Sarah is a doctoral researcher working on the WARLUX projet

Sarah Maya Vercruysse is a doctoral researcher working on the history of Luxembourgish soldiers and their communities in WWII in the framework of the WARLUX project. Her research will focus on the impact of the forced conscriptions and recruitments on the Luxembourgish families and communities.

Sarah Maya holds a Master’s degree in History from the KU Leuven (2013). During that year she was also an exchange student at the Universität Erfurt in Germany. Her master thesis focused on the relationships between Belgian political prisoners from KZ Mittelbau-Dora during and after the war (1943-2012).

Before starting at our Centre, she worked as a Research Assistant at the KU Leuven (2018-2019) and at the Museum for Archaeology and Ethnology at the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver (2019-2020). Her main research interests are Contemporary History of Europe and WW2 History.