Discussant: From the Iron Curtain to the Schengen Area

Discussant: From the Iron Curtain to the Schengen Area

1 Janvier 2011

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Belgien: Der Widerstand gegen die NS-Okkupation 1940-1945

Belgien: Der Widerstand gegen die NS-Okkupation 1940-1945

1 Janvier 2011

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Auf den Spuren von Diskurs, Traum und Wirklichkeit der architektonischen Formgebung in Decrolys Ermitage

Auf den Spuren von Diskurs, Traum und Wirklichkeit der architektonischen Formgebung in Decrolys Ermitage

The contribution is divided into three parts; first, [it tries] ... to uncover the Decrolyians'discourse concerning school architecture. On the basis of original sources, [the authors] ... look at the manner in which Decroly's and his disciples' thoughts on school buildings expressed themselves in the material heritage. Subsequently, Decroly's own school location is described and the question is raised as to how the developed environment was integrated into the pedagogical practice.

1 Janvier 2011

Frederik Herman
Das Dilemma zwischen Effizienz und Sicherheit: Über die Beziehungen zwischen Verfolgten des Nationalsozialismus und ihren Helfern

Das Dilemma zwischen Effizienz und Sicherheit: Über die Beziehungen zwischen Verfolgten des Nationalsozialismus und ihren Helfern

1 Janvier 2011

Marten Düring
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
La neutralité de l’internet, un enjeu de communication

La neutralité de l’internet, un enjeu de communication

La Neutralité d'Internet peut apparaître comme une notion avant tout technique. Toutefois, derrière la question de l'équité du traitement des données, se jouent des rapports de force entre acteurs économiques (fournisseurs d'accès à Internet, fournisseurs de contenus et de services .) qui ont des implications sur l'accès aux contenus, l'innovation et l'unité de l'Internet.

1 Janvier 2011

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Writing the history of psychiatry in the 20th century

Writing the history of psychiatry in the 20th century

As editors of the special issue, we try to summarize here the historiographic trends of the field. We argue that the field of research is accommodating the diversity of the institutional, social and political developments. But there is no narrative in sight which can explain the psychiatry of the 20th century, comparable to the authoritative coherence achieved for the 19th century. In contrast, the efforts to extend these narratives to the 20th century are largely missing the most impressive transformation of psychiatric treatment — and self-definition.

1 Janvier 2011

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Audiovisual work- Interview with Albert Hansen, Sanem 27 January 2011 (Lenght 02:37:25)

Audiovisual work- Interview with Albert Hansen, Sanem 27 January 2011 (Lenght 02:37:25)

Interview d'Albert Hansen, réalisée par le Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE) le 27 janvier 2011 au château de Sanem, dans le cadre du projet de recherche "Pierre Werner et l'Europe". Conduit par Dr Elena Danescu, chercheur au CVCE, l'entretien porte particulièrement sur la personnalité et la carrière de Pierre Werner.Interview with Albert Hansen carried out by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) on 27 January 2011 at the Château de Sanem.

1 Janvier 2011

Elena Danescu, François Klein
  • Contemporary history of Europe


1 Janvier 2011

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Greek Case: The Truman Doctrine and British Manipulation of the United States

The Greek Case: The Truman Doctrine and British Manipulation of the United States

This Article analyses events in Greece from 1944 to 1947, and the way in which they were used by the British to stoke anti-communist sentiment and action in the US government.

1 Décembre 2010

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Methods for Extracting Meta-Information from bibliographic databases

Methods for Extracting Meta-Information from bibliographic databases

Due to intensive growth of the electronically available publications, bibliographic databases have become widespread. They cover a large variety of knowledge fields and provide a fast access to the wide variety of data. At the same time they contain a wealth of hidden knowledge that requires steps of extra processing in order to infer it. In this work we focus on extraction of such meta knowledge from the research bibliographic databases by looking at them from sociolinguistic, text mining and bibliometric perspectives.

15 Novembre 2010

Maria Biryukov
  • Digital history & historiography
Shoppers, Tourists & Socialism: Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia (1950s-1980s)

Shoppers, Tourists & Socialism: Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia (1950s-1980s)

10 Octobre 2010

Adelina Stefan
Itinéraires luxembourgeois et européens.Evolutions et souvenirs: 1945-1985

Itinéraires luxembourgeois et européens.Evolutions et souvenirs: 1945-1985


1 Octobre 2010

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Polen ernstig uit balans

Polen ernstig uit balans

12 Avril 2010

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Facing Abundance: Zotero as an Enlightenment Tool

Facing Abundance: Zotero as an Enlightenment Tool

1 Mars 2010

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Belgien zwischen 1914 und 1918: ein Labor für den totalen Krieg

Belgien zwischen 1914 und 1918: ein Labor für den totalen Krieg

1 Janvier 2010

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Zwischen Markt und Labor : die zwei Gesichter des Hermann Schenck

Zwischen Markt und Labor : die zwei Gesichter des Hermann Schenck

Unser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Doppelfunktion, die Hermann Schenck in den 50er und 60er Jahren bekleidete: war er doch als VDEh-Vorsitzender (1950-1968) der eisenhüttenmännischen Praxis verpflichtet, während er als Professor an der RWTH Aachen (1951-1968) die „aus dem Stande der Empirie zur Wissenschaft“ erhobene Eisenhüttenkunde vertrat. In seinen zahlreichen Reden und Aufsätzen thematisierte Schenck selbst immer wieder kehrend die schwierige Wechselwirkung von Theorie und Praxis.

1 Janvier 2010

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Audiovisual work - Full interview with Lex Roth, Sanem, 3 June 2010 (length: 01:24:14)

Audiovisual work - Full interview with Lex Roth, Sanem, 3 June 2010 (length: 01:24:14)

In the framework of the research project "Pierre Werner and Europe", interview with Lex Roth, carried out by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) on 3 June 2010 at the château de Sanem. The interview was conducted by Dr Elena Danescu, a Researcher at the CVCE, and particularly focuses on the following subjects: the personality of Pierre Werner, the Luxembourgish language as a marker of identity, and Luxembourg and the European integration process.

1 Janvier 2010

Elena Danescu, François Klein
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The Techno-politics of Colour: Britain and the European Struggle for a Colour Television Standard

The Techno-politics of Colour: Britain and the European Struggle for a Colour Television Standard

1 Janvier 2010

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Histoire des immigrations au Luxembourg (XIXe-XXIe siècles)

Histoire des immigrations au Luxembourg (XIXe-XXIe siècles)

1 Janvier 2010

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les oppositions à l’euro

Les oppositions à l’euro

1 Janvier 2010

Frédéric Clavert
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
