Cloud Atlas et le futur du futur. Sur un possible destin de la société industrielle

Cloud Atlas et le futur du futur. Sur un possible destin de la société industrielle

Maxime Derian nous invite à mener une réflexion à propos d’un film qui, à son sens, a tout d’un futur classique. De même que Blade Runner qui fut un succès à retardement, pour Cloud Atlas, il pourrait en aller de même. Cette réalisation cinématographique pose une question inédite : celle du futur du futur.

1 Januar 2014

Maxime Derian
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Der Heldengedenktag in der Wehrmacht

Der Heldengedenktag in der Wehrmacht

This study attempts to clarify how Heroes' Memorial Day was adapted against the background of the National Socialist concept, what means the Wehrmacht used, how the celebrations were held, what symbols and what rituals were used. Particular attention is paid to the celebrations among the troops in peace and in war.

28 Dezember 2013

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Veins filled with the dilluted sap of rationality. A critical reply to Rens Bod

Veins filled with the dilluted sap of rationality. A critical reply to Rens Bod

This article argues – in contradiction to the thesis developed by Rens Bod – that

1 Dezember 2013

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Economists vs Monetarists – the main controversy in shaping EMU through the Werner Report

Economists vs Monetarists – the main controversy in shaping EMU through the Werner Report

1 Dezember 2013

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Where West Meets East: International Tourism and Consumerism in Socialist Romania of the 1960-1980s

Where West Meets East: International Tourism and Consumerism in Socialist Romania of the 1960-1980s

22 November 2013

Adelina Stefan
A New European Currency for a new Europe: the Christian Democratic Ideology and the Werner Committee

A New European Currency for a new Europe: the Christian Democratic Ideology and the Werner Committee

1 November 2013

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Humanities in a Digital Age: Using Digital Tools for Research and Teaching

Humanities in a Digital Age: Using Digital Tools for Research and Teaching

25 Oktober 2013

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Panel comment - The Construction and Circulation of Medical Knowledge in France and its Colonies, 1500-1900

Panel comment - The Construction and Circulation of Medical Knowledge in France and its Colonies, 1500-1900

25 Oktober 2013

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Passengers' Railway Identity in Socialist Romania during the 1950s and 1960s

Passengers' Railway Identity in Socialist Romania during the 1950s and 1960s

4 Oktober 2013

Adelina Stefan
Creative Social Engineering? Reform Initiatives in Vocational Education and Professional Orientation (ca. 1880-1930)

Creative Social Engineering? Reform Initiatives in Vocational Education and Professional Orientation (ca. 1880-1930)

Despite obvious connections between the industrial sector and that of technical-vocational schooling and training (cf. Blankertz, 1969) the historical importance of industry-related entrepreneurship for education in the whole of Europe remains underappreciated. In social-cultural and educational historiography alike States and/or Churches, rather than the industry and associated networks, tend to be connected to attempts at societal reform (see, e.g. de Swaan, 1988).

11 September 2013

Frederik Herman
Orphan Works Best Practices Focus Group

Orphan Works Best Practices Focus Group

1 September 2013

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Forging Harmony in The Social Organism: Industry and the Power of Psychometric Techniques

Forging Harmony in The Social Organism: Industry and the Power of Psychometric Techniques

This paper analyses the initiating role of industry in educational selection by means of psychometric techniques used, for example, in psycho-physiological laboratories such as the one

22 August 2013

Frederik Herman
Eine Heimat in der neuen Welt

Eine Heimat in der neuen Welt

Über amerikanische Luxemburger in Aurora, Illinois, die seit 1850 außer den Familiennamen auch eine innere Verbindung mit der Heimat der Grossväter bewahrt haben, die sie nach Luxemburg ruft.

17 August 2013

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
GERMANS IN RUSSIA: Russische Stadt, deutsche Wurzeln

GERMANS IN RUSSIA: Russische Stadt, deutsche Wurzeln

In der russischen Stadt mit dem deutschen Namen Orenburg im Ural-Gebiet leben seit über 250 Jahren Deutsche. Wie sie bis heute ihre Identität, Sprache und Kultur bewahrt haben, wird im Artikel von der aus dieser Gegend stammenden Autorin erörtert.

21 Juli 2013

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
ORBilu & Copyright in an Open Access World

ORBilu & Copyright in an Open Access World

An overview on the options offered in ORBilu to deal with copyrights and Open Access.

1 Juli 2013

Beth Park
Du rapport Werner au rapport Delors

Du rapport Werner au rapport Delors

Economic and Monetary Union is currently at a crossroads, and the crisis it is facing will have major consequences both for the future of European integration and for Europe’s role in the world. In a bid to shed new light on the development of Europe’s model of economic and monetary integration, the CVCE is using its research project on the achievements of Pierre Werner to explore the origins and development of the euro as prefigured in the Werner Report and to analyse the Werner Report in the context of the current challenges facing Economic and Monetary Union.

20 Juni 2013

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Why RRCHNM? (Pourquoi le RRCHNM ?)

Why RRCHNM? (Pourquoi le RRCHNM ?)

13 Juni 2013

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Material Contexts and Creation of Meaning in Virtual Places: Web 2.0 as a Space of Educational Research

Material Contexts and Creation of Meaning in Virtual Places: Web 2.0 as a Space of Educational Research

1 Juni 2013

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Access to Electoral Rights: Luxembourg

Access to Electoral Rights: Luxembourg

1 Juni 2013

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
ORBilu - Adding and Modifying References

ORBilu - Adding and Modifying References

An overview of adding, importing and modifying references.

30 Mai 2013

Beth Park
