Russians in Luxembourg: Russische Immigration nach Luxemburg 1918-1935: Einwanderer aus einem nicht-existierenden Land

Russians in Luxembourg: Russische Immigration nach Luxemburg 1918-1935: Einwanderer aus einem nicht-existierenden Land

Die Einwanderer_innen aus dem früheren Russischen Reich trugen zur Arbeiterlandschaft im Süden, Norden und Osten Luxemburgs nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg bei. Nimmt man diese „Russen“ genauer unter die Lupe, zeigen sich mindestens drei neue Gruppen, die die bereits vor 1914 bestehende russische Gemeinde vergrößerten. Die ersten sind die ehemaligen Kriegsgefangenen aus den Lagern in Frankreich, Belgien und Deutschland. Ein Teil ist vor Kriegsende als Flüchtlinge im Lande, die anderen kommen nach dem Waffenstillstand im November 1918.

18 Octobre 2019

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Roundtable on uses of Web archives and concluding remarks

Roundtable on uses of Web archives and concluding remarks

Descriptif de la journée Le vendredi 18 octobre 2019, les Archives de l’État et la Bibliothèque royale (KBR) vous emmèneront dans l’univers complexe de l’archivage du web, lors d’un colloque sous le thème « Saving the web : the promise of a Belgian web archive ».

18 Octobre 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The ambiguity of Germanness among borderland youth: A preliminary comparison.

The ambiguity of Germanness among borderland youth: A preliminary comparison.

18 Octobre 2019

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Oral History Choices in the Digital Age: An International Perspective

Oral History Choices in the Digital Age: An International Perspective

Indexing oral histories digitally at the timecode level is a practice increasingly adopted for collections, often with the goal of creating online access to recordings. A particular attraction to using an index is that it can be generated in less time than a transcript, especially when both must be done manually. Indexing provides convenient access to original recordings and can be a platform for decision-making about a collection over time, for researchers or collection stewards.

17 Octobre 2019

Douglas Lambert
  • Digital history & historiography
Regards belges sur le Luxembourg 1919-1921

Regards belges sur le Luxembourg 1919-1921

17 Octobre 2019

Christoph Brüll
Regards allemands sur le Luxembourg

Regards allemands sur le Luxembourg

17 Octobre 2019

Christoph Brüll
Lecture by Jane Winters: Reflections on the past, present and future of digital archives. Recording and interview.

Lecture by Jane Winters: Reflections on the past, present and future of digital archives. Recording and interview.

Lecture by Prof. Dr Jane Winters, School of Advanced Study, University of London, and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.

15 Octobre 2019

Noëlle Schon
  • Digital history & historiography
Inside the Trading Zone: Doing Digital Hermeneutics in an Interdisciplinary Setting

Inside the Trading Zone: Doing Digital Hermeneutics in an Interdisciplinary Setting

Our contribution examines the conference theme of digital hermeneutics from the perspective of the Doctoral Training Unit (DTU) in ‘Digital History and Hermeneutics’, a four-year interdisciplinary research and training program hosted by the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) at the University of Luxembourg.

11 Octobre 2019

Tim van der Heijden, Juliane Tatarinov
  • Digital history & historiography
L'Histoire avec sa grande Hache et la Plume

L'Histoire avec sa grande Hache et la Plume

A chronicle by historian Denis Scuto on the new novel of Jean Portante about the migrations of twins, Lorenzo and Antonio Tramagni from San Demetrio (Abruzze, Italy), the one to New York and West Virginia, the other to Hussigny (Lorraine, France) and Differdange (Luxembourg), their fates and those of their descendants, closely linked to the tragedies of 20th century.

5 Octobre 2019

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Archives du Web, "la cathédrale et le bazar"

Archives du Web, "la cathédrale et le bazar"

Le groupe de travail Ethique & Droit a organisé, avec le soutien de l’URFIST Méditerranée, une journée d’étude intitulée « Diffuser les données numériques en SHS : le droit et l’éthique comme alliés ».

3 Octobre 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering at C²DH digital history Lab

Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering at C²DH digital history Lab

3 Octobre 2019

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Virtual exhibition ' BGL: L’histoire d’un siècle'

Virtual exhibition ' BGL: L’histoire d’un siècle'

The virtual exhibition was developed by the C²DH to mark the BGL BNP Paribas’ centenary year. The retrospective covers the history of the bank from 1919 to today.

1 Octobre 2019

Benoît Majerus
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Virtual exhibition
Video Content Analysis

Video Content Analysis

The course will introduce to the new methods of VHA (Video History Analysis) applied on the Jewish society in Luxembourg. Students will learn how to use the new methods of using archival sources in digital era. During the individual sessions, participants will use the intuitive video editing software on the online IWitness platform, which allow to edit and create their own video recordings. The course also provides an overview of using and editing historical photos, maps and personal documents as archival source.

1 Octobre 2019

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Challenges in completing EMU: asymmetric competition vs fiscal harmonisation. A case study of the Benelux countries

Challenges in completing EMU: asymmetric competition vs fiscal harmonisation. A case study of the Benelux countries

This paper aims to investigate the concept, context and socio-economic consequences of fiscal competition in the integrated economic space of EMU in completion, to pinpoint the positive and negative factors at work via a case study of the Benelux countries – both founder members of the EU and pioneers of EMU – and to examine the impact on European and international regulations in the field. In particular, it will endeavour to provide a comprehensive interpretation of fiscal policy in the Benelux countries via a comparative approach and from a historical perspective.

1 Octobre 2019

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
BGL: L’histoire d’un siècle

BGL: L’histoire d’un siècle

L’exposition retrace l’histoire de BGL BNP Paribas depuis ses débuts en 1919 jusqu’à nos jours, ainsi que son rôle et sa participation dans l’économie et le développement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

29 Septembre 2019

Cécile Duval, Marco Gabellini, Benoît Majerus, Victoria Mouton, Elena Danescu, Daniele Guido, Florian Vetter
Interview: Research on the Russian Migration at the University of Luxembourg

Interview: Research on the Russian Migration at the University of Luxembourg

28 Septembre 2019

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Alfred Oppenheimer Testimony and Luxemburg's Master Narrative

The Alfred Oppenheimer Testimony and Luxemburg's Master Narrative

“Nature, thank God, is far more merciful than people”. This memorable statement is taken from Alfred Oppenheimer’s testimony during the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, in which he describes his ordeals during the war.

26 Septembre 2019

Elisabeth Wingerter
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Luxembourg’s judicial elite on the path to independence from foreign and national political influence (1795 to 1848)

Luxembourg’s judicial elite on the path to independence from foreign and national political influence (1795 to 1848)

24 Septembre 2019

Vera Fritz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Lecture David Bodenhamer: The Spatial Humanities, Deep Mapping, and the Future of History. Recording and interview.

Lecture David Bodenhamer: The Spatial Humanities, Deep Mapping, and the Future of History. Recording and interview.

Lecture by Prof. Dr David Bodenhamer, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.

18 Septembre 2019

Noëlle Schon
  • Digital history & historiography
Interview with Prof. Dr Jane Winters (School of Advanced Study, University of London)

Interview with Prof. Dr Jane Winters (School of Advanced Study, University of London)

In this interview, Professor Jane Winters gives an overview of her career, starting as a medieval historian to becoming a professor in digital history. She talks about her main work with born digital archives and reflects on how web archive changes historical research. ‘History from below’ with a big interest in genealogy and local history being very popular in the UK, she describes the character of digital history in her country and the response of both amateur and professional historians to digitisation.

18 Septembre 2019

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
