Workshop: Wikimedia tools for Public History

18 Janvier 2018

Workshop: Wikimedia tools for Public History

This workshop with Nathalie Casemajor aims to introduce the Wikimedia platform as a tool for public history and knowledge dissemination.
Hands on History logo

11 Janvier 2018

The Historical Art of Projection. Digital and experimental approaches to the archaeology of the screen

Hands-on History session with Karin Bienek and Ludwig Vogl-Bienek (University of Trier).
Digital approaches towards serial publications (18th–20th centuries)

15 Septembre 2017

rédigé par :
Eva Andersen

Digital approaches towards serial publications (18th–20th centuries)

In this post, I want to reflect on some of the presentations I was attending during the workshop organised by the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities.
FCSH Digital Humanities Summer School: Research Methods & Problem-Solving

14 Septembre 2017

rédigé par :
Eva Andersen, Jakub Bronec

FCSH Digital Humanities Summer School: Research Methods & Problem-Solving

The aim of this summer school, organized by the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, was to provide answers to specific needs and challenges emerging from projects conducted by researchers working in the field of history, archeology and literature. The basic idea of the organizers was to render a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment with the motto “Tailored to what you need”.
Hands on History logo

14 Septembre 2017

World War One: Wege in den ersten Weltkrieg

Lecture by Prof. Armin Heinen, RWTH Aachen University
DH2017 Montreal

21 Août 2017

rédigé par :
Florentina Armaselu

Impressions from DH2017 - Different Facets of Access in Digital Humanities

The annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) took place on 8-11 August 2017 in Montréal (Canada) on the campus of McGill University, and was co-organised by McGill University and the Université de Montréal. This blog entry will draw a few impressions from the attended presentations.
Linked Open Data Cloud

12 Juillet 2017

rédigé par :
Sytze Van Herck

DHOxSS 2017 - Linked Open Data

Last week I attended the Oxford Digital Humanities Summer School and took part in the Linked Open Data workshop. The Summer School started out with TEI courses in 1997, but has now grown to include eight workshop strands for over 250 participants.
Search engine on tablet

12 Juillet 2017

rédigé par :
Sytze Van Herck

The 'neutrality' of search engines

Nearly everyone uses search engines such as Google on a regular basis, and that is no different for researchers at our institution. Powerful as this tool can be, we should be mindful of what lies hidden behind the search bar and what information we receive through these search portals. Search engines are not impartial, nor do they search the entire web. Perhaps we need to think of other places to look for information that are less commercially oriented and supports Open Access.
Appel à participation

21 Juin 2017

rédigé par :
Florentina Armaselu

Mesurer l’effet Eurêka en histoire numérique à travers l’analyse du discours

Le C²DH cherche des volontaires pour aider à mesurer l’impact des outils numériques sur l’innovation et la découverte en histoire.
Forum Z
Kunstkopf - The future of storytelling

2 Juin 2017

rédigé par :
Elena Danescu

ForumZ: The future of storytelling in history

How has the emergence of the digital era affected the age-old art of telling tales? This question was in the focus of a public discussion during the third ForumZ event.
dhnord2017 call for papers extended deadline

1 Juin 2017

rédigé par :
Marten Düring

Call for papers: (De)constructing Digital History, Lille 27-29 November

During this conference digital history will be addressed through a triple spectrum: academic research, public history, and pedagogy, in order to trace continuities and transformations in history as a discipline; and contribute to explore the broader digital humanities field through this case study.
Tinkering with black boxes and the need for a critical mindset

10 Mai 2017

rédigé par :
Fabio Spirinelli

Tinkering with black boxes and the need for a critical mindset

From 20th to 24th February, a winter school on “Skills in digital humanities” was organised at the University of Luxembourg, where the participants were introduced to the software Nodegoat and the development of databases. It was a possibility of tinkering with a digital tool that was completely new to me. In the following, I will give a personal account of my own experiences with Nodegoat, and present a critical reflection on the problems I encountered and the use of digital tools.
The Amateur Film Dispositif: A Media Archaeological Experiment

27 Juin 2014

rédigé par :
Tim van der Heijden, Andreas Fickers

The Amateur Film Dispositif: A Media Archaeological Experiment

'Staging the Amateur Film Dispositif' is a media archaeological experiment performed on March 31, 2014 at the 9th International Orphan Film Symposium at the EYE Film Institute Amsterdam. In three tableaux we explored how past media usages of film, video and digital media have altered the practices of home movie staging.
