The European Union at a crossroads

The European Union at a crossroads

In a difficult socio-economic context and a geopolitical environment marked by uncertainty, the European elections - scheduled from 6 to 9 June 2024 in the 27 EU Member States - represent a crucial moment with many issues at stake for democracy, solidarity and cohesion on our continent. To face up to these unprecedented societal and transnational challenges, Europe must not only revive the lessons of history to empower countries, regions and communities, but above all encourage the participation and commitment of citizens, among whom the younger generations occupy a place of choice.

1 Janvier 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next?

The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next?

The Bridge Forum Dialogue and The Robert Triffin Lecture 2024, titled "The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next?" was organised by The Bridge Forum Dialogue and the Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg (ED-UNILU) together with their partners – the University of Luxembourg (, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the European Parliament (EP) and the Robert Triffin International Foundation (RTI).

1 Janvier 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Hans Braun

Hans Braun

1 Janvier 2024

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Vergessene Opfer : eine Bestandsaufnahme

Vergessene Opfer : eine Bestandsaufnahme

1 Janvier 2024

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le "Parlement du travail" Histoire de la Chambre des salariés du Luxembourg (1924-2024)

Le "Parlement du travail" Histoire de la Chambre des salariés du Luxembourg (1924-2024)

1 Janvier 2024

Estelle Berthereau
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Be Where the People Are: Public Historical Engagement in the Public Space

Be Where the People Are: Public Historical Engagement in the Public Space

1 Janvier 2024

Joella van Donkersgoed
  • Public history
Pasts Revisited: The Rise of Public History through Epistemological and Technological Transformations.

Pasts Revisited: The Rise of Public History through Epistemological and Technological Transformations.

The rise of public history is the result of an unfolding technological-epistemological transformation. Gradual changes in media technologies, historiography, museology and museography until well into the 1970s can be considered as a pre-history of public history. During the last third of the twentieth century the rise of memory and related historiographical changes went hand in hand with an increased influence of analogue and digital media that impacted communication, documentation and preservation.

1 Janvier 2024

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Gare de Hollerich, Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Les enrolés de force, les transplantés de force

Gare de Hollerich, Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Les enrolés de force, les transplantés de force

1 Janvier 2024

Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le "Parlement du travail" Histoire de la Chambre des salariés (1924-2024)

Le "Parlement du travail" Histoire de la Chambre des salariés (1924-2024)

1 Janvier 2024

Estelle Berthereau
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le temps des plateformes : enjeux, différences et complémentarité de l’archivage des médias sociaux numériques à la Bibliothèque nationale de France et à l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel

Le temps des plateformes : enjeux, différences et complémentarité de l’archivage des médias sociaux numériques à la Bibliothèque nationale de France et à l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel

Inégalement préservés, les RSN entrent dans les enjeux d’archivage du web de manière plus ou moins précoce. La Bibliothèque nationale de France [BnF] a archivé Dailymotion entre 2007 et 2013, Twitter depuis 2012 et YouTube à partir de 2017. L’Institut national de l’audiovisuel [Ina] archive YouTube et Vimeo depuis 2009-2010 et Twitter depuis 2014. Si toutes les plateformes ne bénéficient pas encore d’une activité de captures régulières, de nouveaux projets de collecte améliorent la couverture. Ainsi la BnF gère des collectes Instagram depuis 2020 et TikTok depuis 2022.

1 Janvier 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Absiedlung in Luxembourg

Absiedlung in Luxembourg

1 Janvier 2024

Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Underground Histories: Border Transgression and Subversion in the Minette (1919-1939)

Underground Histories: Border Transgression and Subversion in the Minette (1919-1939)

The history of the French-Luxembourgish border has been marked by the rapid growth of the iron and steel industry and the massive influx of immigrants coming to work in this cross-border industrial region. Employing a microhistorical lens and a relational approach, this doctoral research explores how border regimes were transgressed by everyday smuggling or subverted by Italian communist networks in the interwar years.

1 Janvier 2024

Irene Portas
  • Public history
What is historical embroidery? The experience of cooperation with AI for the design of Ukrainian dancing costumes

What is historical embroidery? The experience of cooperation with AI for the design of Ukrainian dancing costumes

22 Décembre 2023

Inna Ganschow, Kateryna Zakharchuk
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Central and Eastern Europe and European security policy: Quo vadis?

Central and Eastern Europe and European security policy: Quo vadis?

This presentation has explored the historical origins and the complexity of building a security policy at European Union level, as well as the major challenges in this area raised by the enlargement of the European Union to Central and Eastern Europe and the prospect of future enlargements to an even wider region (Moldova, Ukraine, the Western Balkans, etc.).

20 Décembre 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Epistemische Tugenden in den Digital Humanities: epistemologische, politische und ethische Perspektiven

Epistemische Tugenden in den Digital Humanities: epistemologische, politische und ethische Perspektiven

19 Décembre 2023

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Let's talk 100: AI for our future - Are we on the right track ?

Let's talk 100: AI for our future - Are we on the right track ?

Roundtable with Prof. Dr. Florian Feltes, Zortify, Luxembourg; Prof. Dr. Lukas Sosoe, University of Luxembourg; Evangelia Markidou, European Commission, Head of Sector - Artificial Intelligence Technology, Deployment and Impact at European Commission

19 Décembre 2023

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The European Parliament, an institution in history – The echo of the archives

The European Parliament, an institution in history – The echo of the archives

The lecture given by Dr Étienne Deschamps has offered a broad overview of the often little-known history of the European Parliament since it was founded, while also exploring historiographical issues and the availability of multilingual, multimedia sources and archives for both researchers and the general public.

18 Décembre 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe


This chapter outlines the conceptual framework of the book and the variety of viewpoints related to the use of the notion of scale and zooming in digital history and humanities. The contributions included in the volume encompass different degrees of theoretical assumptions, practical insights and middle-ground reflections, symbolically expressed through the three conceptual levels: bird’s-eye view, overhead view and ground view.

18 Décembre 2023

Andreas Fickers, Florentina Armaselu
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Keep Calm and Stay Focused: Historicising and Intertwining Scales and Temporalities of Online Virality

Keep Calm and Stay Focused: Historicising and Intertwining Scales and Temporalities of Online Virality

After explaining why spatialities and temporalities, as well as platforms,matter in the historicization of virality, this chapter takes the Harlem Shake as acase study to demonstrate how a scalable and medium reading may allow to recon-struct past virality.

18 Décembre 2023

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Text, Fractal Dust and Informational Granularity: A Study of Scale

Text, Fractal Dust and Informational Granularity: A Study of Scale

This chapter proposes a method of text analysis that combines conceptual aspects from the model of scalable or zoomable text (z-text), topic modelling and fractal geometry.

18 Décembre 2023

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
