LLODIA (Linguistic Linked Open Data for Diachronic Analysis)

LLODIA (Linguistic Linked Open Data for Diachronic Analysis)

LLODIA is a linguistic linked open data model for diachronic analysis.

25 Avril 2024

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
Industrial Memories & Oral History Interviews with Trade Unionists in Luxembourg

Industrial Memories & Oral History Interviews with Trade Unionists in Luxembourg

25 Avril 2024

Zoé Konsbruck, Nicolas Arendt
  • Public history
Ranke.2 - Source Criticism in the Digital Age. Scholar-led Publishing of Multilingual Educational Resources for Historians

Ranke.2 - Source Criticism in the Digital Age. Scholar-led Publishing of Multilingual Educational Resources for Historians

Presentation of Ranke.2, a project of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), OPERAS 2024 Conference, Zadar, Croatia

23 Avril 2024

Sofia Papastamkou
  • Public history
European Monetary Unification: History, Individuals, Networks

European Monetary Unification: History, Individuals, Networks

" European Monetary Unification: History, Individuals, Networks" - Presentation at the Interdisciplinary PhD Seminar organised by the Jean Monnet Chair for European Financial Regulation/ Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EUropean FInancial REsilience and REgulation, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania (Iasi, 23 April, 2024) European Project: ERASMUS-JMO-HEI-TCH-RSC-101085352

23 Avril 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Roundtable “Vernacular web, personal pages, online communities”

Roundtable “Vernacular web, personal pages, online communities”

Main co-organiser of the Early Scholars Spring School on Web Archives At a glance… Dates: from April 23 at 9.00 am to April 24 at 5.30 pm Location: Centre Internet et Société, CNRS, 59-61 rue Pouchet, PARIS Expected attendance: 15 master’s and PhD students (also open to post-doctoral researchers who just started to work with web archives) Topics & activities: keynotes, roundtable discussions, site visits (at BnF Datalab and Ina THEQUE), tools and data exploration, Q&A sessions, and lightning talks by PhD students.

23 Avril 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Interviewer: Radio Ara Russia for Peace in Luxembourg and its Host Marina Khomutova

Interviewer: Radio Ara Russia for Peace in Luxembourg and its Host Marina Khomutova

Interview with Marina Khomutova, the host of the radio station ARA Russia for Peace in Luxembourg. The first Russian speaking radio program started by Khomutova in 2019 and survived different editors, the full-scale invasion of Russia in Ukraine and lack of the program sponsoring. The purely volunteer project is driven by the enthusiasm of Khomutova striving to keep the Russian speaking media regardless the origin of the guests

19 Avril 2024

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
„Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft - quo vadis?“

„Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft - quo vadis?“

VH:D_igital Public Lecture 1: „Wo stehen wir eigentlich? Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft und wie wir dahinkommen“ 18. April 2024, Frankfurt am Main sowie hybrid Von überall ist der Ruf nach (mehr) Digitalität und digitalen Kompetenzen in Forschung und Lehre zu hören. Für die einen sind es die Unworte der letzten Jahre, für andere sind es Versprechen von neuen Erkenntnismöglichkeiten. Aber: Wo stehen wir als Geschichtswissenschaft eigentlich wirklich? Erfinden wir das digitale Rad oder laufen wir ihm gerade hinterher?

18 Avril 2024

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Deindustrialiséierung an den Industriestied Esch, Diddeleng a Péiteng 1970-1990

Deindustrialiséierung an den Industriestied Esch, Diddeleng a Péiteng 1970-1990

17 Avril 2024

Zoé Konsbruck
  • Public history
Der unbekannte Premiumpartner. Deutsch-belgische Beziehungen seit 1945

Der unbekannte Premiumpartner. Deutsch-belgische Beziehungen seit 1945

17 Avril 2024

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Roundtable: DHJewish Quo Vadis?

Roundtable: DHJewish Quo Vadis?

Closing roundtable of the conference The Value of the Digital. #DHJewish Conference and Hackathon.

