REPAIR - a project presentation

14 Octobre 2020

REPAIR - a project presentation

Research seminar with Stefan Krebs, Rebecca Mossop, Thomas Hoppenheit
Remixing History in a Mobile App

14 Octobre 2020

Remixing History in a Mobile App

Research seminar with Nicole Basaraba
WARLUX - a project presentation

14 Octobre 2020

WARLUX - a project presentation

Research seminar with Nina Janz, Michel R. Pauly, Sarah Maya Vercruysse.
Digital history of virtual museums

5 Novembre 2019

Digital history of virtual museums

Research seminar with Nadezhda Povroznik.
Grasping the anti-modern: how to identify anti-modern discourses on Europe in a digitized newspaper collection (using a naïve bayes classifier and topic modelling)

19 Septembre 2019

Grasping the anti-modern: how to identify anti-modern discourses on Europe in a digitized newspaper collection (using a naïve bayes classifier and topic modelling)

Research seminar with Estelle Bunout
Digital History: a balance about the Brazilian Perspective

13 Août 2019

Digital History: a balance about the Brazilian Perspective

Research seminar with Dilton Maynard.
The Rise and Fall of ‘Technocelebrities'. Architects and Mass Media 1920s-1960s

21 Février 2019

The Rise and Fall of ‘Technocelebrities'. Architects and Mass Media 1920s-1960s

Research seminar with Martin Kohlrausch
Oral History Digital Indexing (OHDI): methods, approaches, and general theories

31 Janvier 2019

Oral History Digital Indexing (OHDI): methods, approaches, and general theories

Research seminar with Douglas Lambert
Contemporary history with the help of contemporary text mining

31 Janvier 2019

Contemporary history with the help of contemporary text mining

Research seminar with Maria Biryukov
How to write regional history in a transnational perspective? The book series “Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens”

31 Janvier 2019

How to write regional history in a transnational perspective? The book series “Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens”

Research seminar with Christoph Brüll and Andreas Fickers
Digital Histor(iograph)y and Scale (DhScale)

9 Janvier 2019

Digital Histor(iograph)y and Scale (DhScale)

Research seminar with Florentina Armaselu, research scientist at C²DH
German soldiers graves of the Second World War: Walking the line between hero glorification and reconciliation

5 Juillet 2018

German soldiers graves of the Second World War: Walking the line between hero glorification and reconciliation

Research seminar with Nina Janz, research associate at C²DH
Constructing a virtual laboratory for simulating patterns of settlement and migration: integrating Agent-based models and history

5 Juillet 2018

Constructing a virtual laboratory for simulating patterns of settlement and migration: integrating Agent-based models and history

Research seminar with Kaarel Sikk, PhD student at C²DH.
Walking the Line between Supervision and Promotion? Financial Regulation in Luxembourg, 1940s-1980s

5 Juillet 2018

Walking the Line between Supervision and Promotion? Financial Regulation in Luxembourg, 1940s-1980s

Research seminar with Benjamin Zenner, PhD student at C²DH
#Memorecord: A memory Harvest! Learnings on crowdsourcing Digital Public History

14 Février 2018

#Memorecord: A memory Harvest! Learnings on crowdsourcing Digital Public History

Research seminar with Anita Lucchesi, C²DH PhD Student
Industriekultur im Bild. Visuelle Vermittlungsstrategien gesellschaftlichen Wandels in Luxemburg (ca. 1890-1940)

14 Février 2018

Industriekultur im Bild. Visuelle Vermittlungsstrategien gesellschaftlichen Wandels in Luxemburg (ca. 1890-1940)

Research seminar with Ira Plein, C²DH PhD Student
Russian emigration in Luxembourg in the 20th century

14 Février 2018

Russian emigration in Luxembourg in the 20th century

Research seminar with Inna Ganschow, C²DH Visiting Researcher
German Nuclear Restraint in the Cold War and Today

14 Février 2018

German Nuclear Restraint in the Cold War and Today

Research seminar with Benedikt Schoenborn, C²DH Visiting Researcher
Digital bricolage: how to deal with 4 million tweets when you are not a data scientist

14 Février 2018

Digital bricolage: how to deal with 4 million tweets when you are not a data scientist

Research seminar with Frédéric Clavert, C²DH Senior Research Scientist
