to the French Foreign Legion? What were they doing in France? Why did they decide to enlist? How have they been depicted over time, and how are they remembered? Drawing on the latest research on the topic and covering the period from the 19th century to the interwar years, with a particular focus on the First World War, Légionnairesprovides a comparative analysis of the history of the French Foreign Legion and the Luxembourgers who emigrated to France. Placing particular emphasis on individual stories, twenty articles explore the role of Luxembourg’s “legionnaires” in national and transnational history, their social and cultural background, the migratory experiences that led them to enlist, their experience of the war and its impact on their lives, and the ambiguities surrounding their representation and self-representation in the press, in official statements and in popular culture.
Edited by Sandra Camarda, Arnaud Sauer, Denis Scuto, C²DH, University of Luxembourg. François Reinert, Musée Dräi Eechelen, Luxembourg.
Published by MNHA / Silvana Editoriale.
ISBN: 978-8-83664-427-8.
Medical histories of Belgium - New narratives on health, care and citizenship in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Medical histories of Belgium offers an overview of the Belgian medical field in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. With little historical work on health and medicine in Belgium available in English, it assembles research in French and Dutch for an international audience. The volume consists of nine thematic chapters, structured around three major frames in medical history: the institution, the nation state and the physician. The chapters question these traditional points of reference by offering new narratives on health, care and citizenship.
They bring a variety of agents (physicians, nuns, politicians, architects, patients), spaces (hospitals, mutual health insurance funds, universities, health exhibitions, conferences) and institutional levels (local, national, international) into medical historiography. Throughout the book, the question of the particularity of the Belgian medical field forms a connecting thread, with each of the chapters connecting medical developments to the social and political realities of the country.
Edited by Benoît Majerus, C²DH, University of Luxembourg and Joris Vandendriessche, University of Leuven.
Published by Manchester University Press, 2021.
ISBN: 978-1-5261-5108-7.
Peripheries at the Centre - Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe
Following the Treaty of Versailles, European nation-states were faced with the challenge of instilling national loyalty in their new borderlands, in which fellow citizens often differed dramatically from one another along religious, linguistic, cultural or ethnic lines. Peripheries at the Centre compares the experiences of schooling in Upper Silesia in Poland and Eupen, Sankt Vith and Malmedy in Belgium — border regions detached from the German Empire after the First World War. It demonstrates how newly configured countries envisioned borderland schools and language learning as tools for realising the imagined peaceful Europe that underscored the political geography of the interwar period. The book can be downloaded free of charge.
Edited by Machteld Venken, C²DH, University of Luxembourg.
Published by Berghahn Books, 2021.
ISBN 978-1-78920-967-9.
Persistence of Technology: Histories of Repair, Reuse and Disposal
Repair, reuse and disposal are closely interlinked phenomena related to the service lives and persistence of technologies. When technical artefacts become old and worn out, decisions have to be taken: is it necessary, worthwhile or even possible to maintain and repair, reuse or dismantle them – or must they be discarded? These decisions depend on factors such as the availability of second-hand markets, repair infrastructures and dismantling or disposal facilities. In telling the stories of China’s power grid, Canadian telephones, German automobiles and India’s shipbreaking business, among others, the contributions in this volume highlight the persistence of technologies and show that maintenance and repair are not obsolete in modern industries and consumer societies.
Edited by Stefan Krebs, C²DH, University of Luxembourg; Heike Weber, Technische Universität Berlin.
Published by transcript Verlag, 2021.
ISBN: 978-3-8376-4741-9.
The exhibition focuses on on the transnational history of 1960s popular culture. Through the exhibition, visitors can explore the rich cultural production of the 1960s and the connections between European countries. The initial digital living room of the exhibition offers seven interconnected themes, all based on key everyday life media objects, which reflect the researchers’ individual work. Another possibility to explore the exhibition is directly through the extensive collection of sources.
The exhibition is the result of the collaboration between PhD students and postdoctoral researchers of the Popkult60 (for “Transnational popular culture – Europe in the long 1960s”) project based at the University of Luxembourg and the University of the Saarland. To build the exhibition, researchers relied on a rich corpus of archives and source material, which allows visitors to navigate the history of popular culture through a diverse multimedia and multilingual exhibition. The research project is funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is now entering its second phase. More information available on the project website.
The digital exhibition is accessible in English, French, and German.
Quarantine-drawings on the virus that never went viral
Dans le contexte de la pandémie de Covid 19, le C²DH a lancé une plateforme en ligne pour collecter des photos, vidéos, récits et témoignages, liés au Covid-19, de personnes résidant ou travaillant au Luxembourg. Il fallait garder la trace de ce que nous nous apprêtions à vivre, immortaliser ce moment inédit et documenter ce vécu hors norme, afin que les générations futures, mais aussi les historiens, puissent un jour analyser avec le recul nécessaire de quelle manière cette pandémie et les restrictions avaient changé notre vie et déstabilisé notre société. Motivé par l’appel du C²DH, Georg Riesenhuber, architecte d’origine autrichienne vivant au Luxembourg, publia ainsi près de 120 dessins sur cette plateforme.
Edited by Marco Gabellini, C²DH, University of Luxembourg and Georg Riesenhuber.
Published by myMorawa, 2021.
ISBN 978-3-99129-075-9.
Trading Zones of Digital History
Digital history is commonly argued to be positioned between the traditionally historical and the computational or digital. By studying digital history collaborations and the establishment of the C2DH Max Kemman examines how digital history will impact historical scholarship. His analysis shows that digital history does not occupy a singular position between the digital and the historical. Instead, historians continuously move across this dimension, choosing or finding themselves in different positions as they construct different trading zones through cross-disciplinary engagement, negotiation of research goals and individual interests.
Volume 1 in the C²DH series Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics.
Max Kemman, C²DH, University of Luxembourg.
Published by De Gruyter Oldenburg, 2021.
ISBN: 978-3-11068-196-3.
e-ISBN: 978-3-11068-210-6.