Metadata in Oral Hisotory: Introduction

Metadata in Oral Hisotory: Introduction

The presentation treats the following questions: What kind of meta data (personal, technical, etc.) and for how long should it be collected, stored and disclosed in a born-digital interview archive? How the meta data should be collected, extracted and analysed within an Oral History research project and beyond? Is the transcription always needed or an index would be sufficient?

23 Janvier 2024

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Chair: Timetable and Division of Tasks between the Teams

Chair: Timetable and Division of Tasks between the Teams

23 Janvier 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Presenter: Temporalities of Mixed Economies of Veteran Welfare in the Greater Region after the First World War

Presenter: Temporalities of Mixed Economies of Veteran Welfare in the Greater Region after the First World War

17 Janvier 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
commémorer en ligne?

commémorer en ligne?

16 Janvier 2024

Frédéric Clavert
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
"Indésirables“ aus Übersee - Migrant/innen in Luxemburg am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts (6) - Stellen Sie sich meine Überraschung vor…

"Indésirables“ aus Übersee - Migrant/innen in Luxemburg am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts (6) - Stellen Sie sich meine Überraschung vor…

12 Janvier 2024

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Expert interview - future scenarios for digital cultural heritage infrastructure

Expert interview - future scenarios for digital cultural heritage infrastructure

Expert interview to develop future scenarios for what a cultural heritage digital infrastructure at a national or transnational level could look like.

10 Janvier 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Blog: Workshop on 'Children, Welfare, Borders'

Blog: Workshop on 'Children, Welfare, Borders'

The Presbytery of the Robert Schuman house hosted a one-day workshop about children, welfare, and borders, bringing together scholars from across Europe to collaborate on a special issue edited by Prof. Machteld Venken (C²DH) and Dr. Dominika Gruziel (EUI).

9 Janvier 2024

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Shaping the Welfare State in times of Polycrisis: Crunch time for the Luxembourg Social Model?

Shaping the Welfare State in times of Polycrisis: Crunch time for the Luxembourg Social Model?

Situated in the centre of Europe and bordered by France and Germany, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a multicultural, multilingual and a cross-border area par excellence. With a level of material well-being more than 37% above the European average, an unemployment rate of 5.2% and sound public finances, Luxembourg is currently one of the of the most politically stable and prosperous countries in the world, well-known for its social model.

1 Janvier 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Le temps des plateformes : enjeux, différences et complémentarité de l’archivage des médias sociaux numériques à la Bibliothèque nationale de France et à l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel

Le temps des plateformes : enjeux, différences et complémentarité de l’archivage des médias sociaux numériques à la Bibliothèque nationale de France et à l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel

Inégalement préservés, les RSN entrent dans les enjeux d’archivage du web de manière plus ou moins précoce. La Bibliothèque nationale de France [BnF] a archivé Dailymotion entre 2007 et 2013, Twitter depuis 2012 et YouTube à partir de 2017. L’Institut national de l’audiovisuel [Ina] archive YouTube et Vimeo depuis 2009-2010 et Twitter depuis 2014. Si toutes les plateformes ne bénéficient pas encore d’une activité de captures régulières, de nouveaux projets de collecte améliorent la couverture. Ainsi la BnF gère des collectes Instagram depuis 2020 et TikTok depuis 2022.

1 Janvier 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Digital Humanities at the Intersection of Three Approaches to Data Visualisation: Statistical Graphics, Data Humanism, and Humanistic Interpretation

Digital Humanities at the Intersection of Three Approaches to Data Visualisation: Statistical Graphics, Data Humanism, and Humanistic Interpretation

Digital humanities has a critical role in the progress of the data visualisation field. First, humanities scholars engage with the concept of knowledge as interpretation. Second, they leverage computational tools and statistical methods to analyse and visualise data and metadata. Finally, Digital Humanities projects are a space for experimentation where different epistemic cultures (which often go beyond the Humanities and Computer Science) negotiate new forms of knowledge.

