Luxembourg 1867: Gaming Communities, Co-Production, and Engagement with the Imagined Past

Luxembourg 1867: Gaming Communities, Co-Production, and Engagement with the Imagined Past

17 Octobre 2024

Sandra Camarda
  • Public history
Rezension zu: Mathias Häußler / Mechthild Roos (Hgg.): Europäische Einigung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

Rezension zu: Mathias Häußler / Mechthild Roos (Hgg.): Europäische Einigung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

15 Octobre 2024

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Framing Histories of Digital History

Framing Histories of Digital History

This talk was part of a special panel entitled "Histories of Digital History: An Integral Part of the History of the Humanities?". See the abstract below: This panel seeks to engage the manifold histories of digital history set within the broader context of how new technologies have shaped historical research practices and knowledge production since at least the late 19th century. It aims to frame this investigation as an integral part of the history of the humanities and historiography, as well as the history of knowledge more generally.

11 Octobre 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Raus mit den ausländischen Predigern? Die Beziehungen zwischen der neuapostolischen Kirche und dem Luxemburger Staat (1935-1947)

Raus mit den ausländischen Predigern? Die Beziehungen zwischen der neuapostolischen Kirche und dem Luxemburger Staat (1935-1947)

6 Octobre 2024

Philippe Blasen
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Raus mit den ausländischen Predigern? Die Beziehungen zwischen der neuapostolischen Kirche und dem Luxemburger Staat (1935-1947)

Raus mit den ausländischen Predigern? Die Beziehungen zwischen der neuapostolischen Kirche und dem Luxemburger Staat (1935-1947)

4 Octobre 2024

Philippe Blasen
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Historicising the Ostbelgien media dispositive

Historicising the Ostbelgien media dispositive

4 Octobre 2024

Christoph Brüll, Andreas Fickers
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Producing and Debating History: Historical Knowledge on Wikipedia

Producing and Debating History: Historical Knowledge on Wikipedia

2 Octobre 2024

Petros Apostolopoulos
  • Digital history & historiography
Patrimoine et Histoire du Code: panel

Patrimoine et Histoire du Code: panel

Ce panel souhaite explorer l’évolution du patrimoine et de l’histoire des codes, que ce soit sous l’influence de la préservation des codes source ou encore d’un renouvellement historiographique porté entre autres par les Critical Code Studies. Les initiatives de la fondation Software Heritage depuis 2016 de préservation mais aussi valorisation des codes comme patrimoine, de même que les travaux en cours dans le champ historique témoignent de ce renouveau qui fait suite aux travaux de Nathan Ensmenger, Martin Campbell-Kelly et bien d’autres.

2 Octobre 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
L'histoire au temps des algorithmes. Une réflexion prospective sur l'introduction de l'intelligence artificielle en histoire au 21 e siècle

L'histoire au temps des algorithmes. Une réflexion prospective sur l'introduction de l'intelligence artificielle en histoire au 21 e siècle

Cet article s’intéresse à l’impact de formes d’intelligence artificielle (IA) sur trois aspects de la pratique de l’histoire : découverte et lecture de sources primaires, interprétation puis écriture et diffusion de la recherche. Des corpus de sources sont collectés, rassemblés et traités avec des algorithmes liés à l’apprentissage machine (machine learning) ; la production de sources est modifiée par le développement des grands modèles de langage (LLM) donnant à voir des documents plausibles plutôt que véridiques ou authentiques, invitant à réfléchir au futur de la critique historienne.

1 Octobre 2024

Frédéric Clavert
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Assembling a Teaching Toolkit for Digital History: Omeka S, Tropy and ChatGPT in the Undergraduate Classroom

Assembling a Teaching Toolkit for Digital History: Omeka S, Tropy and ChatGPT in the Undergraduate Classroom

24 Septembre 2024

Eliane Schmid, Anita Lucchesi, Tugce Karatas
  • Digital history & historiography
Marketing the Transformation. Introducing the technological innovation of Color Television to Germany, France, and Luxembourg

Marketing the Transformation. Introducing the technological innovation of Color Television to Germany, France, and Luxembourg

1967 was a year that saw the public debut of a fundamental technological innovation in Germany and France: Starting from the 25th of August and the 1st of October respectively, emissions in color were regularly diffused on national television. From this point onwards, consumer could see a steadily increasing number of programs in color, advertisers were able to present products in televised commercials in a different way, and the consumer electronics industry was provided with a new business opportunity.