12 Avril 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
The Computer Girls: Exploring Herstory

The Computer Girls: Exploring Herstory

Presentation on Women and Computing from the 50s to today, within a panel related to Diversity & Inclusion Chair: Peter Roenne

8 Avril 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Networks of Confessional Affiliation: Religious Choice and the Schism of Utrecht

Networks of Confessional Affiliation: Religious Choice and the Schism of Utrecht

This article demonstrates our methodology for studying the process of intra-Catholic confessional affiliation during the schism that occurred in the Catholic Church in the eighteenth-century Dutch Republic. The schism resulted in the remarkable fact that the Republic, a Protestant state, became home to two competing Catholic Churches, the Roman Catholic Church and the Roomsch-Katholieke Kerk der Oud-Bisschoppelijke Cleresie (​​OBC Church).

8 Avril 2024

Demival Vasques
  • Digital history & historiography
The Luxembourg Time Machine: An interdisciplinary exploration into the visualization of complex data from the past

The Luxembourg Time Machine: An interdisciplinary exploration into the visualization of complex data from the past

This research studies and implements multiple approaches to data visualization in an

8 Avril 2024

Aida Horaniet Ibanez
  • Digital history & historiography
Presenter: Chronoferencing the Italian-Slovenian Borderlands. Citizen Science, Oral History and Output Criticism

Presenter: Chronoferencing the Italian-Slovenian Borderlands. Citizen Science, Oral History and Output Criticism

5 Avril 2024

Johanna Jaschik
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Was ist Public History?

Was ist Public History?

Die Beschaftigung der Menschen mit der Vergangenheit kann viele Formen annehmen, von Ausstellungen bis zu Videospielen. Historiker der ,,Public History" entwickeln Methoden, um Geschichte zuganglicher und partizipativer zu machen.

4 Avril 2024

Joella van Donkersgoed
  • Public history
Framing settlement systems as spatial adaptive systems

Framing settlement systems as spatial adaptive systems

Theoretical developments are needed to interpret the increasing amount of large-scale spatial data about past settlements. So far, settlement patterns have mostly been considered as passive imprints of past human activities and most theories are limited to ecological processes. Locational and spatial interactions have scarcely been included as long-term driving forces of settlement systems but hold promise to explain large-scale patterns.

1 Avril 2024

Kaarel Sikk
  • Digital history & historiography
Revolutionary Ideas for  Counterrevolutionary Times:  The Life and Works of Arno J. Mayer

Revolutionary Ideas for Counterrevolutionary Times: The Life and Works of Arno J. Mayer

1 Avril 2024

Andrew Pfannkuche
  • Digital history & historiography
Conference Virality, platforms and influence

Conference Virality, platforms and influence

Within the framework of the HIVI project, related to the history of online virality and supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) (C20/SC/14758148), this conference, organised by Fred Pailler and Valérie Schafer (C²DH, University of Luxembourg), will analyse the role that platforms and diverse stakeholders (i.e., celebrities, entrepreneurs, companies, politicians, NGO, journalists, activists, users, etc.) play in the spread, diffusion, circulation or moderation and invisibilisation of digital content.

30 Mars 2024

Valérie Schafer, Fred Pailler
  • Contemporary history of Europe
"Indésirables“ aus Übersee - Migrant/innen in Luxemburg am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts (7) - „Unser Leidensweg inmitten der Zivilisation“

"Indésirables“ aus Übersee - Migrant/innen in Luxemburg am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts (7) - „Unser Leidensweg inmitten der Zivilisation“

29 Mars 2024

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Médias sociaux en politique

Médias sociaux en politique

Co-organisatrice et modératrice de la table ronde. Résumé: Des personnalités politiques, des professionnel-le-s de la communication et des scientifiques discuteront de l’utilisation et de l’impact des réseaux sociaux numériques dans le monde politique. Quels sont les avantages, mais aussi les risques pour les hommes et femmes politiques d’utiliser les réseaux sociaux ? Quelles sont les pratiques, notamment le choix des plateformes de communication et l’audience visée?

29 Mars 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
