Rumelange rue des Bruyères

28 Septembre 2021

Rëm.xx: Rumelange, a post-industrial town and its cultural heritage revisited

Lecture by Giny Laroche , co-founding partner of The Impact Lab. The hybrid event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
Forum Z
Forum Z Mémoire de la Shoah à l'ère digitale

21 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Blandine Landau

What is remembered lives. Mémoire de la Shoah à l'ère digitale

Conférences et ateliers sur la mémoire de la Shoah à l'ère digitale.

17 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Thomas Cauvin, Joella van Donkersgoed

HistorEsch: Public History Activities in the city of Esch-sur-Alzette

HistorEsch is the overarching name for several public history projects that will be organised between 2021-2022 to actively involve the residents of Esch-sur-Alzette in the production of history.

17 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Thomas Hoppenheit

Das Ersatzteil zwischen Technik, Wirtschaft und Politik

The persistence of technology

14 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Stefan Krebs

Publication: 'The Persistence of Technology: Histories of Repair, Reuse and Disposal'

“The Persistence of Technology: Histories of Repair, Reuse and Disposal”, co-edited by Stefan Krebs and Heike Weber, has been published!
Belval blast furnace

12 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Werner Tschacher

Workshop report 'Digitising Industrial Heritage'

On 17 and 18 June 2021, the C²DH has hosted an international hybrid workshop. This event was organised as part of the research project “Remixing Industrial Pasts in the Digital Age: Sounds, Images, Ecologies, Practices and Materialities in Space and Time”. Completed and ongoing projects were presented that shed more light on various aspects of industrial heritage making and digital public history.
Public History in der Lehre

10 Septembre 2021

Public History in der Lehre

Workshop veranstaltet von Prof. Dr. Andreas Fickers (Universität Luxemburg), Dr. Irmgard Zündorf (ZZF Potsdam) in Kooperation mit der AG Angewandte Geschichte/Public History.

7 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Sandra Camarda

Marked Surfaces: Analog and Digital Re-inscriptions of a Portrait


3 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Stefan Krebs, Thomas Hoppenheit

The Decline of Repair Businesses? Luxembourg’s Repair Sector, 1971–1985


1 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Tizian Zumthurm

’Alles ist wertvoll’: Digitale Archive von Erinnerungen an die Covid-19 Pandemie

Appearances matter

11 Août 2021

rédigé par :
Karin Priem

New publication: Appearances Matter - The Visual in Educational History

Book edited by Tim Allender, Inés Dussel, Ian Grosvenor and Karin Priem, published by De Gruyter Oldenburg.

23 Juillet 2021

International workshop: Histories of Maintenance and Repair

International workshop organised by the REPAIR project team.
CfP - Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?

23 Juillet 2021

rédigé par :
Thomas Cauvin

CfP - Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?

As part of the ongoing series of symposia on public participation in museums, the C²DH invites proposals for a one-day online international event. This online symposium “Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?” will take place on 7 December 2021.
Recording of the roundtable "Different cultures in Digital History"

15 Juillet 2021

rédigé par :
Frédéric Clavert

Recording of the roundtable "Different cultures in Digital History"

On the 8 June, the C²DH (University of Luxembourg) and the Center for Digital Humanities (Perm State University, Russia) organised an international round table entitled “Different Cultures in Digital History”

14 Juillet 2021

rédigé par :
Thomas Cauvin

Discovery of the former industrial site in the process of transformation


9 Juillet 2021

rédigé par :
Sandra Camarda

Interactive Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling: An Insight on Digital Exhibitions


30 Juin 2021

rédigé par :
Thomas Cauvin

New Field, Old Practices: Promises and Challenges of Public History


25 Juin 2021

rédigé par :
Sandra Camarda

Légionnaires Rallye: a thrilling treasure hunt game. On the trail of the Légionnaires outside the museum walls

Grubenlandschaft Dudweiler

24 Juin 2021

Neue Perspektiven auf die Geschichte des Bergbaus an der Saar (Werkstattbericht)

Lecture by Birgit Metzger, cultural scientist and historian. The online event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
Steel industry Saarland

24 Juin 2021

'The Romanticism of Hell'. Environmental History of the Saar-region in the 19th-century

Lecture by Markus Lay, office manager of Saarland’s historical commission. The online event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
