Recensie van: Michel De Beule et al, "Bruxelles, histoire de planifier: urbanisme aux 19e et 20e siècles"

Recensie van: Michel De Beule et al, "Bruxelles, histoire de planifier: urbanisme aux 19e et 20e siècles"

1 Janvier 2018

Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
„Widerspruchsvolles Durch- und Gegeneinander“ Mediengeschichte in ländlichen Zwischenräumen – das Beispiel Eupen-Malmedy (1920–1940)

„Widerspruchsvolles Durch- und Gegeneinander“ Mediengeschichte in ländlichen Zwischenräumen – das Beispiel Eupen-Malmedy (1920–1940)

1 Janvier 2018

Vitus Sproten
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Presentation of work in social network analysis

Presentation of work in social network analysis

1 Janvier 2018

Marten Düring
  • Digital history & historiography
Socio-spatial visualisations of cultural routes: Exploring collective memory on Instagram

Socio-spatial visualisations of cultural routes: Exploring collective memory on Instagram

Cultural routes, defined as routes of historical importance that geographically represent the shared and living cultural heritage of different countries, have recently gained attention both as tourist destinations and as social repositories of collective local memories. In this paper we argue that the recent development of digital humanities can open interesting new perspectives for the empirical exploration of these routes as cultural objects.

1 Janvier 2018

Daniele Guido
  • Digital history & historiography
Kino, Radio und Zeitung als Taktgeber. Information, Unterhaltung und Propaganda im Zeitalter der Massenmedien

Kino, Radio und Zeitung als Taktgeber. Information, Unterhaltung und Propaganda im Zeitalter der Massenmedien

1 Janvier 2018

Andreas Fickers, Vitus Sproten
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
“Una epidemia global”: La campana por la abolición de la tortura de Amnistía Internacional (1972-1984)

“Una epidemia global”: La campana por la abolición de la tortura de Amnistía Internacional (1972-1984)

The Campaign for the Abolition of Torture launched by Amnesty International in 1972 represents a key moment to understand the rise of human rights activism in the 1970s. This campaign not only contributed to promote Amnesty International as a popular and influential non-governmental organisation, but also set the modus operandi of this sort of activism: on-field missions, reports, emotional campaigns and lobbying on governments and international organisations.

1 Janvier 2018

Victor Fernandez Soriano
Review: Marc Birchen (2015). Die Firmenbeteiligungen der ARBED im Osteuropa der Nachkriegszeit: Luxemburger Wirtschaftsdiplomatie im Kalten Krieg. Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang

Review: Marc Birchen (2015). Die Firmenbeteiligungen der ARBED im Osteuropa der Nachkriegszeit: Luxemburger Wirtschaftsdiplomatie im Kalten Krieg. Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang

1 Janvier 2018

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Bypassing (a lack of) archives: a prosopography approach of the history of the European Court of Justice, 1950s-1970s

Bypassing (a lack of) archives: a prosopography approach of the history of the European Court of Justice, 1950s-1970s

Ever since its landmark decisions Van Gend en Loos and Costa v. ENEL, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has played a key role in the so-called ‘constitutionalization’ of the European legal order. The fact that its jurisprudence has given EU law a proto-federal framework has been demonstrated, analyzed and commented in countless publications by legal scholars and social scientists, who have tried to grasp how the ECJ could consistently pursue its active prointegration path without provoking a rebellion by the Member States.

1 Janvier 2018

Vera Fritz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Review: Karl Pichol (2016). Geschichte(n) rund ums Papier. Ahlen: Eigenverlag

Review: Karl Pichol (2016). Geschichte(n) rund ums Papier. Ahlen: Eigenverlag

1 Janvier 2018

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
German Automobilists as Repair Experts: Community, Identity and Appropriation of Technology

German Automobilists as Repair Experts: Community, Identity and Appropriation of Technology

1 Janvier 2018

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Creative Luxembourg? From implicit debates on cultural industries to an explicit policy on creative industries in Luxembourg

Creative Luxembourg? From implicit debates on cultural industries to an explicit policy on creative industries in Luxembourg

1 Janvier 2018

Fabio Spirinelli
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Un novembre rouge à Bruxelles?

Un novembre rouge à Bruxelles?

1 Janvier 2018

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Association for Borderlands Studies 2nd World Conference. Border-Making and its Consequences: Interpreting Evidence from the 'post-Colonial' and 'post-Imperial' 20th Century

Association for Borderlands Studies 2nd World Conference. Border-Making and its Consequences: Interpreting Evidence from the 'post-Colonial' and 'post-Imperial' 20th Century

1 Janvier 2018

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Netzwerkvisualisierungen in den Geschichtswissenschaften zwischen explorativer Quellenanalyse und der Suggestionskraft des Bildes

Netzwerkvisualisierungen in den Geschichtswissenschaften zwischen explorativer Quellenanalyse und der Suggestionskraft des Bildes

1 Janvier 2018

Marten Düring
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Le numérique, un enjeu de communication

Le numérique, un enjeu de communication

Ce court article propose un bref parcours au fil des numéros d'Hermès pour saisir la manière dont la revue s'est emparée de la thématique numérique, et ce à l'occasion des 30 ans de la revue et de ce dossier anniversaire.

1 Janvier 2018

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Doing Experimental Media Archaeology. Epistemological and Methodological Reflections on Experiments with Historical Objects of Media Technologies

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology. Epistemological and Methodological Reflections on Experiments with Historical Objects of Media Technologies

The aim of this chapter is to outline experimental media archaeology as an alternative method to a sense and object-oriented technology and media historiography. The epistemological potential of an object and sense-oriented experimental access to the fijield of the history of media and technology will be discussed here on the basis of experiences in the history of science and historically informed music performances. The heart of the chapter is formed by a discussion of a series of media archaeological

1 Janvier 2018

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
A Degenerate Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Community Detection

A Degenerate Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Community Detection

Community detection consists of grouping related vertices that usually show high intra-cluster connectivity and low inter-cluster connectivity. This is an important feature that many networks exhibit and detecting such communities can be challenging, especially when they are densely connected. The method we propose is a degenerate agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm (DAHCA) that aims at finding a community structure in networks. We tested this method using common classes of graph benchmarks and compared it to some state-of-the-art community detection algorithms.

1 Janvier 2018

Antonio Fiscarelli
  • Digital history & historiography
A Tale of Two Referenda:  The Greek Plebiscite of 1946 and the Referendum of July 2015

A Tale of Two Referenda: The Greek Plebiscite of 1946 and the Referendum of July 2015

In September 1946, after years of Civil War, Greeks were heading to the polls in order to decide the future of their country. The subject upon which they would be voting on however was not for the parliament and Prime Minister. Rather, the question upon which they were voting was intended to link the continuation of democracy in Greece with the monarchy in place. The question was not phrased this way. The question was if the Greeks wanted a monarchy or not; far too simple a question for its answer to be able to settle the deeply felt long-standing divisions in Greek society.

1 Janvier 2018

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Bibliographie - La folie à Paris

Bibliographie - La folie à Paris

1 Janvier 2018

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Review: Paul Théberge, Kyle Devine & Tom Everrett (Hg.) (2015). Living Stereo: Histories and Cultures of Multichannel Sound. New York/London: Bloomsbury

Review: Paul Théberge, Kyle Devine & Tom Everrett (Hg.) (2015). Living Stereo: Histories and Cultures of Multichannel Sound. New York/London: Bloomsbury

1 Janvier 2018

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
