Women, Gender and Computing

Women, Gender and Computing

The book "Women, Gender and Computing (from the 1940s to today)" analyses how the role of women in computing has evolved in the US and Europe. It studies how this field became more and more a masculine domain. This anthology is structured in three parts. The first one focused on (In)Visibility through time, highlighting women's important role in the early years of computing. It enlightens the evolution of their role, first as human computers or punch cards operators, until the strong professionalization of the sector, and showcases their invisibility through time.

1 April 2023

Valérie Schafer, Matthias Höfer, Carmen Noguera
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Visual Narratives of the Great War in Luxembourg: One Hundred Years of History Manuals

Visual Narratives of the Great War in Luxembourg: One Hundred Years of History Manuals

1 April 2023

Sandra Camarda, Denis Scuto
  • Public history
Organiser: LURN5, Luxembourg Ukrainian Researcher Network

Organiser: LURN5, Luxembourg Ukrainian Researcher Network

The fifth meeting of LURN took place on 24 March 2023 in the Open Space of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History. In the focus were introductions to the practical digital tools of researchers Slack and Zotero, a presentation of the ALUMNI network of UL (Andy Adams) and discussions about the future of LURN.

28 March 2023

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The challenges of working with statistics for media products in a transnational context

The challenges of working with statistics for media products in a transnational context

28 March 2023

Matthias Höfer
European Idea and Democracy in forging Civil Society Participation Insight and Oversight

European Idea and Democracy in forging Civil Society Participation Insight and Oversight

This session dedicate to international students from various backgrounds participating in this Erasmus Plus project aimed at presenting the origins of the European ideas and principles from a political and institutional perspective, with a particular focus on their completion, implementation and signification in the European integration process, after the Second World War.In terms of methodology, the use of primary sources, including original oral history sources, and digital methods and tools for analysis and visualisation will particularly contribute to understanding the phenomena analys

28 March 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Discussant: Frontières et sociétés frontalières au sein de l’espace franco-luxembourgeois du XVe siècle à nos jours

Discussant: Frontières et sociétés frontalières au sein de l’espace franco-luxembourgeois du XVe siècle à nos jours

24 March 2023

Machteld Venken, Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Panel Organiser: Construire les frontières par le bas

Panel Organiser: Construire les frontières par le bas

24 March 2023

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
From The Historical Archive To The Citizens: Visualizing Census Data From Brill Street in 1922

From The Historical Archive To The Citizens: Visualizing Census Data From Brill Street in 1922

21 March 2023

Aida Horaniet Ibanez, Daniel Richter, Joella van Donkersgoed
  • Digital history & historiography
Stocker par, dans et pour les médias

Stocker par, dans et pour les médias

Avant de constituer une ‘archive’ ou ‘collection’ se déroule une pratique en apparence banale : celle du stockage. C'est à la fois une pratique triviale et technique, qui relève d’usages individuels (stockage de musique, de photos personnelles, de données…) mais aussi collectifs (stockage par les médias eux-mêmes, les institutions patrimoniales…).

20 March 2023

Valérie Schafer
Un débat parlementaire sur une politique "inhumaine" (Les Italiens dans le Luxembourg des migrations, 6e partie)

Un débat parlementaire sur une politique "inhumaine" (Les Italiens dans le Luxembourg des migrations, 6e partie)

18 March 2023

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Ostarbeiters in Luxembourg during WWII

Ostarbeiters in Luxembourg during WWII

The talk was held as a part of the public outreach of the ZWANG project which considers the fate of the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian forced labourers called Ostarbeiters and the Soviet prisoners of war

15 March 2023

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
How to Break Away from a ‘Science of the Enemy’

How to Break Away from a ‘Science of the Enemy’

The discussion on the relationship with Eastern Europe constitutes a recurrent feature of German and Polish political cultures and has materialised in institutions, producing a public discourse on the issue. This expertise emerged in the context of the foundation of the modern German and Polish states and evolved against the backdrop of unstable relations of Germany and Poland with Eastern Europe between the First World War and the new Ostpolitik of Willy Brandt.

15 March 2023

Estelle Bunout
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Presenter: COLUX, researching Luxembourg’s colonial entanglements

Presenter: COLUX, researching Luxembourg’s colonial entanglements

15 March 2023

Kevin Goergen, Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Continuer à faire réseau : le regard d’une chercheuse sur le projet Respadon (conclusion de la journée).

Continuer à faire réseau : le regard d’une chercheuse sur le projet Respadon (conclusion de la journée).

L’équipe de ResPaDon organise une journée d’échange autour des résultats et des perspectives de ce projet débuté en mars 2021. Des conditions d’accès aux collectes collaboratives, des enjeux juridiques à la coopération entre acteurs nationaux et établissements de proximité, le Réseau de Partenaires pour l’exploration et l’analyse de données numériques (ResPaDon) propose de partager les résultats de sa démarche pour développer les usages scientifiques de la collection des archives du dépôt légal du web.

13 March 2023

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Public history and transmedia storytelling for conflicting narratives

Public history and transmedia storytelling for conflicting narratives

9 March 2023

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
For a New International Public History

For a New International Public History

Proposed in the United States of America in the 1970s, the term “public history” is now used in various parts of the world. The internationalization of the field of public history raises various questions about its definition, its practices, and its theories. Based on sometimes long-established practices, public history reflects new approaches to audiences, collaboration and authority in history production. The article distinguishes and analyses the different phases of internationalization in the 1970s, 1990s, and 2010s and argues for a new international public history.

8 March 2023

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
History education in the digital age: a critical perspective

History education in the digital age: a critical perspective

7 March 2023

Frédéric Clavert
Les Italiens dans le Luxembourg des migrations (5e partie)

Les Italiens dans le Luxembourg des migrations (5e partie)

4 March 2023

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Des activités d’orpaillage dans le massif de Stavelot au haut Moyen Âge ?

Des activités d’orpaillage dans le massif de Stavelot au haut Moyen Âge ?

La région comprise entre les villes de Waimes, Malmedy, Trois-Pont, Lierneux et Saint-Vith est connue pour abriter de nombreux tertres d’orpaillage. Ces structures ont été identifiés comme telles à la fin du XIXe siècle donnant lieu à une petite ruée vers l’or locale. Troisautres zones de l’Ardenne belge présentent également des traces d’activités aurifères (près des massifs de Serpont, de Rocroi et de Givogne). Aucune fouille systématique n’y a jamais été pratiquée même si plusieurs recensements ont été dressés par des auteurs provenant d’horizons variés.

1 March 2023

Muriel van Ruymbeke
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Keynote: A Gender Perspective on the Self-Mobilisation of Migrants, Their History and Memory

Keynote: A Gender Perspective on the Self-Mobilisation of Migrants, Their History and Memory

1 March 2023

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