1 Janvier 2024

Aida Horaniet Ibanez
  • Digital history & historiography
Establishing Trust and Transparency in the Context of Contemporary and Digital History: Implementing Digital Curation Strategies for Digital Research Infrastructure

Establishing Trust and Transparency in the Context of Contemporary and Digital History: Implementing Digital Curation Strategies for Digital Research Infrastructure

This poster delves into the intricate interplay between global expectations for research in contemporary history, the evolving landscape of digital curation, the imperative for efficient research data management, the creation of a well-structured and effective plan for digital infrastructure by emphasizing the significance of developing a comprehensive framework for the analysis and interpretation of contemporary history.

1 Janvier 2024

Tugce Karatas
  • Digital history & historiography
Kolonialer Genuss - Lebensmittel aus Übersee in Luxemburg und luxemburgische Produkte in Afrika

Kolonialer Genuss - Lebensmittel aus Übersee in Luxemburg und luxemburgische Produkte in Afrika

1 Janvier 2024

Kevin Goergen
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Conclusion: A Highly transformative age for web archives

Conclusion: A Highly transformative age for web archives

This chapter explores the evolving landscape of web archiving. It considers how web archives document challenging times, may help to analyse them, and respond to events, disruptions, social demands, and crises. It examines emergency response practices and research trends. The chapter also addresses current and forthcoming challenges such as adapting to platformization, AI, the closure of APIs, and evolving legal frameworks.

1 Janvier 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Underground Histories: Border Transgression and Subversion in the Minette (1919-1939)

Underground Histories: Border Transgression and Subversion in the Minette (1919-1939)

The history of the French-Luxembourgish border has been marked by the rapid growth of the iron and steel industry and the massive influx of immigrants coming to work in this cross-border industrial region. Employing a microhistorical lens and a relational approach, this doctoral research explores how border regimes were transgressed by everyday smuggling or subverted by Italian communist networks in the interwar years.

1 Janvier 2024

Irene Portas
  • Public history
Six Memos for the New Millennium : A Dialogue with Andreas Fickers on Epistemic Virtues in the Digital Humanities

Six Memos for the New Millennium : A Dialogue with Andreas Fickers on Epistemic Virtues in the Digital Humanities

Taking Italo Calvino’s Six Memos for the Next Millennium as a starting point for a conversation about the epistemic virtues in the Digital Humanities, Andreas Fickers and Annie van den Oever discuss a rejection of the normative tradition of honing an ideal-typical definition of what makes “good science” in favor of an exploration in the phenomenological descriptive tradition of epistemic norms (values) as internalized by scientists. They reflect on the six epistemic virtues that could be instrumental in prompting

1 Janvier 2024

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Identification des biens et dépossession : les Verzeichnisse über das Vermögen von Juden

Identification des biens et dépossession : les Verzeichnisse über das Vermögen von Juden

In the fall of 1940, the Chef der Zivilveraltung demanded that each person considered Jewish and still present in Luxembourg declare all their assets on forms designed for this purpose: the Verzeichnisse über das Vermögen von Juden (declarations of Jewish assets).

1 Janvier 2024

Blandine Landau, Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Compte rendu de Geoffrey Grandjean / Martin Lempereur / Julien Maquet (dir.): Histoire des institutions diachroniques. Le pouvoir politique en Wallonie

Compte rendu de Geoffrey Grandjean / Martin Lempereur / Julien Maquet (dir.): Histoire des institutions diachroniques. Le pouvoir politique en Wallonie

1 Janvier 2024

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Hans Braun

Hans Braun

1 Janvier 2024

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Que faire des « indésirables » ? Étude comparative de la dépossession des familles considérées comme juives et des familles déplacées de force au Luxembourg (1940-1944)

Que faire des « indésirables » ? Étude comparative de la dépossession des familles considérées comme juives et des familles déplacées de force au Luxembourg (1940-1944)

This article centres on a comparison of the persecution and dispossession of Jews and forcibly resettled Luxembourgish families, referred to as Abgesiedelte, during the Second World War in Luxembourg. It investigates how the German occupation authorities used the confiscation of property from these groups to foster a sense of allegiance to the German “people’s community” (Volksgemeinschaft) within the territory.

1 Janvier 2024

Sarah Maya Vercruysse, Blandine Landau
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Crazy salt

Crazy salt

1 Janvier 2024

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
