Funding from multiple sources

Financial statement

The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) is the University of Luxembourg’s third interdisciplinary centre. It receives government funding via the University of Luxembourg.

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Third-party funding also plays an important part in the Centre’s continued development, representing a quarter of resources expended by the Centre in 2019:

In 2019, the Centre invested in the acquisition of new digitisation equipment, which will enable it to pursue its mission effectively.

C²DH Expenses

Salary costs 6,007,379.04
Sub-contracting 9,636.79
Investments 201,427.52
Travel 320,602.46
Operating expenses 736,037.10
Total 7,275,082.91

C²DH Consumed Incomes

University of Luxembourg (UL) 5,423,836.09
Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) 1,106,942.25
Partners 744,304.57
Other 0.00
Total 7,275,082.91

see also

Corporate governance

An evolving organisational model
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