Rumelange rue des Bruyères

28 Septembre 2021

Rëm.xx: Rumelange, a post-industrial town and its cultural heritage revisited

Lecture by Giny Laroche , co-founding partner of The Impact Lab. The hybrid event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
Salle des ordinateurs 1980 BGL

21 Septembre 2021

« FinLux » seminar: Schedule for the winter term 2021

‘FinLux’ is a series of seminars held on a monthly basis and focusing on the history of the Luxembourg financial centre.
Isis Luxenburger: The Representation of Borders in Industrial Films on the Saarland’s Heavy Industry (1931-2019)

16 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Arnaud Sauer

Isis Luxenburger: The Representation of Borders in Industrial Films on the Saarland’s Heavy Industry (1931-2019)

Recording of the FLUXUS webinar by Isis Luxenburger, held on 14 July 2021.
Local administration during the first and second World Wars conference

14 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Elisabeth Wingerter

How is order enforced during war and occupation? A conference on local administration during the first and second World Wars

Wartime regimes are more than simple top-down structures of terror and coercion between the occupier and the occupied or between the warring state and its population. Existing administrations, networks and functional elites took on complex roles, often adapting to local circumstances. Administrative authorities and personnel were constantly interacting with the population regarding everyday affairs. Studying the responses of administrations to the World Wars could enrich our understanding of contemporary history.
European Union Pavilion at World Expo

7 Septembre 2021

The European Union Pavilions in World Expos between 1958 and 2010

'Europe' seminar with Anastasia Remes, European University Institute
IMISCOE 2021 report

25 Août 2021

rédigé par :
Machteld Venken, Lorella Viola

Conference Report: Doing Historical Research on Migration in the Digital Age: Theories, Concepts and Methods

Lorella Viola and Machteld Venken (C²DH) organised the panel series “Doing Historical Research on Migration in the Digital Age: Theories, Concepts and Methods” at the International Migration Research Network Annual Conference (IMISCOE) on 7-9 July 2021 at the University of Luxembourg. The aim of the panel series was to explore how digital technologies have impacted migration history research.
CfP - Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?

23 Juillet 2021

rédigé par :
Thomas Cauvin

CfP - Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?

As part of the ongoing series of symposia on public participation in museums, the C²DH invites proposals for a one-day online international event. This online symposium “Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?” will take place on 7 December 2021.
Recording of the roundtable "Different cultures in Digital History"

15 Juillet 2021

rédigé par :
Frédéric Clavert

Recording of the roundtable "Different cultures in Digital History"

On the 8 June, the C²DH (University of Luxembourg) and the Center for Digital Humanities (Perm State University, Russia) organised an international round table entitled “Different Cultures in Digital History”
Warlux project

30 Juin 2021

Zwangssoldaten, Malgré-Nous, Zwangsrekrutéiert? - Terms, Numbers and Statistics

Workshop organised by the WARLUX project team.
Grubenlandschaft Dudweiler

24 Juin 2021

Neue Perspektiven auf die Geschichte des Bergbaus an der Saar (Werkstattbericht)

Lecture by Birgit Metzger, cultural scientist and historian. The online event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
Steel industry Saarland

24 Juin 2021

'The Romanticism of Hell'. Environmental History of the Saar-region in the 19th-century

Lecture by Markus Lay, office manager of Saarland’s historical commission. The online event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
©Copyright Photothèque de la Ville de Luxembourg/ Auteur: Mey Théo

22 Juin 2021

L’émergence de la nouvelle diplomatie luxembourgeoise

Wébinaire organisé par l’Europe Direct de l’Université du Luxembourg (EDIC) et ses partenaires – le Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, les Archives nationales du Luxembourg et le Cercle Diplomatique du Luxembourg.
Luxembourg city

15 Juin 2021

Luxembourg: from steel to the knowledge economy and beyond

Webinar with Franz Clément, Researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) - Elena Danescu, Coordinator of the Europe Direct Information Centre (EDIC) at the University of Luxembourg.
The Representation of Borders in Industrial Films on the Saarland’s Heavy Industry (1931-2019)

14 Juin 2021

The Representation of Borders in Industrial Films on the Saarland’s Heavy Industry (1931-2019)

FLUXUS webinar by Isis Luxenburger; a doctoral researcher in the International Research Training Group “Diversity. Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces” at Saarland University, the University of Trier and the University of Montreal.
Recordings of the symposium 'Making History together: Public Participation in Museums'

3 Juin 2021

rédigé par :
Thomas Cauvin

Recordings of the symposium 'Making History together: Public Participation in Museums'

The international online symposium brought together scholars, museum professionals and heritage practitioners to discuss how participatory history is constructed, developed, and implemented in museums.
Superstate or Tool of Nations? Rethinking the History of European Union

2 Juin 2021

Superstate or Tool of Nations? Rethinking the History of European Union

Online 'Europe seminar' with Kiran Klaus Patel.
Historical Network Research conference 2021

1 Juin 2021

Historical Network Research conference 2021

The C²DH is hosting the 6th Historical Network Research conference „Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke“.
Different Cultures in Digital History

26 Mai 2021

Different Cultures in Digital History

International Round Table and workshop on Digital History and new academic publication practices organised online by the C²DH (University of Luxembourg) and the Center for Digital Humanities (Perm State University, Russia).
Dr. Piero E. Galloro: Immigration et représentations sociales. Approches socio-historiques.

26 Mai 2021

rédigé par :
Arnaud Sauer, Denis Scuto, Machteld Venken, Christoph Brüll

Dr. Piero E. Galloro: Immigration et représentations sociales. Approches socio-historiques.

Dr. Piero E. Galloro, en tant que premier conférencier de la série FLUXUS, présente son travail «Immigration et représentations sociales. Approche socio-historique» en mettant l’accent sur l’exemple italien en France.
Belval blast furnace

21 Mai 2021

Digitising Industrial Heritage

Workshop organised by the “Remixing Industrial Pasts” team.
