In 2022 the DRI team continued to support the research activities of the center by providing professional services for the full research cycle from data acquisition to processing, analysis, visualisation and finally storage in our data repository. The team maintains previously developed applications and introduces new service offerings to the center. It furthermore consults our colleagues in the development of new applications with a specific focus on interface and user experience design.
New releases in 2022
Framing Luxembourg
Framing Luxembourg tells history using statistical data through the narrative means of scrolly-tellling. Following an intense cooperation with STATEC, the web application was released during a public event in 2022. Framing Luxembourg made it to the long list of the "Information is Beautiful Awards" from the Data Visualisation Society and won a "Luxembourg Design Award 2023".
Luxembourg Mémorial de la Shoah
With the idea of building a bridge between the dead and the living, the C2DH and the Fondation luxembourgeoise pour la Mémoire de la Shoah (FLMS) have set themselves the task of creating a digital memorial to remember the people who lived in Luxembourg before and during World War II and were persecuted by the Nazis, who defined them as "Jews" based on the Nuremberg Race Laws passed in 1935. Based on the idea of leaving pebbles in an endless landscape, the first release of the memorial website strives to shed light on the complex entanglement of Luxembourgish citizens with their communities.

Journal of Digital History
Following the launch of the Journal of Digital History in 2021 in partnership with the editor De Gruyter, several new articles and a new issue were started in 2022. Besides the regular issues, a series of special issues had been started that year and is currently in the making. The concept of the fingerprint also made it to the long list of the "Information is Beautiful Awards" from the Data Visualisation Society.

Behind the scenes
Digital labour is often hidden, and so a lot of the work of the DRI department remains out of sight but remains indispensable for the functioning of our digital outputs. Besides other activities we started the technical migration of cvce.eu to a new platform that will allow us to continue serving a large audience that is interested in the history of European Integration. Furthermore we provided the backends for different exhibition projects such as Minett Stories. Following the attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine, the team supported colleagues from and in Ukraine to store, backup and collect data for future uses.
Research projects
Augmented Artwork Analysis (AAA)
Funded by the ANR/FNR
In 2022 the AAA project continued with a further design review as well as first drafts and prototypes to sketch the future applications that we want to build with our partners in the project. We particularly invested ourselves in coordinating with our partners in France and Belgium to build up a solid pipeline for the future implementation of the toolsets.
Funded by the FNR
In this collaborative project with Benoit Majerus from the European History group, the DRI team strives to analyse almost a century of public data in order to better understand the structure of the Luxembourgish finance place. To this end we welcomed an expert in natural language processing to extract detailed information about persons and organisations in time and space from the available data.