21 Septembre 2024

Matthias Höfer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The CD-ROM as a Digital Game-Changer

The CD-ROM as a Digital Game-Changer

The role of CD-ROMs has often been underestimated in the journey towards digitization and media convergence (Jenkins, 2006) by the current state of the art (Schafer, 2022), leading to limited exploration (although we may mention some analysis in game studies, like Therrien, 2019, as well as in the field of cultural heritage, i.e, Lavigne, 2005).

20 Septembre 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Envisioning the Future of the Past Together. Future Directions in the History of Technology

Envisioning the Future of the Past Together. Future Directions in the History of Technology

This presentation aimed to highlight new and future challenges in the history of technology (related to new "values", topics, missing narratives, digital and public history...)

19 Septembre 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Surviving Transformation. Technological progress in the (post)socialist steel industry in the GDR 1985-1995

Surviving Transformation. Technological progress in the (post)socialist steel industry in the GDR 1985-1995

The dissolution of the Eastern Bloc in 1989/91 led to a significant decline in East German steel production and the closure of many plants, mainly due to low productivity rates and technological deficits compared to new international competitors. However, the Maxhütte Unterwellenborn in Thuringia managed to endure this period, largely by adapting Western technology. First, a technologically advanced rolling mill was installed at the site by the Belgian Cockerill Sambre in 1985, followed by the acquisition and modernisation by Luxembourg’s ARBED group in 1992.

19 Septembre 2024

Nicolas Arendt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Keynote lecture: When Literacy Goes Digital: Rethinking the Ethics and Politics of Digitisation

Keynote lecture: When Literacy Goes Digital: Rethinking the Ethics and Politics of Digitisation

In recent years, the critical turn in digital humanities has sparked numerous discussions about digital literacy in the discipline of history. While critical work has focused on data, tools, and the skills that historians need in the current digital age, questions remain about the broader contours of digital literacy and the multiple meanings that could be attributed to it.

12 Septembre 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Public history and Web history: singular and collective experiences, uses and memories

Public history and Web history: singular and collective experiences, uses and memories

At the intersection of Digital History, History of the Digital, and Public History, this panel, organised and moderated by Valérie Schafer and consisting of four presentations, aims to explore the connections between public history and web history. It particularly delves into issues related to memories, legacies, as well as the intertwining of individual and collective experiences that shape the early days of the Web and contemporary practices.

5 Septembre 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Gendering European History through Oral History: Pioneering Women in Luxembourg International Relations

Gendering European History through Oral History: Pioneering Women in Luxembourg International Relations

After the Second World War, as Luxembourg abandoned its neutrality and engaged in international multilateralism and European integration, it adopted a new foreign policy that enabled women to embark on careers related to international relations, as Members of the European Parliament, of the Commission, or as technocrats and experts.

4 Septembre 2024

Elena Danescu, François Klein
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Crisis and Resilience in building an Integrated Europe: Soft Power Lessons from Luxembourg

Crisis and Resilience in building an Integrated Europe: Soft Power Lessons from Luxembourg

The history of European integration after the Second World War is characterized by a crisis-led policy-making process in which the small states and their leadership have played from the outset a critical role.

3 Septembre 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
From the Archives to the Citizens: Physicalizing Historical Data for Access and Public Engagement

From the Archives to the Citizens: Physicalizing Historical Data for Access and Public Engagement

Custom physical representations offer innovative ways to explore and understand historical data. This project used 1922 census data from Brill Street in Esch-sur-Alzette, applying a human-centred approach to visualize household and inhabitant variables, to create an interactive experience that connected today's residents of the street and town with the street's history.

3 Septembre 2024

Aida Horaniet Ibanez, Daniel Richter
  • Digital history & historiography
Navigating through Blue and Green Space – Marseille’s Conception of Parks and the Ocean in the Early 1970s

Navigating through Blue and Green Space – Marseille’s Conception of Parks and the Ocean in the Early 1970s

1 Septembre 2024

Eliane Schmid
  • Digital history & historiography
