Connecting the welfare state to EMU: a Luxembourg perspective

Connecting the welfare state to EMU: a Luxembourg perspective

After Second World War, Luxembourg – with its singular geopolitical situation – abandoned its neutral status and embarked on a path to multilateralism, giving particular priority to European integration. From the early 1960s, the country promoted the idea of a Europe through currency as a crucial basis for effective economic integration, as reflected in the theories and action of a wide range of state and non-state actors.

1 Janvier 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Entre inquiétudes des minorités et peurs d'une désintégration. Représentations de l'avenir de la Belgique au sein des débats sur l'autonomie des Belges germanophones depuis les années 1980

Entre inquiétudes des minorités et peurs d'une désintégration. Représentations de l'avenir de la Belgique au sein des débats sur l'autonomie des Belges germanophones depuis les années 1980

The conceptions of Belgium that lie behind the demands of German-speaking Belgians for the expansion of their autonomy have not yet come into the focus of historical and political science research. What future do they associate with the Belgian state when they claim a community-region or a ‘Belgium of four’? This article attempts to approach this question by analysing four regimes of fear that determine East Belgian discourses: Fear of the past, fear of minorities, fear of being overwhelmed and fear of disintegration.

1 Janvier 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
International workshop: "Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings"

International workshop: "Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings"

In 1984, the German literature scholar Hannes Schwenger wrote that “it cannot take long before the first museum on offices opens its doors – probably before the turn of the millennium”. Schwenger drew a parallel with 19th-century factory complexes, which were (by the mid-1980s) gradually becoming museum-worthy due to the ongoing deindustrialization in Western countries.

1 Janvier 2023

Jens van de Maele, Andreas Fickers
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg


In den langen 1960er Jahren finden sich auf der Schueberfouer Einflüsse kultureller Transfers und Elemente, die die Attraktivität des Jahrmarkts steigern sollten. In diesem Vortrag sollen diese Transfers und Elemente anhand von zwei Aspekten näher beleuchtet werden. Zudem wird ein Überblick über den aktuellen Stand meiner Forschung und die Forschungsfragen gegeben.

1 Janvier 2023

Véronique Faber
About the Decline of Repair of Consumer Objects

About the Decline of Repair of Consumer Objects

1 Janvier 2023

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Review on "Bernard Papin, La décence télévisuelle au temps du Général - Violence, sexe et humour sur le petit écran des années 1960. INA éditions, Bry-sur-Marne, 2022, 256 pages."

Review on "Bernard Papin, La décence télévisuelle au temps du Général - Violence, sexe et humour sur le petit écran des années 1960. INA éditions, Bry-sur-Marne, 2022, 256 pages."

1 Janvier 2023

Matthias Höfer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Entangled Media Ecologies: The Nexus of Education and Mass Communication from the Perspective of UNESCO (1945-1989)

Entangled Media Ecologies: The Nexus of Education and Mass Communication from the Perspective of UNESCO (1945-1989)

Numerous studies and handbooks in the history of education are devoted to the history of educational media and the evolution of educational technologies. This chapter puts an explicit focus on the implications and conceptual background of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization´s (UNESCO) technology-driven idea of education, which already took shape before the 1957 Sputnik shock.

1 Janvier 2023

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Recensie van: Sieger Vreeling, Geen stijl: Een rijkere architectuurgeschiedenis

Recensie van: Sieger Vreeling, Geen stijl: Een rijkere architectuurgeschiedenis

1 Janvier 2023

Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
impresso Text Reuse at Scale. An interface for the exploration of text reuse data in semantically enriched historical newspapers.

impresso Text Reuse at Scale. An interface for the exploration of text reuse data in semantically enriched historical newspapers.

Text Reuse reveals meaningful reiterations of text in large corpora. Humanities researchers use text reuse to study, e.g., the posterior reception of influential texts or to reveal evolving publication practices of historical media. This research is often supported by interactive visualizations which highlight relations and differences between text segments. In this paper, we build on earlier work in this domain.

1 Janvier 2023

Marten Düring, Daniele Guido, Estelle Bunout, Petros Apostolopoulos
  • Digital history & historiography
Robert Schuman - Vu Clausen bis hin zu Europa. Op de Spuere vun engem iwwerzeegten Europäer

Robert Schuman - Vu Clausen bis hin zu Europa. Op de Spuere vun engem iwwerzeegten Europäer

1 Janvier 2023

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
Ouverture des données et archives du web : enjeux, pratiques et limites

Ouverture des données et archives du web : enjeux, pratiques et limites

L’entretien qui suit offre un témoignage sur les enjeux, pratiques et difficultés suscités par l’ouverture et l’exploitation des données du web et des réseaux sociaux numériques.

