Digital Media and Technology in the classroom and beyond

3 October 2017

written by :
Sytze Van Herck, Richard Legay

Digital Media and Technology in the classroom and beyond

Digital Media and Technology has transformed how we teach, learn and present. In a transferable skills training of the doctoral school here at university, Robert Reuter introduced us to new media and tools that can enhance teaching and learning. Based on the eight learning events defined by Leclercq and Poumay at the university of Liège, we came up with several online tools that can extend and enhance teaching and engage the students or audience.
Expérimenter les Humanités numériques

30 September 2017

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

Expérimenter les Humanités numériques

Univers en perpétuelle expansion et au foisonnement chaotique, Internet offre un nombre incalculable d’outils, dont l’exploration paraît parfois hors de portée. Dans le paysage des sciences humaines, les blogs, les logiciels bibliographiques, les bases de données, les éditions en ligne et les wikis, tous ces objets qui éveillaient notre curiosité il y a une décennie, sont devenus aussi anodins qu’omniprésents. Mais comment bien s’en servir ?

26 September 2017

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Program now online: DHnord2017 - (De)constructing Digital History

The program for the 4th dhnord conference is now online. dhnord2017 is the fourth edition of the annual Digital Humanities conference organized by the Maison européenne des sciences de l'homme et de la société (MESHS). This year's edition is co-organized with the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH). The theme is: "(De)constructing Digital History". The conference will take place in November 27-29, 2017 in Lille, France. 

21 September 2017

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Berlin Alexanderplatz. Die performative Inszenierung großstädtischer Klangkulissen in Roman, Film und Radio

Digital orphan l’Histoire de Luxembourg

18 September 2017

written by :
Stefania Scagliola

The retrieval of the digital orphan "L’Histoire de Luxembourg"

This is a story about how a lesson on Digital Source Criticism for bachelor students of history who had to sort out how Youtube works, led to the retrieval of a series of animations on the History of Luxembourg. Thanks to the company Kiwi Media, the ‘digital orphans’ have found a new stage on Youtube.
Digital approaches towards serial publications (18th–20th centuries)

15 September 2017

written by :
Eva Andersen

Digital approaches towards serial publications (18th–20th centuries)

In this post, I want to reflect on some of the presentations I was attending during the workshop organised by the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities.
FCSH Digital Humanities Summer School: Research Methods & Problem-Solving

14 September 2017

written by :
Eva Andersen, Jakub Bronec

FCSH Digital Humanities Summer School: Research Methods & Problem-Solving

The aim of this summer school, organized by the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, was to provide answers to specific needs and challenges emerging from projects conducted by researchers working in the field of history, archeology and literature. The basic idea of the organizers was to render a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment with the motto “Tailored to what you need”.
Hands on History logo

14 September 2017

PixStori and the challenges in the field of digital and public history

Lecture by Prof. Michael Frisch, Talking Pictures LLC, New York

5 September 2017

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Opening remarks: From Tablet to Tablet – workshop Jewish Studies & Digital Humanities, Hamburg, 4-6 September 2017


30 August 2017

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Jewish Volunteers in the International Brigades: What Drove Them?

Video games as a real object of study: Some lessons from the Gamescom Congress 2017

29 August 2017

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

Video games as a real object of study: Some lessons from the Gamescom Congress 2017

Can video games be a serious research topic or are they only entertainment products? At the Gamescom Congress in Cologne, a series of talks and panel discussions were dedicated to video games from many different perspectives. In this blogpost, I will discuss some of them illustrating that video games can and should be taken seriously.
DH2017 Montreal

21 August 2017

written by :
Florentina Armaselu

Impressions from DH2017 - Different Facets of Access in Digital Humanities

The annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) took place on 8-11 August 2017 in Montréal (Canada) on the campus of McGill University, and was co-organised by McGill University and the Université de Montréal. This blog entry will draw a few impressions from the attended presentations.

10 August 2017

written by :
Florentina Armaselu

From Usability Testing and Text Analysis to User Response Criticism

Two case studies in interface and game design are presented by applying textual analysis to user-response.
Sephardi Voices – Jews from North Africa, the Middle East and Iran

7 August 2017

written by :
Jakub Bronec

Sephardi Voices – Jews from North Africa, the Middle East and Iran

The exhibit features interview highlights, various Sephardi artefacts, and gallery text providing historical context and an overview of the project. The exhibit will run from June 8th until September 7th, 2017.
Linked Open Data Cloud

12 July 2017

written by :
Sytze Van Herck

DHOxSS 2017 - Linked Open Data

Last week I attended the Oxford Digital Humanities Summer School and took part in the Linked Open Data workshop. The Summer School started out with TEI courses in 1997, but has now grown to include eight workshop strands for over 250 participants.
Search engine on tablet

12 July 2017

written by :
Sytze Van Herck

The 'neutrality' of search engines

Nearly everyone uses search engines such as Google on a regular basis, and that is no different for researchers at our institution. Powerful as this tool can be, we should be mindful of what lies hidden behind the search bar and what information we receive through these search portals. Search engines are not impartial, nor do they search the entire web. Perhaps we need to think of other places to look for information that are less commercially oriented and supports Open Access.
DHBenelux 2017 - Infrastructures everywhere

10 July 2017

written by :
Max Kemman

DHBenelux 2017 - Infrastructures everywhere

Last week I was at the fourth DHBenelux conference held in Utrecht, the Netherlands. With over 200 participants attending two days of almost a 100 presentations, demos, and posters, this conference has become an interesting snapshot of the state of digital humanities in the Benelux.
The “The Quest for Questions in Digital History” at DH Benelux 2017

7 July 2017

written by :
Florentina Armaselu, Elena Danescu

The “The Quest for Questions in Digital History” at DH Benelux 2017

The fourth DHBenelux Conference was hosted by Utrecht University (the Netherlands) from 3 to 5 July 2017. Dr Florentina Armaselu presented a paper co-authored with Dr Elena Danescu, entitled "The Quest for Questions in Digital History: A Comparative View on Werner- and Delors Report on Economic and Monetary Union".

5 July 2017

written by :
Florentina Armaselu, Elena Danescu

The Quest for Questions in Digital History: A Comparative View on Werner- and Delors Report on Economic and Monetary Union

The study proposes the use of comparative textual analysis to formulate research questions on the Economic and Monetary Union.

30 June 2017

written by :
Tim van der Heijden

Historicizing the Home Movie Dispositif: Reflections from the Longue Durée