1 Janvier 2023

Fred Pailler, Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Internet histories second early career researcher award

Internet histories second early career researcher award

This special issue is the result of our second call for the Internet Histories Early Career Researcher Award. For the second time, in 2021, the journal Internet Histories has invited any interested early career researchers (masters students, doctoral students, and post-doctoral researchers) whose research focuses on the history of the Internet and/or the Web, and histories of digital cultures — or any historical topic within the scope of the Internet Histories journal, to apply for the award and to submit an original article.

1 Janvier 2023

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Ink and Paper in the Camp. Ego-Documents of Luxembourger Conscripts in the Soviet Captivity

Ink and Paper in the Camp. Ego-Documents of Luxembourger Conscripts in the Soviet Captivity

In the paper by Inna Ganschow, the camp experience in the Soviet Union as a result of forced conscription will be treated, specifically in its artistic processing: secretly written diaries and letters by Luxembourg Wehrmacht soldiers.

1 Janvier 2023

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Historian cultures – the epistemology and methodology of history in the digital age - CulturHist

Historian cultures – the epistemology and methodology of history in the digital age - CulturHist

CulturHist has its sights particularly on the community of researchers, who have done little to make the results and suggestions offered by the digital humanities their own. We want to focus the discussion on a cross cutting issue: the link to archives, as the raw material for writing an account of the past. The habit of working digitally of those historians who do not nowadays verbalise their computer practices is now widespread and is bolstered by policies aimed at making many digitised document collections available online.

1 Janvier 2023

Frédéric Clavert
Ethics of Sharing and Transmission: Learning from Covid19 Documentation

Ethics of Sharing and Transmission: Learning from Covid19 Documentation

1 Janvier 2023

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Objet-totem, objet tabou: la camisole dans les institutions de soin et de coercition (France et Belgique, XIXe-XXe siècle)

Objet-totem, objet tabou: la camisole dans les institutions de soin et de coercition (France et Belgique, XIXe-XXe siècle)

1 Janvier 2023

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
La BGL, l'architecture d'un siège dans une ville en mutation

La BGL, l'architecture d'un siège dans une ville en mutation

The Banque Générale du Luxembourg (BGL), established in 1919, is one of Luxembourg’s iconic financial institutions. Drawing on the bank’s private archives, this article explores the many architectural changes made to the BGL headquarters over the years, ranging from extensions and renovations to new building projects. Throughout the bank’s history – and especially from its establishment until the late 1980s –, the buildings that housed its head office in the centre of Luxembourg City went through multiple transformations.

1 Janvier 2023

Cécile Duval, Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
Das Ende des Originals? Quellenkritik genuin elektronischer „Quellen“ in Archiven sowie in der historischen Forschung und Lehre

Das Ende des Originals? Quellenkritik genuin elektronischer „Quellen“ in Archiven sowie in der historischen Forschung und Lehre

1 Janvier 2023

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Shifting the historical narrative of the Banda Islands From colonial violence to local resilience

Shifting the historical narrative of the Banda Islands From colonial violence to local resilience

History is a representation of the past based on (written) knowledge which has been passed on from one generation to the next, with a preference given to written sources from a Eurocentric tradition. However, written sources about (former) colonial territories are a product of the colonial system in which they were produced. Acknowledging the biases in these archives, therefore, opens the way for acceptance of other forms of knowledge which were previously deemed "not objective"in Eurocentric historical disciplines.

1 Janvier 2023

Joella van Donkersgoed
  • Public history
Vergangenheitsangst im Plenarsaal. Politik und Geschichte im deutschsprachigen Belgien seit 1973: ein politik- und emotionsgeschichtlicher Zugang

Vergangenheitsangst im Plenarsaal. Politik und Geschichte im deutschsprachigen Belgien seit 1973: ein politik- und emotionsgeschichtlicher Zugang

Wie haben ostbelgische Politiker über die regionale Vergangenheit gesprochen? Welche Emotionen begleiteten dieses Sprechen oder machten es aus? Wie verhielten sich ihre Interventionen zum Stand der Erforschung der Regionalgeschichte? Die seit der langen Nachkriegszeit in Ostbelgien präsente Vergangenheitsangst veränderte sich spätestens seit den 2000er Jahren und damit änderten sich auch die Bedingungen, unter denen Regionalgeschichte gemacht wurde.

1 Janvier 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
